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Last post: June 5, 2024 at 12:07 AM
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How are 100T prepared after having less than a day in between matches? Confusion

posted about a year ago

You mean the DRX coaches who pioneered like half of valorant meta in utility combos and how to play maps? delusional

posted about a year ago

lmfao im coming back 3 minutes later and I dont even know why I was this mad oops

posted about a year ago

What does this forum achieve for you? I hope you make some friends irl so that you stop looking for attention on vlr

posted about a year ago

I think it honestly depends on how good DRX's Pearl is because I think it will be the decider.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

How about last master when he dropped 31 kills, 300 ACS in an elimination overtime game.. or the consistency of being an IGL on a really good team. i don't think you understand how much work and skill it takes to be an IGL fr.

posted about a year ago

That is just silly mistakes by individuals, and it definitely didn't lose them the map so idk why ur so focused on that

posted about a year ago

he literally said he was a FNATIC fan

posted about a year ago

Asuna, Derrek, and Bang have not been t2 players in a LONG time and I would argue stellar is T1 too. They just had too much squad inconsitency and bad IGLing before this.

posted about a year ago

They definitely deserve respect but also somehow Sgares gets more respect than alecks, doombros, mini, and termi combined just because he is popular. Just give more respect to coaching staffs on all of the top teams

posted about a year ago

You call yourself a FNATIC fan but call mini and boaster paycheck stealers when they are two of the best in the world at their positions..."fans" like you flame their team when they aren't perfect and winning every event lmfao

posted about a year ago

They got beat by the two best teams in the world on it and suddenly they are "weak" on it lmfao you are so reactionary

posted about a year ago

Yall weren't saying this about Optic when they lost their first map yesterday. Obviously these LCQ teams are almost at the top level idk why every braindead vlr user acts like playing close matches against Boom and Furia means a team is bad.

posted about a year ago

You can see them all upfragging each other on every DRX post lmfao now they don't know what to do after DRX came back

posted about a year ago

Nothing in VCT

posted about a year ago

Schitts Creek is really good, Quantico S1 and S2 are good if you like action stuff, New Girl is good imo :) Hope you find some good shows you like!

posted about a year ago

As a fellow KJ player, I definitely feel ur pain her ult is somehow getting weaker lmfao

posted about a year ago

This seems a bit backwards to me. I've never seen 100T shape the meta on anything whereas DRX have massively shaped the meta from the beginning of the game. I don't know if 100T will be good on Pearl, but I definitely don't think they will shape the meta since they have never done that. Also, they haven't prepped Pearl like other maps since they were preparing massively for LCQ (which was without Pearl)

posted about a year ago

As a whole, there were a lot of nice points. However, his ult is not even close to how good the phoenix ult is considering how most of the time he is not rezzed in pro matches. Also, I don't think Kayo is a problem if its popularity is region dependent. If you look at a broken agent like Chamber, his pick rate is universally high, regardless of region. He is definitely a top agent but not broken, although I have no idea why they buffed his molly when it seemed unecessary.

posted about a year ago

They were so much better than their competition in the LCQ that their map pool is still relatively unknown when they play good teams. Also, I'm certain that they have a lot more strats that they will either develop in between LCQ and champs or didn't get to use since they 2-0ed everyone

posted about a year ago

I strongly believe they pull a DRX, not in the sense that they will choke, but they will look insane in groups and lose in the playoffs. Because teams don't have a ton of film/ anti-strat on EDG(LCQ looked so easy for them I don't think it shows much), they will have a really strong showing in groups and be 1st seed. However, once they reach better teams in the playoffs, they will lose twice after opponents see more of their strats and map pool.

posted about a year ago

Source: you made this wish when you blew out the candles on your birthday cake so it's gotta be true

posted about a year ago

All bro literally asked why people watch Tarik if he doesn't pay attention to the game and the replies are all telling him to cry more and fuck off lmaoo

posted about a year ago

Assistant coaches still put in a lot of work with strat-making and anti-stratting. Idk what the C9 coaches roles were, but a coach leaving, assistant or not, definitely leaves a gap in the team.

posted about a year ago

He literally said that women are property to whomever they marry. Pretty sure that is like textbook misogyny

posted about a year ago

I'm speaking specifically about the pro scene. Right now, the game has reached a point where teams are already losing most of their map picks due to anti-stratting and how efficient coaches/analysts have gotten in their allotted time. I feel that if the replay system is implemented, this will increase tenfold where every team is suddenly given the ability to pick apart or copy strats from the top teams. And while I like an underdog story, I feel like that would make it way too easy to topple the top teams in this game without forcing teams to create their own strats.

Reading this over, I now can't tell if this is a dumbass take idk

posted about a year ago

He's calling you a fanboy because people like you try to keep siniatraa and wardell relevant in these player addition conversations when they are now both just ex-pros There are plenty of arguments for other current T1/T2 pros but you lot stay stuck on sinatraa and wardell who at most will be content creators moving forward into franchising. Move on pls

posted about a year ago

"emea lcq"

posted about a year ago

Sounds like Sliggy tbh, I encourage anyone to try him out watching NA or EMEA LCQ if you want some chill, detailed analysis and a non toxic chat

posted about a year ago

You are begging for someone to say that NA is bigger than everyone else. Get off vlr and into therapy bro

posted about a year ago

Basing this claim on...your bias and clear obsession with NA being the center of attention? Show me some evidence pls

posted about a year ago

"from an NA perspective we don't watch your games"

Who are you speaking for? I'm in NA and I watch NA, EMEA, East Asia, and the finals of other regions. Just because you are not interested in something doesn't mean others aren't.

posted about a year ago

you prob stayed on vlr the whole game and didn't see all of its value

posted about a year ago

haha honestly he proved my point since he turned up on non chamber agents

posted about a year ago

Nvm dude is an OT demon keep him

posted about a year ago

i get it after their LAN turnout but i think ur forgetting their regional consistency. We will see!

posted about a year ago

"definitely not top 2" bro they are LITERALLY top 2 rn even if they played badly at Copenhagen you cant deny that they won the #1 seed last stage

posted about a year ago

When did I condemn the whole team? I purposely didn't talk about this current game because I don't want to be a reactionary randy. If you look at his performances this whole year it isn't good, it's not about this match

posted about a year ago

He is still crazy strong with insta tp

posted about a year ago

I think it's time to acknowledge that there needs to be a role swap or player change because neT on chamber is nowhere near good enough if they want to be a T1 team. If you look at other chambers in this LCQ (dicey, bdog, boostio, leaf, tex) are all better than him by a good bit. Even when Guard won Stage 1 he wasn't performing super well and he hasn't since then in Stage 2 and 3 now. In such a chamber heavy meta, the player on that agent has to be consistently good and he just isn't right now.

posted about a year ago

Everyone underrates Shopify Rebellion so hard, they are top 3 imo

posted about a year ago

Good post. I still have hope that Riot will provide some support (host tournaments maybe) for the Tier 2 scene to keep it alive so that there is some sort of pipeline for up and coming players/teams to reach the big stage. Otherwise imo, it will get a bit old to see the same teams playing each other and not have any underdog cinderella story teams in the scene.

posted about a year ago

What happened? I'm a lil new to fps history

posted about a year ago

I would argue that in regards to "creativity", DRX is kinda the OG creative team that kinda innovated a lot of stuff util and comp combinations from when the game was still young and even now with the triple initiator comp on Ascent. Obvi, EMEA and PRX have done a lot as well and I think teams like FPX and PRX are innovating even more now.

posted about a year ago

Guild should be here 100%

posted about a year ago

I think Ange1 is a really smart IGL and good player but I don't know if you can give him all of the credit for antistratting PRX. They have analysts and a really good coach that did a good bit of that imo.

posted about a year ago

If the Leviathan twitter account not tweeting about FPX is affecting you, I think you need to unplug a bit fr.

posted about a year ago

cool list :)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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