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Last post: May 1, 2024 at 12:19 AM
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Haha I feel like vlr has really cool, respectful people and trolls that live to hate on people and there is no in between. Congrats on being one of the good ones!

posted about 2 years ago

True! And usually when two competitive teams play again, the team that lost the first time makes adjustments and wins the final meeting (like Optic vs Guard)

posted about 2 years ago

Chamber is basically a duelist when looking at ACS since he is an agent used to OP and take the first fight. Asuna is an outlier, good for him. My point is that this thread is about "best players" and it didn't take into account a lot of variables revolving around utility and game sense and is just talking about ACS, something heavily skewed towards duelists.

posted about 2 years ago

Hate to go against the copium but TSM beat them twice in the VCT qualifier, so I'm less sure about that one.

posted about 2 years ago

You don't think it's NRG since they just beat them 2-0?

posted about 2 years ago

I think their recent form is very promising. Their chances of making playoffs are lessened because of how open their group is, but I think whoever wins the match between TSM and 100 Thieves will go to playoffs and the other will not. NRG look very good recently and TSM were competitive with them. Anyways, I think TSM make playoffs and Ghost Gaming and 100 Thieves don't, especially since TSM beat 100T twice in this past VCT qualifier. Rossi and gmd are in good form right now, but I think they will need subroza and seven to step up a bit more to make playoffs.

posted about 2 years ago

These aren't the Top 5 players, it's Top 5 ACS. Doesn't account for non-duelists

posted about 2 years ago

TSM win 2-0 imo. Map pool favors them. NRG ban Ascent, TSM ban Fracture, Bind and Icebox are the two picked maps and TSM wins both.

posted about 2 years ago

ok, but currently 2-0 Guild huh

posted about 2 years ago

If he is unknown and is really good, doesn't that make him underrated?

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like a lot of the attention casters get is usually negative and we should appreciate them more often! I love the chemistry that pansy and hypoc have together and personally, I love their balance of analysis and banter. Anyways I feel like casting is super hard and having a pair that have good chemistry is even harder so shoutout to panpoc for doing that.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, I think I will

posted about 2 years ago

Asuna is Top 10 currently imo

posted about 2 years ago

Cryo is good af, definitely one of the best op users in NA, but he isn't Top 5 or 10. There are so many non-duelists that are under appreciated that should be above him

posted about 2 years ago

True, but I don't remember what they did to counter it. That's why I asked lmfao.

posted about 2 years ago

but then they have marved on the other site with additional utility. Playing Optic's defense must feel like shit

posted about 2 years ago

I don't see how it is possible to beat yay (with an op) in a fight, especially now that chamber is an agent. Use utility to push him off an angle? He teleports away. Jump peek? He either kills you or waits for a wider peek. This dude almost never misses shots and it seems like the only way you can beat Optic are to force yay to play retake, which is up to extremely hard IGLing. He makes the operator look OP and I don't see a way to beat him in a fight. Nerf yay 2022

posted about 2 years ago

Not getting the quadruple, gl on the champions league

posted about 2 years ago

Wait really? I'll be sad if he switches, his astra is so fun to watch

posted about 2 years ago

Also wtf "dude literally lets her say anything" Um what she says is her business and he doesn't have the right to "let" her say shit. It's not his place to tell his girlfriend what she can and can't say. She is her own person ya know

posted about 2 years ago

Didn't read; no reason is a good reason to hate on someone try again

posted about 2 years ago

This is how it is in any sport. Top, famous players receive the most praise and hate. Look at Ronaldo and Messi, Lebron, top NFL quarterbacks. They all receive hate when they play poorly. This is because they are hyped up by fans and media, and when they don't perform up to that hype every single game, they receive hate because they are popular and some people live to hate on popular people. Not how it should be, but how it is.

posted about 2 years ago

Totally agree, sugarzero makes astra look extremely viable on fracture because his use of astra's smokes and other util are so good.

posted about 2 years ago

Def not the best op in the game but he is an underrated duelist for sure

posted about 2 years ago

He used to be the best player in the world, and he got the deserved praise and fame for that. Instead, let's talk about who is the best right now and give them their flowers! He had his time but it's over at least for right now

posted about 2 years ago

Derke and yay exist

posted about 2 years ago

Lmfao if typing matters that much to you, go watch a streamer where you can chat all the time

posted about 2 years ago

As they should. Currently ranked above 100T Thieves in NA atm.

posted about 2 years ago

I agree that wippie is a great T1 player. Idk why you are bringing him up though this thread is just about wardell's value as a potential signing, not a comparison.

posted about 2 years ago

I never said it was like that. Wippie is a fantastic player. My point is that Wardell still helped this obviously lacking roster pretty far in the first challengers where he top fragged a good bit and that should elevate his value in the eyes of teams.

posted about 2 years ago

But chamber doesn't entry frag and create space and I think Wardell has had small problems with that in the past. But yeah he is def one of the best ops.

posted about 2 years ago

After seeing V1 struggle again with their main team, I think it makes Wardell look really good with how far they went in the first challengers. Do you guys think he would be a good signing for a top-ish team? I think an issue is that chamber will likely get hard nerfed in the near future and that would bring down Wardell's value a bit but maybe not who knows.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. I have never seen someone genuinely offended by using the word woman or girl. The argument of "everyone is always going to offended by something" is stupid and people use it to avoid having to change anything in their behavior or vocabulary to accommodate someone else. And if one person is offended by it? Then call them by their name or some shit. I am so tired of people acting like them having to avoid the use of an offensive word is an enormous ordeal and changes their whole life. How is that too much of an effort? It's literally the bare minimum of respect.

2) I'm glad to hear that you would call someone what they ask to be called. That is the only thing I am advocating for. I don't think we should ban words or censor things, I just think that if we can make people more comfortable with our language than we should. I'm not speaking for the every women. In my previous response, I said that some women get offended. Since some women have a problem with "female", than I think we can use a word that is seemingly not offensive to any of them.

3 and 4) I think my main problem in this area was that you said, " if someone would tell me the word male is offensive, i would call him an idiot". To me, you seem you have clear ideas on what should be found offensive and not offensive, but I'm glad to hear that you call people what they want to be called. My only point was that you might not understand why those women were offended and to them it is very much not idiotic.

Anyways, my main thing is that we should call people what they want to be called and respect people who are offended by a certain word. You seem to do that. I hope you have a great day :)

posted about 2 years ago

It's literally not hard at all...using the terms girl and woman is an unbelievably easy thing that you can do to make people more comfortable. It's just changing two words in your vocabulary. Also, I don't think most people that are androgynous expect you to correctly guess what to call them. After they tell you, just respect them and call them what they want to be called. Do you struggle with nicknames? If someone told you they would rather go by a nickname than the name on their birth certificate, do you constantly worry about what to call them? I really don't understand what is so difficult about it that prevents you from doing it.

posted about 2 years ago

Why don't you just respect what people find offensive? If some women are offended when they are called "females" than why don't you respect their opinion and call them what they want to be called? Who are you to decide what is acceptable to be offended at and what is not? You aren't a women and yet you think you can decide for them what is offensive to them. It's not hard to call people what they wish to be called and respect everyone. Please try to have an open mind.

posted about 2 years ago

How often do you say that phrase? The post isn't even about streamers and I don't think the issue with your phrase is with "woman" but instead the way you structured the sentence. Instead of "woman streamer" just say "__ is a woman that streams valorant" like its just sentence syntax

posted about 2 years ago

Gotcha I forgot about the difference. Thanks! Also not sure why I got downvoted for asking for clarification :(

posted about 2 years ago

How does it reduce people to their genitalia? just curious

posted about 2 years ago

Please carry on then

posted about 2 years ago

You realize that their positions as players is a job right? Like you saying "Tournaments are just for entertainment" is all good and well for you, but the Sentinels organization doesn't want to pour money into their valorant team for no results. You are right. The Sentinels roster don't owe US anything. They owe their organization, who are paying them to focus, train, and win. I think Sentinels' hate is stupid and childish but at the same time Sentinel players can't just fuck around with their time and effort when they are getting paid to win in Valorant.

posted about 2 years ago

Damn...usually you have good takes too what a shame

posted about 2 years ago

True I guess they could be the lower end of that tier but I think TSM are near them as well

posted about 2 years ago

Faze and NRG should be tier 2...XSET and V1 are proven against the top tier imo while they aren't.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm literally saying that his rifle aim wasn't the was the role he was in. I said it "looked" worse; it wasn't actually worse. He is undeniably better on chamber than he was in his duelist roles.

posted about 2 years ago

His rifle used to look a lot worse when he was an entry-fragger. As a sentinel, his rifle performance has really improved. I think the role switch really helped show that it was just a situational thing. He should never go back to duelist imo.

posted about 2 years ago

How does it undermine my argument? I'm saying they aren't going to qualify to a major tournament because a) they are a new team rn and b) those top teams are just that good. I'm not saying they are a bad team I was just heat checking OP's statement

posted about 2 years ago

Sorry but I don't see TSM qualifying for a Lan tournament this year at least. C9, V1 with wippie, Guard, Optic, and XSET are all on a different level of competition imo and only two teams from that group of five will qualify. TSM look better, but they also just had a very close game with the newly put together 100T roster so I wouldn't overhype it.

posted about 2 years ago

Well, the reason TSM are back has to do with Seven being there so I would prefer him if you are a TSM fan.

posted about 2 years ago

I think V1 and LG qualify in uppers and Sen and Knights get through lowers (although I'm not sure if they run into each other before that). V1 should still be good enough even with wippie gone to easily qualify and I think LG performed very well in the last VCT playoffs and they beat Sen out for the spot as they have more time to gel with bdog. Sen make it out of lowers and Knights have been looking good lately. My dark horse would be Ghost Gaming making it out of the lowers since they have also looked good recently on their new comp.

posted about 2 years ago

"all the world" lmfao ethnocentrism is just an ignorant outlook on life please educate yourself

posted about 2 years ago
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