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Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 12:07 AM
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Has it been reported if these non-franchised orgs are leaving Valorant completely? Who are the T2 orgs rn?

posted about a year ago

Toxic masculinity on vlr?? I can't believe it...

posted about a year ago

Bigbang have SO many good songs. BTS are unfortunately becoming a bit too Americanized I like their old stuff more

posted about a year ago

This is definitely baiting BTS hate. Honestly non-korean KPOP fans are what make everyone else hate the music genre because of how they stan them. The music (not BTS but KPOP as a whole) is pretty good tho :)

posted about a year ago

You should see his other videos where he compares women to property and saying misogynistic and homophobic things. I didn't find it nearly as "inspiring"

posted about a year ago

This isn't suggesting them as a team. It is like saying who were the best players of 2022

posted about a year ago

My fav team has gotten closer than yours lmao

posted about a year ago

Can everyone shut the fuck up about NA and EMEA's trophy count or whatever and give Loud their credit. Who cares about both of those regions right now, let's focus on how dominant Loud were and the resiliency and the drive to come back and win Champions after getting grouped at Copenhagen, AND to do it over the team that sent them home in the past tournaments. Congrats BR / Loud fans you guys deserve this :)

posted about a year ago

The vlr FPX fans make their team 10x more unlikeable

posted about a year ago

And DRX won vs. FPX where it mattered...twice lmfao have you been watching Champions?

posted about a year ago

Why not add Acend to 2021 and DRX to 2022 to make it 5 even? Acend literally won an international event and they aren't included and DRX have basically been at an equal level to those top teams this year. (extremely close losses/wins vs FPX)

posted about a year ago

He didn't win today's game

posted about a year ago

KJ may be a bit worse rn but viper is far from destroyed lmao she is still a top agent

posted about a year ago

A lot of the Cypher stuff is good. I like the cam seeing through the cage, the ult seeing everyone including spike and traps. I think the ult revealing twice is a bit too broken. The cypher trips just need to not be broken by fade prowlers, otherwise cypher will continue to be useless against her.

KJ does not need a buff. If chamber gets properly nerfed (imo making chamber get a kill before he gets a 2nd tp attempt), than KJ's pick rate will improve a lot.

posted about a year ago

Bro I really don't think calling them "losers" on a tweet where u previously complimented them is classified as hating. That is the weakest insult I've ever heard. Idk I just don't think its this big of a deal and FPX seem to somehow have become the least popular team because of it.

posted about a year ago

I get what ur saying and I believe that FPX players DO have a responsibility because they have influence BUT all they did was call XSET losers, miss a fist bump, and seem angry. If they did more, I would definitely agree with you but I just don't see it as them "instigating hate" especially since that was before the info came out.

Also I just realized I was responding to you in two different places on the thread haha ^-^ I'm getting confused over here

posted about a year ago

People were mad even before the match was over XSET were always gonna get hate at that moment because it seemed like they called the investigation (obviously now we know they didn't). However, I have seen VERY little hate towards XSET since all of the information came out and the dudes doing it sound absolutely delusional so I don't really think FPX did all that much imo but :/

posted about a year ago

The only "mean" tweet was suygetsu calling them losers right? And XSET lost right? Case closed I think he will continue to stand by that :)

posted about a year ago

Please go look at vlr forums in the past 24 hours there is WAY more hate towards FPX for the "disgusting" way they reacted lmfao exhibit A: the thread we are on

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I guess but if a missed fist bump is the worst thing they did then why is every NA fan calling them disgusting....lmfao like a LOT of people would have done a LOT worse on that stage ik I would have talked a lot of shit

posted about a year ago

Didn't they just say sarcastic nts at the end of the match and suygetsu called them losers? You guys are acting like they took personal shots at XSET's family and fucked their moms in the process they didn't even do all that much. I agree, be mad at Riot not XSET but they didn't really do anything.

posted about a year ago

I guess the drama helps generate interest but at what cost? This whole situation made Riot look bad from either perspective by not communicating effectively, leaving bugs in the game for YEARS, inconsistency, etc. so I'm not sure it was a great thing for them

posted about a year ago

Even though they were close matches, I think it would be an considered an upset since Optic have won the last 3 matchups

posted about a year ago

and even better against Liquid

posted about a year ago

Paper Rex were good

posted about a year ago

"nobody cared about him" thanks for letting me know you just started watching valorant

posted about a year ago

suygetsu clears without even playing chamber who is the best agent in the game

posted about a year ago

In a shocking turn of events a vlr user overreacts to 1 map

posted about a year ago

Getting PTSD from the close loss to Optic in Copenhagen

posted about a year ago

DRX close 2-0
XSET 2-1 they get a free map on Breeze or Pearl

posted about a year ago

Everyone has been banning Icebox vs Loud so I assumed DRX would do the same. Plus, I think DRX have better maps than Icebox to choose from.

posted about a year ago

least biased FNATIC fan

posted about a year ago

Map Bans/Picks: DRX vs. Loud MAP PREDS: DRX ban Icebox | Loud ban Haven | DRX pick Bind | Loud pick Ascent | DRX ban Pearl | Loud ban Breeze | Fracture remains

I think that these two teams have very similar play styles with good utility, clean executes, and good post plants. Although DRX are a little more fundamentally sound and Loud have a bit of an edge in firepower, both teams have no weak links (stop the rb slander he has been good this tournament) and anyone can pop off at any time. I think that DRX have a slight advantage in their map pool, and every map that Loud like, DRX also like.

Final score: DRX 2-0 both maps very close, something like 13-9 13-11

HOWEVER, if it goes to a 3rd map I think Loud edge out DRX on Fracture due to preparation.

Drop your predictions below :>

posted about a year ago

I agree that EMEA isn't a mickey mouse region but CS majors don't have anything to do with it

posted about a year ago

I think that, in general, people from "minor" regions are sometimes going to be a little more sensitive to region banter/hate because some of them have to fight to be taken seriously in the first place For example, when Platchat jokingly ranked Zeta way below everyone else, it was a joke to them (Platchat) but taken very seriously by a lot of Japanese Valorant fans since they weren't getting taken seriously as a region. Anyways, I think it's stupid to make a joke at the expense of something someone else cares about and then get annoyed when people don't laugh it off. not everyone has ur perspective :)

posted about a year ago

There are literally none unless 100T win.

posted about a year ago

Aren't you getting that with every other matchup though? DRX epic rematch vs FPX or new matchup vs KRU. 1st matchup b/t Leviathan and Zeta or Loud. Optic epic rematch vs PRX or 1st match vs Team Liquid. The only possible boring match is if 100T win and play XSET, or it is a 1st matchup b/t FNATIC and XSET. Those are all either all new matchups or 2 possible very entertaining rematches of top teams. It seems like you are only annoyed because you think Riot keeps putting the NA teams together round 1, but wouldn't it benefit Riot to put different regions together for max viewership?

posted about a year ago

I think if DRX have a good Pearl then they have a very good shot at winning the whole thing

posted about a year ago

You might be right, but would that knowledge even help? Idk with things like this I just choose to accept things at face value because I think I enjoy it more if I'm not thinking about how the bracket is rigged when watching every match.

posted about a year ago

It's not onliners, it's not immaturity. In the APAC LCQ, the other teams were not good and EDG out aimed them. At Champs, it's becoming clear that EDG do not have a deep strat book even on their own map picks.

posted about a year ago

Agreed. Seems like they only struggle when they go against top teams and strats aren't quite enough to get them over the edge. We'll see if they can overcome it this LAN.

posted about a year ago

their coaching staff. It seemed like the majority of DRX's attacking rounds ended with them executing onto the weaker site and getting into good post plant positions. Honestly, Termi and Co. have always been good but for some reason they never really get a lot of appreciation in comparison to popular coaches like Sean Gares. Just think they deserved a shout after the great strategy and anti-stratting put on display by DRX today :)

posted about a year ago

Not the exact same format but similar. In American Football, Baseball, you can play a team in the regular season (group stage) and lose and play them in the playoffs (elim match) and beat them and knock them out. Just a difference in how much time is in between games.

posted about a year ago

How is it unfair? The better team will win in the elimination match and go on. In playoffs of normal sports this is how it is as well.

posted about a year ago

But did Stax's reaction affect his/the team's gameplay? No. Reacting is totally fine if it has no impact on the gameplay and they look good so far. I reserve judgment about DRX's performance until they beat a top top team.

posted about a year ago

You guys got like 10 sprays through smokes (which is fine) but how are you gonna say DRX shouldn't have won bc of 3 shock darts lmfao

posted about a year ago

Shock darts take a second to deal damage. they land, and then do damage.

posted about a year ago

I forgot, our lord and savior seangares

posted about a year ago

When you say a team is prepared for another team, it usually means they have at least a day or a couple to prepare and completely anti another team. Less than a day definitely isn't enough time to do a lot, no matter who the coach is. IMO if 100T win, it's even more impressive bc they didn't have a lot of time to prepare.

posted about a year ago
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