Country: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: May 11, 2024 at 1:46 PM
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I was walking trought São Paulo airport when i saw Aspas and Saadhak talking to each other, i was thinking about asking for a picture but then i've heard something that i did not was prepared for...

Aspas was talking How Scream was a bot and that they were going to destroy KarmineCorp like they did to TBK in 2022.

In that moment i knew that KarmineCorp was gonna win the match, Aspas and Saadhak are arrogants who will be destroyed by Scream the best player in the world, today Scream isn't playing for himself, but for revenge in name of Europe.

posted about a year ago

Unfortunally is over, Scream is dropping a 30bomb in Fraud team, Loud is arrogant and did not prepared themselves to face an incredible team like KarmineCorp, Saadhak Said in a DM to me in twitter that was gonna be easy and that's the arrogance that gonna downfall Loud today.

GG KarmineCorp, congradulations on defeating Loud today.

posted about a year ago

Nivera and Scream always were the best players in Europe, since the CS:GO days they were the best, defeated everyone who had been put in front of them and today is not going to be different.

Today is the day that Saadhak and Aspas learn they are not the best players out there, today is the day Brazil loses their only Hope in Valorant, Fraud team (The team that won a tournament by pure luck that their opponents were trowing rounds).

Unfortunally Cauanzin and TuyZ are not as good as Pancada and Sacy and will never be, it's over, give up bronzilians.

posted about a year ago

Not jinx, just the pure truth.

Nivera and Scream always were the best players in Europe, since the CS:GO days they were the best, defeated everyone who had been put in front of them and today is not going to be different, today is the day that Saadhak and Aspas learn they are not the best players out there, today is the day Brazil loses their only Hope in Valorant, Fraud team.
(The team that won a tournament by pure luck that their opponents were trowing rounds).

Unfortunally Cauanzin and TuyZ are not as good as Pancada and Sacy, it's over. Brazilians gonna be humbled today by Scream the one tap god.

posted about a year ago

Unfortunally KarmineCorp is too good, congradulations KC and Scream for winning the tournament.

posted about a year ago

Giants Will not comeback, i've never seen a comeback 12x5 in a Icebox before.

This never happenned before.


posted about a year ago

Loud isn't Brazilian, that's a myth they've feed you into, just like big foot and burger king foot lettuce

posted about a year ago

Using a Brazilian shirt, they were done from the start.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It has even more teams than Champions, does it count as one?

Or is in the same level as Masters, or maybe something completely different?

But can we say that the Lock:In winner is the world Champion?

posted about a year ago

I don't know why, there is nothing to hate Fns like Zombs in Valorant, this is just fear to play against the guy.

posted about a year ago

Be strong fellow NRG brothers, the Brazilian Jersey should not be used against us.

This is the NRG vs Loud fan base, stay strong 💪

posted about a year ago

The same core, Sacy and Saadhak created both teams together.

So we can say it's 1-1 between them.

posted about a year ago

1 times in Reykjavik, 2022, and 1 time against VKS in 2021.

posted about a year ago

Scream always play good against Loud

posted about a year ago

you will never understand

posted about a year ago

We might be friends, but today THERE IS NO FRIENDSHIP!

This is #LOUDWIN all the way!



posted about a year ago

My bets for entering Carnival today is:

Karmine Corp


posted about a year ago

Minha solução seria montar um time novo inteiro do tier 2, só com os melhores players de lá.

Havoc, Liazzi, NTK, CTC, Matheuzin - Gatti

Seria minha aposta de time e seria mais barato do que contratar jogador hypado que não vai render, qualquer org que conseguir juntar esses players tem um seleção na mão.

Tô falando isso pra vocês, @Fluxo @LosGrandes.

posted about a year ago

Who's gonna Win?

posted about a year ago

Try pressing cntrl v, It might have copied your own link.

posted about a year ago

Lmao If this is true is even funnier.

Internet moved by gas

posted about a year ago

In Valorant simulator, GET REKT FNS!

posted about a year ago

"G2Shahzam" Argentina lmao WTF is that

posted about a year ago

Frz nickname is Frozen, one day Sacy and Gtn started calling him fogão(big furnace), then they tought It was funny and since that day everyone calls him fogão.

But fogão can actually mean big fire, the complete antitesis of Frozen, and it's actually funny and cute.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Omen is kinda of a Monster, but he's our monster.

play: sadnessandsorrow.mp3

posted about a year ago

I had the idea of doing this thread by watching videos about our players, it's a hub about brazilian players with their characteristics and nicknames.

Sacy (The Bald/ Best iniciator in Brazil):

Mwzera (The Hero/ The Machine):

Dgzin (husband/ calmest player in the world):

Xand (THE PRU/ Most agressive Brazilian Player):

QCK (THE KID/ The prodigy):

Aspas (Cheater/ The Hurricane/ GIRA ASPAS):

Heat (The Jett/ Heat is Jett, Jett is Heat/Best Brazilian Jett):

PaNcada (Best controller in the world? / PUNCH IN THEM):

Less (The prodigy/ Paulo Muzy Son):

Cauanzin (Little cauan):



FRZ (big furnace):

Mazin (couldn't find valorant highlights only his world champion CF days):

Khalil (Bstrddd boyfriend):

posted about a year ago

"they are not gonna translate it? no right?"

"The food here is very bad, the dudes doesn't put sauces, they only eat hamburguers and even put candy food, incredible :D"

"Ranked here is shit"

"Very good i can slur everyone and nobody understands"

"Go fuck yourselves"

posted about a year ago

I agree that Mwzera desearves a documentary, and the documentary would be actually 2 hours long and with the before Gamelanders vs VKS and after Gamelanders vs VKS.

But If even CNed has a documentary why wouldn't Aspas have one?

Talking about his history, How he was perceived as a cheater, his conections to well known hack users in CS, his talk to mch, his debut and demonstration of a superstar Quality in foguete and he being the one leading Loud to a Champions Win.

posted about a year ago

I don't know? Maybe winning every fucking title in Brazil? Being the most sucessfull player with more than 10 titles, being the main man from Brazil first greatest team ever created, Gamelanders, being the most feared player from 2020 to 2021? being the absolute king of Brazil until being defeated by Sacy the best iniciator in the world? Having the greatest mechanical movement valorant has ever seen?

posted about a year ago

Finally, now do one of Aspas or Mwzera.

posted about a year ago

Frz é o âncora que você precisa, se ele for apenas Sentinela poucos tiram o lugar dele, acredito que apenas o QCK e o Less tem vantagem.

Heat não aguentou a pressão, acho que a falta da Jett deu uma sentida, aquela Operator de Raze foi bizarra e só mostrou como ele não tá confortável de Raze.

Eu trocaria todo o resto do time.

posted about a year ago

Dgzin ≤ Cryo
Mwzera > Asuna
Mazin > Derrek
Khalil < Bang
QCK > Stellar

posted about a year ago

Dgzin de controlador seria muito estranho, ele tem potencial pra ser o Operator Carry que teu time precisa, já que praticamente é o melhor OP do mundo inteiro e num dia bom ele não erra nenhum tiro.

O que poderia fazer é jogar o Mwzera pra Duelista e o QCK sairia do Sentinela pra um Flex.

Só que quem botar na Sentinela é um mistério, não tem muitos players bons nessa função a nível de Franquia top 1 do mundo além do QCK. Talvez o BLD que seria um segundo cara pra ser IGL junto com o Sacy.

posted about a year ago

Temos coachs e IGLs no tier 2.

Gatti, NTK, BLD, Gtn, Tockers, peu, napz.

São jogadores bons, principalmente NTK e Gatti que podem ter times inteiros de jogadores monstruosos sendo montados ao redor deles, estilo FNS e Saadhak. Nunca se esqueça que o NTK foi quem levou a VK ao Masters.

posted about a year ago

Aspas > Dgzin
Saadhak(IGL) < Mwzera
Cauanzin < Sacy(IGL)
TuyZ < PaNcada
Less > QCK


posted about a year ago

I don't like this roster, never liked, MIBR was a emergency team made fast to get into Franchise.

What is wrong is that they have to play a LOT better to even have a chance of winning something, fundamentals, tactics, Reading of the game, positioning, calls, ults, decisions.

Bzka has a LOT of work to do.

posted about a year ago

Dinheiro eles já tem, Sentinels paga bem pra caralho, tão bem que o 1% do Brasil não recebe o que a Sentinels paga.

Agora, e se não ganharem nada no NA? Vão perder essa chance de montar um segundo supertime no Brasil? Sabendo que Sacy está querendo trabalhar com o Mwzera a muito tempo já.

Pelo menos o core Mwzera, Sacy, Pancada pode existir no futuro, isso eu tenho um pressentimento.

posted about a year ago

Loud era um sonho impossível até que aconteceu, nunca duvide da panela BR.

posted about a year ago

Duvido, eles iriam pra qual time? The Guard? 100T? Que já são times completos e bons pra caralho? Pra NRG? Cloud9?

Nenhum time além da Sentinels precisam do Sacy e do Pancada, mas muitos times do BR seriam tunados com eles aqui.

Trazer um segundo mundial pro Val BR pode ser uma vontade do Pancada e do Sacy no futuro, mas só vejo isso acontecendo se a Sentinels der muito errado, o que eu espero que aconteça.

Por que iriam pra um time gringo ruim se podem montar um time novo com Mwzera, Dgzin, Xand, QCK, e ensinar outra geração de players fodas a serem campeões do mundo?

posted about a year ago

Esse time da Loud tá completo, tem potencial pra serem campeões mesmo sem Sacy e Pancada.

Mas e depois que Sacy e Pancada voltarem ao Brasil? Os caras vão ter espaço em QUALQUER time do Brasil com tranquilidade.

Por isso quero fazer uma previsão. Caso a Furia não consiga ser campeã do mundo com esse elenco eu prevejo que vão mudar o elenco e vai surgir mais um time com potencial de ser campeão do mundo no futuro, e esse time vai ser a Furia se investirem pesado.

E o time a ser montado seria esse:

Dgzin, Mwzera, Sacy, Pancada, QCK.

Isso se manterem esse core, e botarem uma bolada pra comprar esses jogadores de volta, coisa que só a Furia ou a Loud podem fazer.

posted about a year ago

Frz é um ótimo âncora, mas Matheuzin é insubstituível pra um time que quer ser campeão. O cara fez aquela TBK torta virar um time top 2 do Brasil com fundamentos muito bem aplicados sendo IGL melhor até que o Xand e o Murizzz.

Eu queria um time com Xand e Matheuzin juntos, mas infelizmente não é possível porque o Xand é maluco e quis ir pra KRU.

posted about a year ago

Kickaria o Murizzz, só não sei quem botar no lugar.

Matheuzin entra porque é IGL, e ter duas mentes pensantes num time é sempre bom.

posted about a year ago

If everything goes wrong do this:




Heat, Murizzz, Liazzi, CTC, Matheuzin

posted about a year ago

Greatest crowd game ever, twitter will be in insanity and this match will be remembered forever.

posted about a year ago

Ask GenG if the presence of new players like TuyZ and Cauanzin affected the way they studied the Loud team, and the lack of information in this new players was the reason they couldn't win the game.

posted about a year ago

MIBR tem problemas gravíssimos,

Heat é jogador de Operator, ele deveria ser um chamber ou Jett, entretanto ele não tem praticidade com outros agentes agora que a Jett e o Chamber foram nerfados.

FRZ é um ancora que tá tendo que ser carry do time, ele tem que ser o cara que você pode confiar e não o cara que vai salvar teu time todo round.

RGL tá abaixo do que poderia estar, tem potencial pra ser o segundo melhor controlador do cenário, entretanto, parece que sentiu feio o palco de um evento internacional, se isso se tornar rotina vai ter que ser trocado por outro player tipo Cortezia no tier 2.

JZZ não é Iniciador, forçar ele nesse role sendo que a vida inteira foi duelista é burrice, se ele não conseguir se adaptar infelizmente vai cair das franquias por não ter desenvolvido seu potencial completo ainda, ele não é ruim, mas acho que o piano das Franquias ainda não é algo que ele possa carregar, sendo que ele nem nunca chegou numas semis de um VCTBR.

Murizzz é um cara bom, mas o estilo de IGL dele tá ultrapassado, ele tá jogando o game como se estivesse na VK, sendo que o que ganha jogo é o que fizeram com ele naquela Partida de VK vs Loud no início do ano. Conheceu a técnica e a agressividade do APAC e não teve ideia de como responder, murizzz precisa estudar o que os grandes times estão fazendo, como estão combando utilitários, como ganham espaço, como leiem o round, porque o game de 2023 é muito diferente de 2021, e parece que os IGLs brasileiros ainda não conseguiram se adaptar e nem entender o que está acontecendo.

posted about a year ago
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