Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: May 24, 2024 at 8:59 PM
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There will be no space for EMEA fans arrogance in this site anymore.

posted about a year ago

If Keznit doesn't play they will support LEV.

If it does, then they will support Zeta

Is hard because Brazilians like both teams, i don't know what's gonna happen.

posted about a year ago

Temptating us with beauty words isn't gonna work.

posted about a year ago

Sentiu de vdd kkkkkkkkkk

Vamo ver, de BR aí só tem a vorax e a stars, da época que o Saadhak nem sabia fazer igl e o maior inimigo do cenário era a incrível gamelanders, que foi superada pelo saadhak.

E um jogo que depois de perder eles ganharam a bracket inteira lower pra se classificar e depois espancaram a Stars Horizon.

É meu amigo, NTK continua sendo o melhor IGL BR depois do Saadhak e hoje tá scrimando com a DRX pra se tornar melhor.
Não deu pra sua creche canids.

posted about a year ago


You're not the first one brother, look what he did to Mendes:

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yes, this is really... really good news. The team that i tought Brazil would learn the most was DRX, since VS days they had the best utility usage in the world, and Brazil... Using them to learn and scrim... I'm so happy right now.

Imagine If the best IGLs in tier 2 Brazil combine BR aim + Korean Utility usage and tactics, we would have a challenger for Loud in the future, and not only Loud, The Guard, G2 and others would not be safe in a confortable point of superiority.

Thank you Noyn, you always deliver when we need you

posted about a year ago

É o que eu disse, Ntk lentamente e por baixo dos panos se tornando o melhor IGL brasileiro em atividade.

The Union muito organizadinha e jogando inteligente, não é atoa que foi um dos únicos que ganhou do Saadhak além do Pleets na época da VKS.(ignorando o parceiro dele Murizzz é claro).

Respeitem o NTK.

posted about a year ago

I've heard of Tropicaos vs DRX/C9

posted about a year ago

Com certeza, mas não precisa treinar com os caras, é só perguntar pra um desses caras nos times de franquia quando tiverem uma noção melhor.

A amizade e conexões resolve tudo, além disso, da pra fazer bootcamp pra deixar ainda melhor o próprio time. Não existe caminho fácil, o Saadhak e Sacy apanharam bastante antes de comer do pão da vitória, o resto do cenário tem que seguir o mesmo caminho.

posted about a year ago

Só pedir pra treinar com a Loud quando puder, se for a Oddik ou a The Union estamos bem representados.

Agora vamos pensar que de tudo absolutamente errado, que a gente seja espancado.

As revelações do cenário tão aí, da pra montar uns times muito sinistros pra tentar de novo no próximo ano.

Havoc, Ntk, Liazzi, CTC, Pancc é uma opção.

posted about a year ago

Horríveis, the Guard só tem Valyn e Trent que são jogadores tier S.

Se o Brazil tiver Havoc e Pancc em alto nível a vitória é nossa.

G2 tem o Shahzam, a única coisa que o cenário quer é amassar esse cara pelo Champions de 2021.

posted about a year ago

Mais uma vitória do grande Ntk.

Mestre dos IGLs BR, rei do tier 2, futuro IGL do Brasil.

Respeite o único homem além do Pleets que derrotou Saadhak.

posted about a year ago

Insane how different he is playing the game, he's not the heavy aim guy that retardly kills and topfrags, he's the intelectual inteligent player that plays in a very strategic way to Win the game. Something very characteristic of his playstyle and generation.

You had to be the most intelligent to win the game, do the best plays with the best decisions, not be the greatest aimer and only that.

You can see why he's 5 times world Champion.

He literally predicts the plays of his oponent, explain It, and then win. Genius.

posted about a year ago

He's back...

Legend said he's gonna do a Iron to Radiant series, i hope he stays and becomes a very active person in the comunity, maybe even a great one like Frttt, tteuw, coreano, TCK.

posted about a year ago

If you are Brazilian and don't know who this guy is... He's the historic and legendary first Brazilian captain, the guy that came before Fallen.

Simply. a fucking. Legend.

posted about a year ago

Já tão scrimando com time tier S, foi o que os casters falaram.

Só falta o @Noyn confirmar.

posted about a year ago

sentiu a derrota bb?
Mais uma vitória do grande Ntk sobre a creche Canids.

Felt the defeat little baby?
One more victory from great NTK over daycare Canids.

posted about a year ago

But NTK is slowly proving himself as the greatest brazilian IGL after Saadhak, not only he defeated him once in VK x VKS, but also he is leading The Union to be the best Tier 2 team in Brazilian scene.

Mas o NTK tá lentamente se provando como o melhor IGL brasileiro depois do Saadhak, não apenas ele ganhou dele uma vez na VK x VKS, mas também ele está liderando a The Union para ser o melhor time tier 2 do cenário brasileiro.


posted about a year ago

Casters are saying that some tier 2 BR teams got trainings with Tier S(franchised) teams.

Do you have some infos/scrimbux about that for us?

posted about a year ago

@mods match already live and The Union is stomping them.

posted about a year ago

Great player, future of Brazil.

posted about a year ago

Thank you trembo

posted about a year ago

Also mwzera diffed memenzin many times too.

posted about a year ago

Cabelo ajudou demais, ele tava com cara de caveira por não comer muito, aparentemente contratou uma Nutri e ficou lindão, deu uma enchida também.

posted about a year ago

Who's the most probable to do something?

posted about a year ago

Nothing, he's just a little chubbier.

posted about a year ago

Absolutely yes!
I've watched the livestream of this Guy, he's so talented and humble. He pass me the feeling of old Sacy, a Guy with his friend trying to make It for his region.

SK Rossi has my total support, his aim is insane, his past is hard and difficult like Brazilian players, he Just needs to be a little more inteligent in game, something that he can learn with time.

~This is SK Rossi Brazilian Fan club 🇧🇷🤝🇮🇳

posted about a year ago

I think we are gonna have a problem... 👊

posted about a year ago

Greatest rival of Loud, If Loud is Manchester City, Los Grandes is Manchester United.

posted about a year ago

W Noyn, this is Los Grandes ALL THE WAY! 💪💪🧡🖤

The dream:
EL Mwzera, EL Dgzin, EL Sacy, EL Pancada, EL QCK.

posted about a year ago

W article, W eutalyx

posted about a year ago

GL to GE Sports, Hope you guys destroy Vitality and shut up these arrogant EMEA fans.

posted about a year ago

I'm Brazilian and as a Brazilian i'm rooting for SK Rossi, good luck GE Sports!


posted about a year ago

Aspas will have to shine one way or another, saying he don't have to shine is trowing his potential in the trash.

Basically yes, when the team isn't good enought he don't have to shine, but basically he won rounds alone in NRG game.

Isn't that he don't have to shine, is that the other team wasn't good enought so he would have to shine.

Spacca is kinda right, but i don't agree with It all.

posted about a year ago

I don't know If Loud will become a dinasty, they literally only won one single Major(Champions) and nothing else.

The thing is, It has to be really, really perfect to them to become an dinasty/era, and i don't know If they can actually do that. First Cauanzin/Aspas and TuyZ have to be playing consistently perfectly to Win games, something that Aspas is "kinda not doing", he's the greatest superstar in that team, and yes... He Carry rounds alone, but the guy have to Just be a little... Just a little bit better to this to happen.

Second, Cauan and TuyZ are really Young, they won against Optic but can they do that consistently? The difference between Loud and NRG were clutches and only 2 fucking rounds, look How close that is. Meanwhile Astralis was untouchable, they were simply Just better, so better that Liquid never touched them once, even playing perfectly.

Saadhak has to get a little bit better in IGL, FNS for me is the better IGL today, he doesn't need a Superteam to Win games, while Saadhak needs the best players from Brazil to save him up.

FNS might be for now the best IGL, but Saadhak is the best player overall.

It's too soon for me to be talking about a dinasty, First they gotta pass up trought the hardest game until now that is DRX, and then defeat the new challenger that will come from Omega Bracket, that might be even better than DRX.

posted about a year ago

So you will like these, you don't even need to known Portuguese.

It has a lot of Sacy tilts with young Aspas playing wrong in the past.


posted about a year ago

People been saying Red Canids is the best team VCT Challangers Brazil, but i disagree with that. For me THE UNION is the best team playing here.

posted about a year ago

Estou aqui para compartilhar o Bronziocre do Valorant.

O valorinho, enjoy!

posted about a year ago

mwzera, people been sleeping for this guy for 2 years now thanks to trembo.

posted about a year ago

Colombia have pretty houses like that? I might be interested in moving there If they accept Brazilians 👀

posted about a year ago

It can't be Brazil, i only saw boba tea by Chinese and Asian refereces, to represent Brazil they would probably do a Cane Juice(suco de cana) and not a Boba Tea.

posted about a year ago

I might be really, really wrong. But isn't this purple juice on his/her side boba tea? I tought because of the little round things in the drink, and i've heard of something like this in China called Boba tea, where you can drink the juice and eat the little round candy things.

I'm just making a bet, If anyone of China could confirm it or an Asian could tell me i would be thankfull :D

posted about a year ago

Furia will defeat everyone in Omega

posted about a year ago

VKS sempre acerta na hora de montar time.

Pegaram o melhor IGL BR, Pleets.
O melhor jogador underated, Pollo.
A criança revelação, Liazzi.
O antigo rival do Sacy, Krain.
E o sólido player da TBK, Flainzz.

posted about a year ago

MIBR had only one player, Frz.

Furia has 3.

posted about a year ago

Nunca confiarei em Gaabx e amigos.

E essa treta do Lock:in Bzka nunca errou.

Só tenho que descobrir o porquê da Oddik.

posted about a year ago

Melhor é a The Union, segundo melhor é a Oddik.

posted about a year ago
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