Country: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: April 27, 2024 at 7:05 PM
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Zekken really the main Duelist now

posted about a year ago

Is this the game that gonna prove that Sacy should have stayed with Loud?

posted about a year ago

Rooting for Pancada and friends 2

posted about a year ago

Nope brother, isn't this... The match we are talking about is this:

Aspas, Sacy x Heat, Mwzera

posted about a year ago

It's exactly this match i was talking about, It was a legendary match in Brazilian Ranked.

I remember that there was a video of this match with both visions, one side from Aspas and Sacy, then changing to Heat and Mwzera side, and It kept going back and foward with It.

It's so Sad that the only thing we find about this match is the insane 4k that Heat did It to win the game.

posted about a year ago

It was a Ranked game between Aspas and Sacy vs Heat and Mwzera.

It was before even Masters Reykjavik 2022, when everyone was saying Loud was just Brazilians hyping their own teams again for no reason.

I can't find It anywhere else, and i want to watch the full match because It was insane.

posted about a year ago

This isn't a political tweet.

But i'm afraid that the tournament Lock In 2023 might be cancelled because of everything that is happenning in Brazil.

Shit is getting too tense, maybe even worse than 2013.

posted about a year ago

Pleno 2023 e vocês ainda não falam português.

posted about a year ago

É que o cauan é o novo FNX criança

posted about a year ago

I Hope Cloud9 and Loud front each other so we can have a Revenge match for Chaos

posted about a year ago

Apparently was expelled from his own team, the twitter drama probably was because of this.

posted about a year ago

BR: Loud x NIP

BR today: Loud x Furia

posted about a year ago

I'm hoping for Loud x Sentinels Drama, Sacy x Saadhak

posted about a year ago

Bro is straight up a Paula Nobre Hater

posted about a year ago

I've heard a lot from pros that went to Europe or NA that the server feels a little different from when they play here in Brazil.

I don't know If It is because of the 128 ticks being different/not so stable, or the internet infrastructure not being so good like 1st world countrys, but they say the Phantom feels a little better in EU/NA, while in Brazil it's kinda trash.

posted about a year ago

Eles tiveram que ir pra essa org toda fudida e cheia de drama, aparentemente a contratação deles pra Sentinels foi um tapetão no Shahzam e no Dapr.

Da um medo do caralho da Sentinels de alguma forma passar a perna nos nossos caras no futuro , com tantas Orgs pra eles irem no NA escolheram a Sentinels que sempre tem drama e bizarrice, só espero que a passagem dos nossos brasileiros na Sentinels não seja marcada por algo ruim por parte dos americanos pra cima da gente.

posted about a year ago

It's still hurts you doesn't It?

posted about a year ago

The overstream was real?

posted about a year ago

Let him cook

posted about a year ago

1v1 between mwzera and Cauanzin, who do you think would Win? Mwzera.

Dgzin you are talking about that death against DRX, QCK Said that the team were confused between playing front or back, that's why no one helped him there in that play.

The 12-3 in DRX wasn't a lie, just like VKS 12-5 against Gambit. What happenned is that the team didn't had the experience to win in that time, something that they might have now.

And they destroyed Loud in scrims.

posted about a year ago

About scrimbux, Furia pulled a 12-4 on Loud.

Mazin is the IGL, sure they learned a lot from nzr.

posted about a year ago

Furia has 3 tier S Players, Mwzera, Dgzin, QCK.

They are consider one of the best If not the Second best players in each role of Brazil.

Khalil is Just solid, always....

Mazin is a world Champion in Crossfire (Also Dgzin)

You can also search for more of this guys plays in YouTube.

posted about a year ago

It's Furia

Any objections?

posted about a year ago

He was the professor of Sacy in League of Legends.

I leave you with that...

posted about a year ago

For the ones who doesn't know, he was the Brazilian that defeated EDG back in 2016 LoL.

posted about a year ago

What i've heard off is that they were becoming stronger each day, better and better. For me they will be the greatest Brazilian team this year.

Obviously, they should be for having 3 Monsters + 2 A+ Players in their roster.

QCK, Dgzin, Mwzera is Just OP.

Mazin, Khalil is the support you would want to have.

posted about a year ago

I know where the name of this team comes from and as a Brazilian i don't like It...

posted about a year ago

TuyZ sempre foi assustador, vai dar medo quando chegar no VCT LOCK IN.

posted about a year ago

As you would have the capacity to flank Less...

posted about a year ago

LMAO, it's completely FULL already for the First day.

This probably means we will have a crowd similar to CS:GO Major levels.

posted about a year ago

This kid is insane, i take out all the bad things i've said about him.

We are seeing a monster being created, and Saadhak is the mentor in the shadows.

posted about a year ago

I feel you brother.

posted about a year ago

Don't doubt Loud, Fluxo is way smaller and can spend millions for each trash roster that you would think they would bankrupt.

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

Great team with great fan-base.

Union Loud Corp 💚💙💪

posted about a year ago

Happy New Year Guys!

posted about a year ago

RIP Goat

posted about a year ago

It's Official now 😞😞😞, Rest in Peace King

posted about a year ago

Zombs knows It well.

posted about a year ago

I guess you never entered an Valorant stream from China players in BiliBili, 200K per transmission was Just insane.

posted about a year ago

Hahaha finally. We ALL knew this would happen, China Valorant streams were absurd with more than 200K views for each EDG player.

This is the end for the Lower regions unfortunally, a Valorant super server will create the greatest future players in the world and that's why i advocated that we (Brazil) should become the strongest possible until this happens just to be ready.

The great thing is that probably the greatest Point Blank players gonna end up in Valorant, and i want to see the interactions of them with Dgzin and other Brazilian players that were very famous in China, let's see how this gonna end up 👀

posted about a year ago

This is Just insane, If he keeps like that he might be one of the greats and succeed LeBron in dominating the League.

posted about a year ago

Tô sem jogar um game de futebol a 5 anos, to pensando em comprar o 22 por causa dos mods e pegar um modo carreira mesmo pra jogar. Pegar um time fudido tipo Ituano, Paisandu e carregar ele até a final da liberta.
Minha última gameplay eu lembro de quase ganhar a copa do mundo jogando de volante, to com saudades de jogar assim kkkkk.

Tô vendo aqui que com mods eu consigo pegar uns times ainda mais fudidos, acho que seria divertido.

O problema é que eu não sei se o 23 é melhor que o 22.

posted about a year ago

Between them, what is the right choice to buy guys?

I'm seing people not talking so good about 23, so should i buy 22 instead? Or maybe just buy the most recent instead?

(I know i can upgrade the 22 to 23 after, the problem is that for some reason the 23 is cheaper but they say its's worse)

Can someone who knows give me an opinion?

posted about a year ago

I Will Tell you from experience, If SKRossi is 100 in Ranked he's Just a mid term Radiant player, he got to become even stronger to be able to create problems internationaly.

He got to be at least top 10, but i don't know How big APAC servers are, so maybe my prediction are wrong, but they usually are right.

Players that reach top 5 in Brazil normally do super well in international tournaments, like Aspas, Sacy, Mw, Dgz, Heat etc.

posted about a year ago

Saadhak would make him become a god even greater than he is today, would be Just OP.

posted about a year ago


Would be an insane fucking team, Saadhak would have made mwzera become the Initiator he was always meant to be and probably in the Americas no one other than Sacy, Crashies and BCJ would even touch the guy, so sad he missed this oportunity.

In the other hand we would have:


posted about a year ago
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