NA winning Masters1(Last year it was 2 but first international Masters), Russians/CIS winning Masters2 and EU winning Champions. Script secured.
FPX isn't a Russian team
Can't u read the context. Russian/CIS
Fix ur geographical knowledge sir
Last time I checked my Geo was good.
Suygetsyu, Shao, Ange1
Their core is from CIS
if the org wins does it mean CIS won?
Org isn't important. Team is.
if the org wins, it means NA lost
m3c win this
If FPX beat optic, they'll get slammed by PRX guaranteed.
I think FPX and PRX will be a banger than PRX vs OPTC. Both teams are super aggressive and have aim gods.
Optic revenge to emea copium
if optic beat FPX, na is gonna troll emea so hard lmao