Flag: Belgium
Registered: August 4, 2021
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 1:12 AM
Posts: 5303
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Someone save something. He got himself a twitter gf.

posted 20 hours ago

There are lots of great respectable people here like babysasuke, trembolonarage, zJos and shownu!

posted 1 day ago

All I know is flashback is just a bot and completely overhyped. Beyn is clearly the goat and completely almost revitalized DRX before this bot flashback joined back again.

posted 1 day ago

LEV, SEN, KRU literally qualified.

posted 2 days ago

w00t unfortunately hard clears m0n0b00 on duelist. Flex role can be taken up by p0t0t0k or a lot of players, but player like w00t brings a level of value to the duelist role which is incomparable. Its like putting t0xt0re on sentinels in gl0b0l esp0rts.

posted 1 week ago

Its not as bad. Some retards just snuck in NRG shittor making it look bad. Oxy is the best by far, his team is just ass.

posted 1 week ago

raze, yoru, jett, neon. Neon can be used just for the sake for using a different and better agent like raze especially. Goodluck playing against cypher with neon.

posted 1 week ago

Botvistar KOI signs p0t0t0k and v0n0t0 keke

posted 1 week ago

Blud is not zJos keke

posted 1 week ago

Primmie is okay. Clean aimer and what not. I think the buggest frauds were team shitcret 😭😭😭 I think this TLN team with primmie would lose to RRQ.

posted 1 week ago

This is the true. One of my friends who's a Fortnite player has a similar aim. Aims higher or lower than the head but does a very clean flick to get the headshot most of the time.

posted 1 week ago

team silver keke

posted 2 weeks ago

Facts. Last year esp was ass.

posted 2 weeks ago

He might actually be woot level holy fuck

posted 2 weeks ago

Number one issue is that bot n4rrate. Dragging the team down with poor streamer region mentality.

posted 2 weeks ago

Dont meed to watch 100 piss gameplay to know they're shit. Put Kekestar KOI and they qualify to playoffs in fartmericas.

posted 2 weeks ago

Peeiu is dogshit lol its easy to be good with fade when you're fighting MIBR, NRG, FURIA. N4rrate clears in a much more competitive and difficult region.

posted 2 weeks ago

It was criminal to have him not on duelist, be it his decision or not.

posted 2 weeks ago

Absolutely goated move by moving runner to sentinel. Bro was running away grom duelist all along.

posted 2 weeks ago

Totally not the fault of every single KC member swinging alone during a 2v4.

posted 2 weeks ago

3/4 of the matches in group Omega in americas matter. And g2 vs SEN gonna be a banger.

posted 2 weeks ago

ZETA and GE- F tier

posted 2 weeks ago

Props to c9 for making sure an embarrassment like NRG has no chance to go champs.

posted 2 weeks ago

Aspas is goated. But he isn't the GOAT. If he can be called the greatest player of valorant ever, so can cned.

posted 2 weeks ago

they really resigned that bot for klaus who was the IGL.

posted 2 weeks ago

My valorant account is hacked now, and it bought the evori dreamwings bundle. I cant refund, am I cooked 🥺

posted 2 weeks ago

oh my bad x0ppa then

posted 2 weeks ago

virus link, don't click

posted 2 weeks ago

legendary team with leaf mitch xeta zellsis and ....... v0n0t0 keke

posted 2 weeks ago

Tactical haramball masterclass

posted 2 weeks ago

They did save the face of NA valorant in champs 2021 by qualifying to playoffs though lol.

posted 2 weeks ago

Reality is that even the imported players are tier 3 from EMEA. It was actually ridiculous how they managed to outperform teams like BLEED and Zeta. The final match against GENG was the reality check needed.

posted 3 weeks ago

Does not belong in the conversation. Hard fluked.

posted 3 weeks ago

Wouldn't a logic like that invalidate the masters y0y won with FPX absent and him abusing broken chamber 2 years ago?

posted 3 weeks ago

Invy is too underrated. He is a monster. His LCQ performance vs GENG in 2023 was some crazy shit. Singlehandedly knocked that old GENG roster out.

posted 3 weeks ago

damns its rough 💀💀💀

posted 3 weeks ago

Lmfao my alt account is still named ppmanXD, which is after shitdell. Like how did that guy fall off so fucking hard lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

Tenz clears though. 2 time master winner. s0m and tenz are leagues apart.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Man they were decent last year. Way better than teams like KRU, ZETA, T1 and a lot of EMEA. Redgar was not only the problem, but rhyme was a very decent fragging IGL. GX only understood when they lost him and their performance went to shit, even with inclusions of purpo.

posted 3 weeks ago

youre kinda right but it'd be funnier if you put them lower. KRU also had a chance to beat them, but they resigned that bot mta and theyre probably going to lose now.

posted 3 weeks ago

beforE keke

posted 3 weeks ago

lulquid sucks

posted 3 weeks ago

NRG 10th. Other than that, great list.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah, mid player like ethan. Dogshit players like trashies and shittor lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

Legendary. Pinnacle of SEN fans.

posted 3 weeks ago

Both mindfreak and monyet are great players. They would easily top my charts in an Indo/APAC superteam.

posted 3 weeks ago

They are actually playing good valorant. Cant even lie. I expected their dogshit playstyle of pushing every single angle and taking every single 50/50 fights.

posted 3 weeks ago

He can stick with DFM. They just need to kick those bots neth and anthem. CLZ, tenzou, TENN, xdll are all decent. And they need a good korean IGL.

posted 3 weeks ago

biggest problem was changing that roster. Also juicy couldnt really play. Juicy was cracked outta his mind lmao, y0y was very very washed even compared to Juicy's performance in such a weak ascension league.

posted 3 weeks ago
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