If it was so simple that even I could know the answer they wouldn’t be suffering like this.
With that said, we could still theorize, what do you guys think about Nats back on the sentinel role+Viper and chamber (kinda like How Loud will be doing with Less now, using it for lurking)
Chronicle back on the Sova/Fade
Sheydos on the more aggressive initiators such as skye and kayo+sage in some maps
Redgar on smokes (wish he could stay back and micromanage the team more)
And D3ffo still on duelist I guess, although with how they use him to create space they should really be experimenting more with the neon
What if they replace Deffo and move Sheydos onto the duelist, Deffo hasn't top fragged for his team since the Groups Stage at Champions (before that it was July lol) and Sheydos has the skill and flexibility to fill his shoes. I do still like Deffo as a player, I just don't think he is comfortably in the conversation for top 10 duelists in the world and they need firepower on that level on the duelist to compete with the likes of Fnatic, FPX, LOUD and Optic.
I don't think Sheydos would perform on agents like Jett and Chamber like he does on Sage, Skye, etc. I do agree deffo is probably the weakest link on the team, so naturally they should just get Derke to replace him. Ez switch totally gonna happen. More seriously tho, they do need someone on par with Yay/Derke/Aspas in order to really step it up a level.
Look Jett and Raze stats
That's not what a duelist should perform like
Inb4 hundreds of excuses about how d3ffo "creates space"
Except Victor doesn't main raze, Victor is more of an initiator player... He can be allowed to underperform on an agent which is not his signature
d3ffo's signature agents are jett and raze, and you see those stats, it's unacceptable
I have nothing against d3ffo personally but I would've made a change already
"M3C doesn't need to rely on the duelist to hard carry" that's because they simply can't, not because they don't need to
I could be wrong but I feel like d3ffo just doesn't have the potential (aim skill for example) to get into bombsite and make 2-3 frags straight away
If M3C could get someone like trexx, purp0, whatever, they'd become more versatile and wouldn't be limited to one dimensional "duelist is not supposed to carry" playstyle
duelist's main motive is to create space for their teams so that they can take site, fragging is the secondary nature. Like victor on neon for optic or corey for tsm or even liquid's duelist they don't frag much but they create space. I feel like the other players can control the round after the space is taken