Why are GC teams far from tier 3/2?

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For the past 3 years we have seen the best GC teams lose to tier 3 teams over and over again. Even with effys as the SR coach, they cant even reach closed qualifications.

What do yall think?


some people fail to understand, some people get upset when you say it but the Skill Gap Between Men and Women are just that wide. Even the Top of the Chain of the Females/NB can barley keep up with Tier 3/2, Part of that is the standard tho. most men grow up playing video games so its just natural to them and it feels like a natural talent. While MOST women have to grind to become good at games because they didnt start playing until Middle of there teens and etc.

Dont think it has to do anything with the Physical body. But just a mental thing that Men will just be better. and you like it or not that will never change.




dawg you are brain dead , drop your tracker so we can clown you


i’m brain dead because I said there’s a skill gap between Men and Women lmao. Like i said people like you would get upset and couldn’t accept reality. It’s not like Im calling women bad the top GC Players are still top .5 in the game it’s just they will never be in that top 0.01 With the Pro Tier 1 players with the exception of like maybe 2 in the world…..

dude said drop my tracker lmao.


what did i just read?


i’ll dumb it down for you.

GC teams will never be better then Tier 1/2/3 because there is a SKILL GAP between men and women. There are maybe 3-5 GC players in the world on a Tier 2 Level.



"that will never change"
r u dumb?


no i’m not, i’m not talking about that 1 female in the bunch. When i say “ That will never change “ I mean men will always be better then Women or NB as a whole on a pro standpoint. Yeah we may eventually get a woman/nb or two in Tier 1. but it will always be 98% men.

so no i am not dumb. are you?


true i also believe that most pros who are successful are have played some kind of fps before and during their adolescence and very few pro started after their adolescence if women are given opportunity to do this they can also be top esport players in fps games but i fell top brass will always consist more men than women


I get that people might disagree with this, but I think it really comes down to how long they've been playing the game. I don't have any data to back this up, but I would assume that if you polled most VCT pros, they started playing fps games at a very young age. I'd also be willing to be that if you did the same polling to GC teams, the average age you get would be a lot higher, probably around early teens.

It's a well understood fact of psychology that skills are way easier to learn when you're younger. I.e., learning a language or an instrument is a lot easier when you're a kid then when youre in your mid twenties. People that have been playing since they were a kid develop the essential habits way quicker then someone who decides to start playing later in life.

As for why this is the case, you can look at the score eSports channel and look at any story of pro players. They tend to have some sort of older brother, friend, or father that gets them into gaming at a young age. It's true that in society, we tend to discourage women from gaming when they're young as we don't typically associate it with them. I can only speak from anecdotes, but my female friends who got into gaming only got into it because of friends they met later on in their lives.


This is essentially the reason. The only thing I'll add(which is also extremely important) is that men, in general, have a far higher proclivity to take part in competitive activities. This is exactly what gaming is as you approach higher levels of play. Social barriers alone would not cause the discrepancy we see between men and women in most esports (where 99-100% of the T1 scene is biological men).

This is why, in my opinion, even if/when the social barriers around gaming are completely removed, you'll still see professional scenes that are majority biological male with a minority composed of truly exceptional biological females(which is hopefully there consistently across most titles). As a big GC fan and a long time fan of women in esports in general, that's the most I can realistically ever hope for.


one of the best level-headed takes i have seen. Women in general are not competitive in sports compared to men


Women in general are not competitive in sports compared to men

Not quite sure what that has to do with what I said as there's really no comparing esports to physical sports. The inherent physiological differences between men/women is what disqualifies the vast majority of physical sports from being co-ed, not sex-related behavioral tendencies.


Men and woman are different.

End thread.


because they have less players


that’s so untrue lmao, there’s so many women/nb that try to play in GC just there’s a major skill gap in it aswell, So you only ever hear about the same 15 players because after that it’s just mid.

most of them just don’t care to put the time in like men do who sit there for 10 hours a day off 3 Cups of GFuel and double shot coffee and shit.


Let's not forget that there's different mentality as well as dealing with stress and anxieties differently. Competitive gaming are not equal to each and every individuals.


it's only due to the different number of men and women playing the game at a high level. say 1 in each 1000 people is talented/puts in a lot of work, there's 10k women and 100k men (there are random numbers) so obviously the men would generate more pro players. the whole point of gc is to encourage more women to try and play the game competitively


The gap will also probably close somewhat, over the next 20 years, across all esports. Esports is extremely young and unrecognized by normies. Male focus marketing has kept women out of video games from the beginning. Counter-Strike is the only other real tactical FPS, and ain't nobody gonna argue that it wasn't so toxic that women could barely consider playing casually, much less professionally.

And don't discount the insane change in general male/female relations over the last 10 years. Cancel culture was awful, but things overall have gotten way better since GamerGate in 2014 and Weinstein in 2017. It'll take a looong time for those changes to really take effect. The future T1 women are probably like 5 years old right now. Valorant and Riot are generally ahead of the industry. Chess is still extremely male-dominated for no apparent reason.

50/50 split is unlikely (the genders are indeed different), but 25% women in T1 seems possible. Riot is doing good, it'll just take time.

Why do I write on this site, noones gonna read this lol

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