Flag: United States
Registered: July 21, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 9:38 PM
Posts: 4638
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I dont think anyone would care if its a past off season vod, idk why anyone would possibly care about a team that didnt happen lol

posted 27 minutes ago

blud can make bank off just streaming these vods lmao

wonder if any other coach would do the same, would actually like to see who all C9 Trailed or Even EG

posted 29 minutes ago

bro nobody want no Fucking derrick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

posted 18 hours ago

relax. hes not that bad, i think he has his moments, but at this point if they do bad at champs heā€™s gotta go

posted 18 hours ago

more of a chance than 100t thats for sure šŸ¤£

posted 20 hours ago

i mean he has a .7 kd on 2 of the 3 agents he played this last split, let someone with some clout to there name do that theyā€™re getting called ass

posted 20 hours ago

wtf makes him good his stats are horrible split 2?

posted 22 hours ago

easy af

Duelist : Oxy
Smokes : Yay
Sentinel : Leaf
Recon : Xeta
Flashes/Flex : Tenz

posted 1 day ago

duelist : ReykjavĆ­k TenZ
Recon : 2023 Leo
Flashes/Flex : Current Mazino
Sentinel : Tokyo Alfa
Smokes : 2022 Champs Pancada?

Oh i also read the aurthor wrong LOL!

It would forsure have to be like Sentinels/C9 no?

posted 1 day ago

damn near a down grade

posted 1 day ago

he wasnā€™t ass, valyn himself said it wasnā€™t due to poor performance more they just needed something new and more ideas, pretty sure net called/mid rounded heavy on CT side , so assume valyn/leaf took that over and made them better

posted 1 day ago

just go look through the fourms thereā€™s like 100 post about it

posted 1 day ago

i ainā€™t gonna voice my opinion on anything, hopefully theyā€™re innocent.

posted 1 day ago

Theyā€™re investigating, they know who the player is and he is cooperating with the investigation

so far no illegal activities have been found and theyā€™re still investigating, and will even use a third party investigator if needed.

posted 1 day ago

so they officially know who it is, wonder if any roster changes will happenā€¦.

posted 1 day ago

2 šŸ† eaters responding lmao

posted 1 day ago

100% Tier 2 or GE

posted 1 day ago

and hopefully in those 9 days itā€™s atleast 12 hours of looking into a monitor

posted 1 day ago

fnc and sen are boot camping at the same place

posted 1 day ago

one of the hardest carrys i ever seen tenz do live with my own eyes

posted 1 day ago

I wouldnā€™t be surprised they did some dumb shit like this

posted 1 day ago

IDK why people want LCQ back its pointless, unless they add a Win Requirement or Stipulations to it.

posted 1 day ago

shut the fuck up

posted 1 day ago

probably not, but you could only name 1 country in the whole area of europe , germany fuck no id never live there.

posted 2 days ago

any one in there right mind would live in america over europe

And hes from america thats where his family lives

posted 2 days ago

probably just go to sleep early for sen games and the 3 finals , but idk if iā€™m really gonna be able to watch the rest

posted 2 days ago

yeah why is this not the case lmao

posted 2 days ago


posted 2 days ago

ofc sen is playing first lmaoooo

4 am my time goddamn :(

posted 2 days ago

itā€™s definitely not benkai that made them good, they did perfectly fine last year without him

I do think they should have better strats and itā€™s okay to be less aggro occasionally , meta changes just hurting them rn and theyā€™re trying something i guess lmao

skye and raze nerfs hurt them

posted 2 days ago

damn if you donā€™t mind me asking why so long?

For me thatā€™s like marriage time, I think if it was me iā€™d like to be moved in by a year or 2.

posted 2 days ago

trust is #1!!

How long have you been dating ?

Is moving in together an option? feel like this is a must eventually if itā€™s long distance

posted 2 days ago

how far is long distance

posted 2 days ago

look at his username heā€™s a obvious troll

posted 2 days ago

unfortunate benkai pulled a absolute stinker game 5

posted 2 days ago

itā€™s pointless for val

posted 2 days ago

damn, your input is no longer valid in any vct conversations since you couldnā€™t pass play successfully

posted 2 days ago

iā€™ll also give you my account If they win and someway ICY mvps

posted 3 days ago

heā€™s solid, just not good enough for Tier 1 NA

posted 3 days ago

yeah, itā€™s not even his replacement did bad, team chem jsut thrown off

posted 3 days ago

iā€™ll delete my account of G2 ever wins a Fucking event šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€

posted 3 days ago

bind is a big map, solo smokes is troll on it I think it would be solid with a Viper and brim but you kinda need the double smokes at worst

posted 3 days ago

I think the double int on Lotus is fine, I think deadlock is also good on lotus only vs a neon tho, with a Raze and KJ trips are broken easily,

Deadlock on Ascent is perfect they used it well on T side, they just need to get better on CT some how on ascent of all maps......

Win Pistols

Deadlock on bind is ultimate troll tho, idc what anyone says

posted 3 days ago

mada is playing the best season hes ever had, why lower him again ?

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

hopefully thats a old clip, leaking comp changes!

posted 3 days ago

so if they get grouoped what would you say.

posted 3 days ago

Just like a genuine question are yall okay with being ass? Like Sen didnt even make shanghai and alot of people are predicting them to even be grouped @ champs and youre okay with them running it back with the same 5?......

like theres legit no excuse for that performance vs G2 and 100T, I understand Sacys dog and ETC but hes been playing like that in ALOT of games this season not just those 2 series, you cant expect a sacy util machine and expect zekken to drop 30 kills to win every map, there has to be a balance in fragging with all 5 teammates.

posted 3 days ago
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