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Registered: June 9, 2021
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 6:03 AM
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anyone who uses their first name.

Ethen is a fkin nerd name

posted 15 hours ago

Basically they need Stew or its not really an upgrade from Saya

posted 1 day ago

its interesting. I have not watched it.

Like right now t2 NA is on so i would watch that.

The team that had players i was familiar with didn't even make the playoffs so it just shows how little i know.

what team is the favorites?

posted 1 day ago

I think its 50/50 tbh

posted 1 day ago

Mistakes are also a thing that happen in relationships.

your comparison is shit because it assumes he went into the act thinking "Im gonna bust in that bitch no matter what!!"

We can assume that's not the case since she still wanted to be with him afterwards.

it was only after he cheated on her that she decided to "Get revenge".

posted 1 day ago

top 4 teams make champs.

drx, prx, geng all clear navi and no one can even argue that.

Do we really think Navi beat RRQ or Talon?

posted 1 day ago

don't have sex without a condom if you're afraid of getting pregnant. its called pull and pray for a reason. even if you pull out your risk of getting pregnant is HUGE.

She clearly wasnt worried enough to not have sex.

she clearly wasnt worried enough to make him wear a condom.

it sounds like two teenagers being teenagers and engaging in risky behavior.

posted 1 day ago

is this what happened or am i missing something?

Two teenagers have sex

She lets him have intercourse with her and not wear a condom.

"Please pull out"

he doesnt pull out

She doesnt say anything to anyone.

He cheats on her

she gets mad and tells people "His pull out game is weak"

lots of people try and get him canceled and ruin his career.

posted 1 day ago

because his pull out game was weak he might lose his career

posted 1 day ago

cool animation, cool to see some iconic valorant moments animated.

mid song

posted 3 days ago

guy doesnt know what first kill per round means LOLOL

posted 5 days ago


he doesnt die first because he is good.



Thanks for proving me right :)

posted 5 days ago

he currently sits 2nd in first kills per round in the league https://www.vlr.gg/event/stats/2095/champions-tour-2024-americas-stage-2

He is 86/38 in fk/fd those stats are ABSOULTLY insane.

but please, continue to show the world how retarded you are.

posted 5 days ago

the argument that "He doesn't die first so he's bad" is the most absurd argument of all time.

he currently sits 2nd in first kills per round in the league https://www.vlr.gg/event/stats/2095/champions-tour-2024-americas-stage-2

He is 86/38 in fk/fd those stats are ABSOULTLY insane.

Just because he doesn't die when he takes his first engagements, doesn't mean he's bad LOL

posted 5 days ago

lol and people thought deffo was good enough for t1 lol

posted 5 days ago


I know you’re not very smart, but Aspas has the 2nd highest first kill per round in the entire league.

Maybe come up with an opinion of your own before you regurgitate ignorant drivel that you hear on vlr.

Aspas is the opposite of a baiter, it’s just something brain dead haters say.

posted 5 days ago


posted 5 days ago

They were considered the 2nd best team in t2 for the majority of the season last year.

No one thought of them as a super team 😂

posted 6 days ago

The only good player on that list is already in TL

posted 6 days ago

Top 3 in the region.

Hard to call him more than that until we see him at champs.

I do know that he’s one of the few duelists that would be worth importing for na teams.

posted 1 week ago

aspas is a baiter

posted 1 week ago

I assume bulkylettuce is just someone’s alt whose main account has been banned or shunned.

There is NO WAY his takes are not bait.

No one can possibly be that retarded.

posted 1 week ago

Players of what caliber?

C9 is 4 t2 players and oxy

posted 1 week ago

Xeppaa is what haters think Asuna is.

posted 1 week ago

At home for t he rest of the season just like c9

posted 1 week ago

Oxy (75% might get bought cause c9 won’t spend money.)

Everyone else less than 25%

Unless you mean staying in t1. Then oxy 90% everyone else less than 50%

posted 1 week ago

Assuming oxg wins ascension and c9 are willing to spend money on good players.

Oxy ( duelist)
Narrate (2nd duelist / initiator
Rossy (flex)
Zander (Igl) (smokes)
Victor (sent)

posted 1 week ago

I expected vitality to be top 4 Emea when the season started.

Then they got trexx and it should have been gravy.

They just looked flat for awhile and I lost faith.

The team is a huge name and they have a lot of coaching / support for their players.

It’s nice to see them finally clicking and living up to their potential.

I also think TH is overrated, but that’s a different story and I’m sure most people don’t agree.

posted 1 week ago

Y’all weird as hell and must lead the cushiest lives.

This is the shit you waste your energy on?

Imagine having real problems 😂

posted 1 week ago

Guy is 7th in the ranking this split and people are still saying “he’s not great”

He plays hard entry so he dies a lot and kinda looks silly just flying into the middle of the enemy team, but he is an elite player. A tier for sure.

posted 1 week ago

Sen have more “off days” than banks

posted 1 week ago


They belong In t1 because they have no one better.

That’s the issue with having 50 t1 teams.

You will have mediocre players

posted 1 week ago

Name 20 players not in t1 that are better ;)

posted 1 week ago

Kendrick just sounds like an angry black man.

Wayne made music.

I’m ready for the hate.

posted 1 week ago

I’m sure KC will be better without him ;)

posted 1 week ago

I would love for him to join eg.

I just don’t think eg is willing to pay what another org would pay.

posted 1 week ago

I remember when you would know most of the names in t2

posted 1 week ago

I hope narrate comes home.

We have multiple teams that he could make better.

posted 1 week ago

they took him off duelist the last 2 maps

posted 1 week ago

You don’t even need to hire me 100t

I’ll let you know something your ignorant coaches can’t figure out.

Cryo is a top tier awp

Put him on an agent that excels with the awp.

You’re welcome.


posted 1 week ago

Imagine losing to a t2 team 😂

posted 1 week ago

Aspas is probably the best duelist in the world, but it’s hard to call him the goat.

Goats win trophies 🏆

In American sports, imagine trying to call someone the goat and they only won 1 chip.

Wouldn’t happen.

posted 1 week ago

Yes it is.

Goats win trophy’s

posted 1 week ago

Garnets is mediocre in t2 Thai


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

yes, that is what I am saying.


you gain CHAMPIONS POINTS from the lower tier tournaments

just because you can't seem to see the difference between the two events doesn't mean there isn't one.

1 champ every year. it's the biggest tournament. period. end of story.

posted 1 week ago

dude has never played real sports and it shows.

same reason the Olympics are valued more than any other international competition

posted 1 week ago
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