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Why their esports system sucks ? Even tho I’m eu fan but let’s be realistic all the big tournaments all teams are eu isn’t even fun to watch even NA orgs have eu players they need an inmport rule and make it regional there’s no fun while I’m watching it’s not even hyped it’s like a eu league at this point “overwatch” just copied val systems “CS” need to that ngl


CS ecosystem clear Le0 Fariass




At least the CS one is still alive, while the Val one is trajected to die lmao. In 2025, all CS events will be open circuit.

IAmRichYouAreNot [#4]

At least the CS one is still alive, while the Val one is trajected to die lmao. In 2025, all CS events will be open circuit.

Most of EU will play CS2. Everywhere else in the world will be playing League and Valorant. Just like League took over Dota, Valorant will take over CS. CS2 is garbage too, and NA sucks ass at it 100% so no future.

Marved-NA-Savior [#5]

Most of EU will play CS2. Everywhere else in the world will be playing League and Valorant. Just like League took over Dota, Valorant will take over CS. CS2 is garbage too, and NA sucks ass at it 100% so no future.

CSGO's release was 10 times worse than CS2, honestly, the reason why CS2 is getting so much hate is because people were so used to how good CSGO was. CS2 will receive a lot of content once developers fix the bugs, which to be honest is going to take a while but it is still going to happen.

NA CS even though it is not as alive in 2019, is NOT dead. If it is truly dead, then coL would not be top 8 in the world, Liquid being a superteam, m80 be competitive to tier 1, and other tier 2 teams like WIldcard and Nouns producing talents. Don't forget, covid and Valorant took a generation off of NA talent such as S0m, Xeppa, Leaf. It will take time to producing the next generation of talent.

IMO, franchising will be the nail in the coffin for Valorant. I just don't see how talent can be developed if there is almost no tier 2 support. And now currently, tier 1 is taking a hit from barely playing any events. Say what you want about how it spreads influence to different regions, it will die out when Orgs are pulling out due to financial issues and little events.


val hype is partly because of how little events there are,if there was like 10 masters and 2 champs a year they would have like 50% of the hype the currently have

IAmRichYouAreNot [#6]

CSGO's release was 10 times worse than CS2, honestly, the reason why CS2 is getting so much hate is because people were so used to how good CSGO was. CS2 will receive a lot of content once developers fix the bugs, which to be honest is going to take a while but it is still going to happen.

NA CS even though it is not as alive in 2019, is NOT dead. If it is truly dead, then coL would not be top 8 in the world, Liquid being a superteam, m80 be competitive to tier 1, and other tier 2 teams like WIldcard and Nouns producing talents. Don't forget, covid and Valorant took a generation off of NA talent such as S0m, Xeppa, Leaf. It will take time to producing the next generation of talent.

IMO, franchising will be the nail in the coffin for Valorant. I just don't see how talent can be developed if there is almost no tier 2 support. And now currently, tier 1 is taking a hit from barely playing any events. Say what you want about how it spreads influence to different regions, it will die out when Orgs are pulling out due to financial issues and little events.

IMO, franchising will be the nail in the coffin for Valorant. I just don't see how talent can be developed if there is almost no tier 2 support

you say cs can fix things but val can’t, clear bias here just give them time atleast tier 2 is looking better then it did last year, they’ll eventually see what’s wrong and what the problem is and fix it. just like cs will.

asdfgh [#7]

val hype is partly because of how little events there are,if there was like 10 masters and 2 champs a year they would have like 50% of the hype the currently have

I disagree, people clearly want to see more events. Just bring in a different TO such as ESL or Blast for other events would bring in so much hype.

asdfgh [#7]

val hype is partly because of how little events there are,if there was like 10 masters and 2 champs a year they would have like 50% of the hype the currently have

Nah it will still be hype in my opinion bc of the regional system

IAmRichYouAreNot [#9]

I disagree, people clearly want to see more events. Just bring in a different TO such as ESL or Blast for other events would bring in so much hype.

man masters and champs rn barely get the same viewership as the biggest non major cs events,sure it would e hype for the ppl on vlr who wanna see all the games 24/7 but it doesn't make the scene more popping or hype

Yanko [#10]

Nah it will still be hype in my opinion bc of the regional system


asdfgh [#11]

man masters and champs rn barely get the same viewership as the biggest non major cs events,sure it would e hype for the ppl on vlr who wanna see all the games 24/7 but it doesn't make the scene more popping or hype

maybe you are right, but ESL/Blast do know how to get views.

IAmRichYouAreNot [#6]

CSGO's release was 10 times worse than CS2, honestly, the reason why CS2 is getting so much hate is because people were so used to how good CSGO was. CS2 will receive a lot of content once developers fix the bugs, which to be honest is going to take a while but it is still going to happen.

NA CS even though it is not as alive in 2019, is NOT dead. If it is truly dead, then coL would not be top 8 in the world, Liquid being a superteam, m80 be competitive to tier 1, and other tier 2 teams like WIldcard and Nouns producing talents. Don't forget, covid and Valorant took a generation off of NA talent such as S0m, Xeppa, Leaf. It will take time to producing the next generation of talent.

IMO, franchising will be the nail in the coffin for Valorant. I just don't see how talent can be developed if there is almost no tier 2 support. And now currently, tier 1 is taking a hit from barely playing any events. Say what you want about how it spreads influence to different regions, it will die out when Orgs are pulling out due to financial issues and little events.

My problem is they’re are no import rule it kill the whole vibe
Let’s you wanna watch faze vs VIT you would think let’s me watch this NA vs EU BUT ALL THIER PLAYERS ARE FROM EU IT KILLS THE WHOLE Rivalry no fun while watching

Shawn23 [#8]

IMO, franchising will be the nail in the coffin for Valorant. I just don't see how talent can be developed if there is almost no tier 2 support

you say cs can fix things but val can’t, clear bias here just give them time atleast tier 2 is looking better then it did last year, they’ll eventually see what’s wrong and what the problem is and fix it. just like cs will.

I mean i don't know how it is bias, franchising is known to kill esports like Overwatch. Tier 2 is still segregated from Tier 1, if they want to fix this simple issue, they can just go back to open circuit like in 2021

Yanko [#14]

My problem is they’re are no import rule it kill the whole vibe
Let’s you wanna watch faze vs VIT you would think let’s me watch this NA vs EU BUT ALL THIER PLAYERS ARE FROM EU IT KILLS THE WHOLE Rivalry no fun while watching

that i agree with,it was way more hype when there was at least national teams

asdfgh [#12]



Yanko [#14]

My problem is they’re are no import rule it kill the whole vibe
Let’s you wanna watch faze vs VIT you would think let’s me watch this NA vs EU BUT ALL THIER PLAYERS ARE FROM EU IT KILLS THE WHOLE Rivalry no fun while watching

Unfortunately, I think once an esport scene is developed, they will move towards international teams and national teams die. Ex. LoL only Korean/Chinese teams are national since they are the dominant scene, but the rest are international (NA/EU). CS, it applies the same too, Danes and Russians are national, but the rest tends to be international in tier 1.

IAmRichYouAreNot [#15]

I mean i don't know how it is bias, franchising is known to kill esports like Overwatch. Tier 2 is still segregated from Tier 1, if they want to fix this simple issue, they can just go back to open circuit like in 2021

The overwatch league wasn't bad only because it was franchised/closed system, it was bad because the structured and calendar were terrible, with no clear path towards pro play, while also being a bad game for sports considering that the dev have always prioritized fun over balance, and also there is the fact that Blizzard simply does not know how to run an esport

OWL and VCT are completely different from eachother and the situation we're in rn in valorant is not even CLOSE to how bad it have been in overwatch basically since day one

Blizzard's new OWCS is clearly them settling down for a tier 2 esport, having mostly online games with the "big" internacional events being held inside of Dreamhacks this is cheap ass compared to what we have in valorant and riots vision for the future

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