good patch

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gekko molly insane...gekko might see a higher pickrate now
chamber no buffs but because jett is nerfed and we've already seen chamber picks, it should only increase (oping is too strong)
skye nerf is actually a buff.. you lose info (suck to be a pro team) but you also gain faster flashes that you can set up for yourself (balanced buff)
astra...dont get me started her stun is unavoidable, combo it with the suck and you're dead..and the wall bro pro teams are gonna be complaining about this wall for a long time
breach aftershock is a buff, if you get hit even once thats 80hp
jett got nerfed sure but i think this was needed, you have to actually be good at the game to play her now
the ult orbs being more means less chaining rounds/teams cant stack rounds because of the ult economy (so thisis good)
dont care what anyone says, this is the best map pool we've had


made it easy to read/understand for everyone

Breach (BUFF) - Aftershock does 160 over 2 taps
Brimstone (NERF) - Ult 7 -> 8
Fade (NERF) - Longer pullout after dogging
Gekko (BUFF) - Nade does 10/s before explosion, wingman slight health decrease
Killjoy (NERF) - Ult 8 -> 9
Omen (NERF) - Fixed moving making blind move faster
Skye (REWORK) - Flash maxxed faster, dog and ult less HP
Sova (NERF) - 1 less scan on dart
Viper (NERF) - Ult 8 -> 9
Astra (REWORK) - Gravity well longer to start and lasts shorter, Stun faster activation, wall blocks ALL audio
Jett (NERF) - Dash lasts less and takes longer to start, smokes way shorter and longer pullout after use, 1 updraft, ult 7 -> 8


+breeze (REWORK)


why nerf fade 😿

kaninv [#2]

made it easy to read/understand for everyone

Breach (BUFF) - Aftershock does 160 over 2 taps
Brimstone (NERF) - Ult 7 -> 8
Fade (NERF) - Longer pullout after dogging
Gekko (BUFF) - Nade does 10/s before explosion, wingman slight health decrease
Killjoy (NERF) - Ult 8 -> 9
Omen (NERF) - Fixed moving making blind move faster
Skye (REWORK) - Flash maxxed faster, dog and ult less HP
Sova (NERF) - 1 less scan on dart
Viper (NERF) - Ult 8 -> 9
Astra (REWORK) - Gravity well longer to start and lasts shorter, Stun faster activation, wall blocks ALL audio
Jett (NERF) - Dash lasts less and takes longer to start, smokes way shorter and longer pullout after use, 1 updraft, ult 7 -> 8


+breeze (REWORK)

breach change isnt necessarily a buff imo

Its sometimes used as CC and now it doesnt last as long

trialog [#4]

breach change isnt necessarily a buff imo

Its sometimes used as CC and now it doesnt last as long

It's a rework for sure but I see it as a buff, it'll be way stronger to clear out angles or places since if you stay in it you die way faster


Breach changes werent a buff, you almost never see breach get a kill from aftershock and I dont expect this to change. An aftershock is usually used to stall pushes (so you'll be stopping the other team for a shorter time now) or clearing an angle, but once you aftershock to clear an angle, the other player will peek you before your aftershock even hits them anyway..

Also I cant believe they fucking nerfed astra's suck lmao, she is almost never picked in ranked and she isnt even that op in pro play. Ok go buff her stun but nerfing the suck was very useless

firefirefirefire [#3]

why nerf fade 😿

is this happens because we are from TURKEY


How do you gain faster flashes? Because you can't use the last 0.5s (which is never used in a popflash situation anyways)? Unless I've misunderstood something

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