Flag: | International |
Registered: | June 24, 2023 |
Last post: | February 17, 2025 at 3:03 AM |
Posts: | 642 |
yesterday cs had 1.7m viewers at one time, val has lower than 1m
nt tho
they should get that 200 page chatgpt guy, team cant get any worse with fns still in the roster
someone should study how FNS was able to keep his job for this long
as long as you have a controller any game is winnable in that elo, just lock in your comfort agents
nt, cantates is gonna steal zywoos throne this year
im stuck in immo and i just gave up trying to get radiant and i started grinding cs faceit now
losers queue exists in valorant ranked and its impossible to get through it if you arent a pro player
just unlucky that only 2 teams qualify from each region
you can be the 2nd best team in a region but if you have one off day in lowers final then its over
kick smth and jinggg and do whatever you can to sign primmie and a senti or init player
theres so many cracked duelists carrying their team and their duelists avg like 1 kd
its up to riot to accept tourney org's request and they are very strict with it afaik
them being control freaks over pro scene is killing t2 rn
i agree, look at navi, prx, fns keeping the same washed up players/cores for years. the nepotism in t1 is very bad compared to cs
do you guys think duelist players in t2 are more likely to get chances from t1 teams because they have better stats? Even if they wont be playing duelist in their new t1 team
chronicle is consistent af, breach is the hardest agent to frag with, he is doing great
I ask chatgpt to write a 100 page summary of the thread so I can understand everything and every detail
if there were top16 teams they wouldnt have enough time for all of the matches during the season /s
nah but fr if you are gonna have only 3 fucking events in a year at least do them right, cs's 2nd big event is starting out already and 3rd one is soon too
I could be your lawyer if you need, unless you wanna chatgpt your way through it
It's good to have hope in your teams and region, but TH or some other team that has turkish players is taking this home. Their just shoot heads different. No one can top that
emea: all teams with at least 1 turk tbh
china: fpx because edg era needs to end
pacific: prx
amer: g2 with their perfect valorant, and mibr because aspas
he goes 0.90 kd playing only jett lol
if he wasnt getting boosted by sinatra he would be immo 1 max and thats being generous
cap, i never win with sage egirle in my team in immo
its the best show and its rated as the best show so its fairly rated
trolling your duo is probably the best part of this agent
make an initiator (lets call him yarra) that can tie a rope to his teammates, and when he pulls his teammate, his teammate is instantly pulled back to yarra
so lets say your reyna took a bad fight and is about to die, you pull him back and he survives
you should play retake every time a free ability is used?
i dont care about offending anyone i just dont wanna get banned
sometimes ill destroy his shield but then my teammates die to him and give him his shield back, i just dont wanna play this game against an agent that can take 75/25 gunfights for free 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And double peeking him isnt always an option when they are hitting a site with 4+ people and there will be more people than iso that you fight against