Cry not free

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Actually cry isn’t free. A common misconception is that crying is free, however that is only from the view of an accountant. If we take a look at the bigger picture, crying has an opportunity cost that is often unseen yet also has a large effect on the economy.

According to the Wall Street Journal, in a survey conducted in Q2 2022, it is calculated that crying cost the US economy over 50 trillion dollars in losses. This is more than the 31 trillion dollar federal budget and more than all loses in the 2010 decade due to cybersexurity issues, another rising issue due to lack of infrastructure.

The science behind why crying causes so much economic loss is simple. Crying affects the emotion of a person heavily by constricting serotonin generation, a crucial neurotransmitter that enables humans to feel happiness. One of the most notorious disasters cause by crying is the Challenger disaster. On May 22nd 1967, lead engineer Pratsha Patel was in charge of overseeing the installation of the fatal o-rings for the Challenger flight, unfortunately just the previous day, he had watched his daughter fail the dance competition leading him to cry throughout the night. This causes a lack of sleep due to sadness which in turn caused him to not think properly leading to the o-rings being approved when they shouldn’t have.

The ideology that crying is free is a misconception spread by those who are ignorant, yet in this world ignorance is not the truth. Humans choose to be ignorant towards the ugly truth and instead choose to remain unaware of what lie in the dark. As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “Why would thou suffer the sufferings of like when all could be ended with a knife.”

the ideology yond crying is free is a misconception did spread by those who is't art ign'rant, yet in this w'rld ign'rance is not the sooth. Humans chooseth to beest ign'rant towards the like a toad, ugly and venemous sooth and instead chooseth to remaineth unaware of what forswear in the dark. As shakespeare wroteth in hamlet, “why wouldst thou suff'r the suff'rings of liketh at which hour all couldst beest end'd with a bodkin.”


Braille for those who are death (ilovefrozenblueberries is an equal opportunity provider):






"the ideology yond crying is free is a misconception did spread by those who is't art ign'rant, yet in this w'rld ign'rance is not the sooth."

wtf did i just read


TLDR: Find God

ilovefrozenblueberries [#2]

Braille for those who are death (ilovefrozenblueberries is an equal opportunity provider):





Thanks bro needed this


Actually cry isn’t free. A common misconception is that crying is free, however that is only from the view of an accountant. If we take a look at the bigger picture, crying has an opportunity cost that is often unseen yet also has a large effect on the economy.

According to the Wall Street Journal, in a survey conducted in Q2 2022, it is calculated that crying cost the US economy over 50 trillion dollars in losses. This is more than the 31 trillion dollar federal budget and more than all loses in the 2010 decade due to cybersexurity issues, another rising issue due to lack of infrastructure.

The science behind why crying causes so much economic loss is simple. Crying affects the emotion of a person heavily by constricting serotonin generation, a crucial neurotransmitter that enables humans to feel happiness. One of the most notorious disasters cause by crying is the Challenger disaster. On May 22nd 1967, lead engineer Pratsha Patel was in charge of overseeing the installation of the fatal o-rings for the Challenger flight, unfortunately just the previous day, he had watched his daughter fail the dance competition leading him to cry throughout the night. This causes a lack of sleep due to sadness which in turn caused him to not think properly leading to the o-rings being approved when they shouldn’t have.

The ideology that crying is free is a misconception spread by those who are ignorant, yet in this world ignorance is not the truth. Humans choose to be ignorant towards the ugly truth and instead choose to remain unaware of what lie in the dark. As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “Why would thou suffer the sufferings of like when all could be ended with a knife.”

the ideology yond crying is free is a misconception did spread by those who is't art ign'rant, yet in this w'rld ign'rance is not the sooth. Humans chooseth to beest ign'rant towards the like a toad, ugly and venemous sooth and instead chooseth to remaineth unaware of what forswear in the dark. As shakespeare wroteth in hamlet, “why wouldst thou suff'r the suff'rings of liketh at which hour all couldst beest end'd with a bodkin.”


no understand, can u please explain in spanish ?


i am glad to have been enlightened by ilovefrozenblueberries. cry is not free.

Perma [#7]

no understand, can u please explain in spanish ?

En realidad, llorar no es gratis. Un concepto erróneo común es que llorar es gratis, sin embargo, eso es solo desde el punto de vista de un contador. Si miramos el panorama general, llorar tiene un costo de oportunidad que a menudo no se ve, pero que también tiene un gran efecto en la economía.

Según el Wall Street Journal, en una encuesta realizada en el segundo trimestre de 2022, se calcula que el llanto le costó a la economía estadounidense más de 50 billones de dólares en pérdidas. Esto es más que el presupuesto federal de 31 billones de dólares y más que todas las pérdidas en la década de 2010 debido a problemas de cibersexuridad, otro problema creciente debido a la falta de infraestructura.

La ciencia detrás de por qué el llanto causa tanta pérdida económica es simple. El llanto afecta en gran medida la emoción de una persona al restringir la generación de serotonina, un neurotransmisor crucial que permite a los humanos sentir felicidad. Uno de los desastres más notorios causados ​​por el llanto es el desastre del Challenger. El 22 de mayo de 1967, el ingeniero principal Pratsha Patel estuvo a cargo de supervisar la instalación de las juntas tóricas fatales para el vuelo del Challenger, desafortunadamente el día anterior, había visto a su hija fallar en la competencia de baile, lo que lo llevó a llorar toda la noche. Esto provoca una falta de sueño debido a la tristeza, lo que a su vez hizo que no pensara correctamente, lo que llevó a que se aprobaran las juntas tóricas cuando no deberían.

La ideología de que llorar es gratis es un concepto erróneo difundido por los ignorantes, pero en este mundo la ignorancia no es la verdad. Los humanos eligen ignorar la fea verdad y, en cambio, eligen permanecer inconscientes de lo que se encuentra en la oscuridad. Como escribió Shakespeare en Hamlet, "¿Por qué sufrirías los sufrimientos de cuando todo podría terminar con un cuchillo?".

la ideología de que llorar es gratis es un concepto erróneo difundido por aquellos que no son ignorantes, pero en este mundo la ignorancia no es la verdad. Los humanos eligen ser irascibles hacia el sapo, feo y venenoso, y en su lugar eligen permanecer inconscientes de lo que juran en la oscuridad. Como escribió Shakespeare en Hamlet, “¿por qué sufrirías los sufrimientos de semejantes en qué momento todo podría terminar con un punzón?”.

Icysoda57 [#4]

TLDR: Find God

Jesus of Nazareth finds god on a moutain along with the prophets Moses and Elijah. (Book of Matthew, 17:1-13)


"Cry is free" is one constantly used sentence to users who are complaining about something.
But what most don't know, is that this sentence is actually a huge lie.
As far as we know, tears consist of water and 0,9 gram salt per litre. And both of these ingredients are not free.
Here I listed the price for 10 litre tears for the countries of the G8. I used the following formula (price is in US Dollar): (Price 100 gram salt/100)x9 + (Price 1 cubic litre water/100) = Price for 10 Litre Tears France: 0,20 $ Italy: 0,17 $ Germany: 0,19 $ United Kingdom: 0,22 $ USA: 0,18 $ Canada: 0,18 $ Japan: 0,18 $ Russia: 0,16 $ That means Russia has the cheapest cry.
Thank you for reading.

ilovefrozenblueberries [#10]

Jesus of Nazareth finds god on a moutain along with the prophets Moses and Elijah. (Book of Matthew, 17:1-13)


capital_d_colon [#11]

"Cry is free" is one constantly used sentence to users who are complaining about something.
But what most don't know, is that this sentence is actually a huge lie.
As far as we know, tears consist of water and 0,9 gram salt per litre. And both of these ingredients are not free.
Here I listed the price for 10 litre tears for the countries of the G8. I used the following formula (price is in US Dollar): (Price 100 gram salt/100)x9 + (Price 1 cubic litre water/100) = Price for 10 Litre Tears France: 0,20 $ Italy: 0,17 $ Germany: 0,19 $ United Kingdom: 0,22 $ USA: 0,18 $ Canada: 0,18 $ Japan: 0,18 $ Russia: 0,16 $ That means Russia has the cheapest cry.
Thank you for reading.

This is indeed a good point you have raised! In order to maintain the ability to cry, such solutions of sodium chloride must be ingested daily. In thee olden times such luxuries such as salt and spices were quite highly valued. Instructing someone to cry over the tiniest of details is an insult to the foundation of capitalism which doth built our land thee past 200 years. Only the rich can cry and the poor will starve.

ilovefrozenblueberries [#2]

Braille for those who are death (ilovefrozenblueberries is an equal opportunity provider):





I'm blind, could I get an audiobook?
Link to spotify when done


pay me since you're crying and its not free

ilovefrozenblueberries [#2]

Braille for those who are death (ilovefrozenblueberries is an equal opportunity provider):





im blind so i rlly need sign language version

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