Flag: Uzbekistan
Registered: July 9, 2022
Last post: July 22, 2024 at 9:54 PM
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The real Mickey Mouse Tournaments were 21 Champs, 22 Copenhagen, 23 Lock IN, 23 Tokyo

posted 4 days ago

you cant jinx greatness

Agreed. As an EU fan, I've been trying to jinx NA for a while but they're too good

posted 4 days ago

Yea maybe

posted 4 days ago

I think he's top 5. Demon1 and Aspas may be up there too

posted 4 days ago

This list is just from 2023 and most of them r better than the BBL players u mentioned

oxy, jonahp, valyn, trent, eeiu, johnqt, n4rrate, tex, zander, rossy, supamen, verno etc.

posted 4 days ago

If xeppa gets another yr of paycheck stealing, c9 needs to be investigated

posted 4 days ago

🐷 ty 🐷

posted 4 days ago

Ofc they can. U think Boostio walked to Shanghai?

posted 4 days ago

Imagine if they crush TSM and this somehow becomes the next big comp in champs

posted 4 days ago

Who asked? Buddy's got that 2020 humor πŸ˜­πŸ€“πŸ˜­

posted 4 days ago

I think you overlook the fact that SEN won Madrid

posted 4 days ago

EG are the reigning champions and 100T got 4th at Shanghai

Meanwhile VIT have yet to accomplish anything in the past 2 yrs

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

If Gen G is a good org in terms of player treatment, they will prolly stick together. If not, EG 2.0 where some might go PRX/DRX

posted 4 days ago

Aspas clears Enzo

posted 4 days ago

Now that LEV won Americas, Aspas > Enzo

U cannot debate this anymore

posted 4 days ago

GEN G & SEN exist plus TH was 1 round from being grouped by FPX

posted 4 days ago

Who will BiliBili befriend (4-0) this event??


posted 4 days ago
  1. SEN
  2. FNC
  3. GEN G
  4. LEV
posted 4 days ago


posted 5 days ago

yea. vibes prolly

what's crazy is icy was a sentinel main before g2 so i don't get why he and leaf switched

posted 5 days ago

icy came later. they benched tex for leaf which was an upgrade at the time

but then idk why they kicked net and moved leaf to senti

posted 5 days ago

BLG makes it out

posted 5 days ago

Prime Shanks was prolly the best jett in the Ngo household

posted 5 days ago

Not possible

posted 5 days ago

wrong time. c0m is the only reason they kept this map competitive.

posted 5 days ago

Welcome to a day in the life of us EU fans. We're always swapping between FNC, TH, and N0vi flairs 😊

posted 5 days ago

It's mostly my fellow EU fans inciting hate against both teams

LEV and Aspas when they were losing and now G2

posted 5 days ago

Ty Rocky54 but I have abandoned my region to spread the truth

U should know that considering ur always following me 😭

posted 5 days ago

Well ur 3rd seed beat ur 1st seed (who went 0-2) which, as an eu fan, clearly invalidates our entire region

posted 5 days ago

Np bro. If u have questions abt previous yrs (ie. prime yay and optic, prime nats and gambit), msg me

posted 5 days ago

LEV was 3rd seed at the time. FUT got 7 rounds against a team that wasn't even good enough to make champs 😭

posted 5 days ago

Idk. They seem worse both strategically and mechanically but I could see them getting lucky

posted 5 days ago

Actually ur right. Knowing riot's bias, they will prolly give FNC both those teams

posted 5 days ago

FNC will go 0-2 like at Shanghai

Sayf will choke and VIT will lose out

TH might make it if they 2-0 FUT

FUT are prolly so happy 100T isn't there but KRU can prolly take care of them

posted 5 days ago

Yea munchkin is still a solid igl

posted 5 days ago

I'm ngl, domestic does not count for anything. EDG would be the best team itw then 😭😭😭

posted 5 days ago

My man got 3 titles for his team

No way we're counting regional titles too. As an eu fan, we're finished 😭😭😭

posted 5 days ago

My fellow EU fans are always milking the sub excuse 😭😭😭

Maybe another TH player should decide to not go to champs so they have another excuse 😭

posted 5 days ago
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