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Last post: June 1, 2024 at 9:18 AM
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Franchising while good in someways is basically just capitalism on show in gaming.

Good for the few, shit for the masses.

Maybe it will lead to more entertaining formats for viewers and fans though, maybe not with the possible lack of Cinderella stories. Who knows at this point. Not looking great though.

posted about a year ago

Speedrun death of a scene challenge: difficulty easy

posted about a year ago

Nah, optic deserve all the praise. I say this as a slight NA hater.

The team has a winning mentality. One of the few groups that can bounce back and not go into a downward spiral after a loss.

posted about a year ago

NYFU? when was that announced? damn

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I'll tell you all now. This is bullshit.

There isn't a new version of CS coming anytime soon. What's happening is CSGO will be moved to Source 2 Engine. This is not a new game, it's 99% a backend change to move the game onto the most up to date source engine.

It won't look any different, it probably won't even feel different. It most certainly won't be packaged and released as a new game either.

In fact, CSGO will probably get slightly worse (in the short term) due to new bugs associated with being on a new engine while they need to fix things.

We are still many years away from a "new" counterstrike game. If you think the current game running on a cleaner / more up to date engine, is enough to cause an exodus from valorant, you are smoking heroin. It is NOT going to be a new game.

I love CSGO, but those guys are just talking out their asses.

posted about a year ago

You're right, and what that tells us is that it was anyone's game. Lev just came up slightly better.

It's hardly a game to draw many conclusions from.

posted about a year ago

We can only dream bruh. We can only dream.

And you make a good point.

Of the 3 international tournaments they played, liquid were knocked out of 2 by domestic rivals.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

LATAM elimination matches are GOATED


KRU vs Fnatic

KRU vs Gambit

Leviatan vs Xset

Leviatan vs Fnatic

All bangers

posted about a year ago

FPX looked like they stepped into form VS DRX, while FNatic look like they're hanging on for dear life vs Leviatan. Very Shaky and Derke is not in form at the moment.

posted about a year ago

Relax, they really just needed the benefit of playing group stage games to warm up.

Not saying they didn't deserve their losses. But it's tough to come to a first LAN and perform right away in knockouts. Leviatán rose to the challenge better. Doesn't mean XSET are trash.

posted about a year ago

Yep, that's a true point. But, I'd still say G2 under performed compared to their seeding.

posted about a year ago

Bro, relax, everyone gets shitted on when they lose.

posted about a year ago

better game, better tournies.

posted about a year ago

There's literally no way this came from someone with an Xset flair haha xD.

posted about a year ago

I don't know how long it's gonna take some of you to realise this.

But valorant isn't the game where you're going to see a region dominate.

1 Team from a region winning 1 event doesn't = region dominating.
1 Event where a region does better than every other doesn't = region dominating if they can't repeat it.

The skill gap between players at the top is too small, and it comes down to which TEAMS show up on the day.

The closest thing we had to regional dominance was champs last year by EMEA. But even that doesn't count, because it wasn't repeatable. EMEA shit the bed at the very next event.

If Optic wins this event, it doesn't mean NA is the best region (especially when their last 2 #1 seeds go 0-2 in playoffs). It just means Optic is the best team in the world. Doesn't say shit about the region.

I think we're at the stage where Valorant is finally globally competitive.

posted about a year ago

I really like this take, and the one above.

Liquid have rarely ever looked like the best team in EMEA, but they've always looked like a good matchup against pretty much any team internationally. The only exception being Zeta division. They were very poor against them on Fracture and Split.

posted about a year ago

Optic probably gonna win it all. Which makes me sad as an EMEA fan. but fuck it. it eez what it eez

posted about a year ago

my boy might be onto something haha

posted about a year ago


Is this a hot take or do you have a strong reason for predicting them.

posted about a year ago

Give them another shot haha, it was their first LAN

posted about a year ago

Bleed would be nice. I'd like to see that global roster of EU+APAC at LAN

posted about a year ago

Face down in a tears soaked pillow

posted about a year ago


Happens in every major sport. But vlr users are mostly clowns, so you're talking to a brick wall.

posted about a year ago

I wanted Lev to win. But chill out lol, it was anyone's game. Both of their first LAN fighting for elimination.

posted about a year ago

I'm super happy for them.


posted about a year ago

Unlucky for NA and XSET

0-2 in playoffs again as #1 seed.

Better luck next time

posted about a year ago

They did actually state in an interview that yoru was Ange1s idea

posted about a year ago

You just described difficult international competition. 3 teams that are better than everyone else from their region.

Saying if they were in Group B they'd have qualed is cap. You do not know this. I bet you predded GUILD to lose to Optic. Stop being so certain about valo predictions.

This is not a point that needs to be debated my boy.

posted about a year ago

Nah, you're just reading it like that. I think LOUD are an insane team, my post isn't to shade them.

I'm pointing out how crazy it is, they went 0-2 with very close games after violating the rest of Brazil.

International competition is crazy.

posted about a year ago

not related. But it's crazy how LOUD speedrun Brazil then went 0-2. Competition is really tight this event.

posted about a year ago

Good job SEIDER <3

posted about a year ago

Real ones do.

Easily the best UK* player

posted about a year ago

Because they clapped your mum with your daddy watching you fat fuck

posted about a year ago

They're definitely a good team. It doesn't make you a weeb to point that out. Close games vs FPX is better than alot of teams from other regions would have done.

posted about a year ago

I think you'd prefer Swiss format. Similar to round robin, but no irrelevant games.

csgo major format is W format.

posted about a year ago

I love TL, but i wouldn't be so sure about that m8.

The caliber of teams in LCQ is WAY higher than last year.

posted about a year ago

I'm using these to find who the fuck asked you.

MENA are FAR away from even being in the conversation.

posted about a year ago

They only applied for it 14/15 days ago. I'll never understand why esports teams dont apply for Visas way ahead of time. Even before qualification.

posted about a year ago

That's what he gets for not respecting his opponents.

Dude was playing as if he has Jing's mechanics or something lol. And he just shut the fuck down.

posted about a year ago

Angel -13 on First deaths and he solo peeked a shit load. He made this hard for his team IMO.

no idea why IGL and least cracked player on a team should be dying the first the most times. shrug.

posted about a year ago

Doesn't explain Ange1 solo peeking and dying so much.

IGL initiator with 16 First Deaths. That's what you get for not respecting your opponents.

Ange1 trolled the team hard imo

posted about a year ago

mate. people have blinders on.

If People rated man city at the start of last season after a handful of games, they'd have been called shit.

esports format serves short term thinking, alot of people don't know what they're talking about.

posted about a year ago

4 slots in a 12 team tournament would be dumb. Maybe if it was 16 teams, but other than that, hell no. doesn't matter how good a region is, they shouldn't eat all the slots because of that. that's 1 way to kill a young game.

posted about a year ago
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