Flag: Greece
Registered: May 28, 2021
Last post: July 22, 2024 at 1:18 PM
Posts: 3387
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It be like that sometimes

posted 4 days ago

Balance for all the times enVy/oPtic got free ass groups haha

posted 4 days ago

you can't get that which does not exist. in this case, his logic

posted 4 days ago

One team can fill seats in arena, one has Asuna

posted 5 days ago

Sayf always has and will be fucking nasty.

posted 1 week ago

It's taking the whole season into account. Can't ignore the fact that they performed solidly in split 1 and missed out on Shanghai very narrowly

posted 2 weeks ago

It's a different type of over T_T

posted 3 weeks ago

oh man, we're so cooked right now

posted 4 weeks ago

Heretics win or lose, the one thing you can't deny is there is no dead weight on this team.

posted 1 month ago

G2 got fisted lol.
Get fucked NA

posted 1 month ago

EMEA has sucked since Franchising started. Fnatic had the best run in valo history. That's about all there is to say.

posted 1 month ago

EMEA val in shambles. I hate to see it. Fuck ya'll 🤣😭

posted 1 month ago

No team stays at the top in valorant. Stop acting like a fall off isn't normal.

posted 1 month ago

Yes they are.

Americas and Apac are leagues. Br and na are still regions

posted 1 month ago

Loool that's crazy, but I respect the hate

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

FUT did us so fucking proud

posted 1 month ago

They've played more games with patitek than with their "full" roster. The subscription excuse isn't landing like it normally would.

posted 1 month ago

Not even close. Japan and BR are much weaker

posted 1 month ago

🤫 sshh don't spill

posted 1 month ago

Bro, EMEA hasn't beaten a north American team since fnatic played one.

posted 1 month ago

people can't really expect tier 2 to pay that well. eSports, more specifically valorant simply doesn't have the reach. T1 salaries outside of NA aren't even that good. Dude's are wasting their lives if they're stuck in T2 with no real prospects of getting signed bya franchise team.

posted 2 months ago

dude is fuckin unreal

posted 2 months ago

What is this cope

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

You're a nice hopeful person

posted 2 months ago

boaster my G, hit up an aim trainer, dont be getting complacent now.

Virtually every good team in franchising this year has an IGL that can keep up with most of their team fragging wise. Boaster could last year, but this year.......

posted 2 months ago

damn, didn't even realise, SEN are bottom of their group. :X

posted 2 months ago

Going through a busy patch and barely been able to watch games. Question for community, what's the general sentiment around NRG.

Are they disappointing or as good as we thought they'd be. I see they're 3-2, but their only wins are against BR teams who are in a slump right now (Furia are surely the worst team in franchising right now, or tied with Bleed / GiantX).

Is there hope or does this team look like a flop. Also, can they still make playoffs?

posted 2 months ago

This x10000.

posted 2 months ago



Trembolona feeling sick right now.

posted 2 months ago

Region in shambles, but my faith for. Abounce back is strong one day

posted 2 months ago

You're just not good enough.

posted 2 months ago

liquid getting dumpstered on again.

posted 3 months ago

worse than both

posted 3 months ago

these guys are fucking shit,

posted 3 months ago

ATE UP. Let's go goatzen

posted 3 months ago
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