Flag: United States
Registered: June 19, 2021
Last post: June 15, 2024 at 5:09 PM
Posts: 437
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on lotus victor played skye, ardiis could easily play kay/o instead (crashies would still play sova or maybe skye) and yay could play chamber, or they could go single controller and have FNS play killjoy while yay plays jett

either kj/sova/kayo/omen/jett or kj/skye/kayo/omen/jett, both would be perfectly normal

posted about a year ago

bro is talking to himself

posted about a year ago

NaVi over LOUD even though LOUD pushed FNC to their limit and NaVi couldn't take a map?

edit: you changed it nvm

posted about a year ago

what's their roster again?

posted about a year ago

statistically even if you were randomly guessing you would have about a 0.067% chance of getting that

posted about a year ago

i'm half chinese and got 6/18

posted about a year ago

in terms of most hype I would agree with NaVi and 100T because it gives you a team from every major continent, and all of these teams have huge followings as well as very solid teams that will create some great matchups and bring a lot of hype to semis as well as reaching the largest variety of fans

an alternative would maybe be LEV over NaVi and FNC over 100T, LEV and FNC are looking insane as well and the last time they played we got a wild match, not having NA in top 4 would obviously lose some hype from NA fans though

posted about a year ago

math is hard

posted about a year ago

common eutalyx W

posted about a year ago

great article, but it seems to imply a couple times that Sacy is the IGL, isn't dephh the main IGL and Sacy just a secondary caller?

posted about a year ago

optic ran double sentinel on haven at champions and got 2nd place with it bro i don't think it's a troll pick

posted about a year ago

something's going for the kill record again

posted about a year ago

can we just acknowledge that NRG and LOUD are 2 of the best teams we have in the franchise, they both played an amazing match (other than map 1) and it's a good thing that we were able to see such an exciting matchup between 2 juggernauts especially given the upset/fluke potential that comes with single elim?

some whiffs aside, maps 2 and 3 were probably 2 of the best games we've seen so far in this tournament, and regardless of your opinion on either team, you can't deny that this was a spectacular match

posted about a year ago

best igl would be considering all aspects of the player's gameplay including both their shotcalling and individual performance
best as igl would be specifically referring to only their shotcalling

posted about a year ago

NVM already fixed, had a match date glitch on the page but was probably just on my end

posted about a year ago

didnt m80 just kind of roll tsm or were we watching a different game

posted about a year ago

hey, at least you said "couldn't care less" instead of "could care less", lots of people with english as their first language can't even get that right

posted about a year ago

please work on your reading comprehension skills, that's far more important than your personal goal of 1000 vlr posts

posted about a year ago

"Ascension is so cutthroat lol"

"These teams are grinding like crazy all year from every region just for 1 single slot in franchise 😭
meanwhile dogshit teams like DetonatioN got in to franchise for free 😹😹 that is just sad bruh"

yo someone tell me if i'm crazy or something but i don't see "NA Ascension" or even "NA" anywhere in there

posted about a year ago

both of those are franchise teams??? unless you're trying to say that your franchise teams are tier 2...

posted about a year ago

you replied to op saying detonation is a dogshit team by comparing it to C9 only getting top 8 at champs 2021, and i was pointing out how that is a substantially larger achievement than failing to make top 8 in japan for the last 2 years, what are you missing?

posted about a year ago

op didn't even mention a single NA team or NA in general in his original post bro

posted about a year ago

name 5 tier 2 teams in other regions that can beat the guard

if NA ascension is tier 4 in other regions that should be easy right?

posted about a year ago

talking about c9 only placing top 8 at 2021 champs
meanwhile detonation didn't even make top 8 in japan at any point during the last 2 years...

posted about a year ago

i agree wholeheartedly

posted about a year ago

small correction, it says that "Gambit blitzed through the group stage and to the grand finals without dropping a map." should say match instead because they dropped a map in all of their wins

posted about a year ago

that's fair, but it generally seems like tier 2 is significantly larger than tier 1 in professional scenes, and additionally the line is very blurred between the bottom tier franchising teams and the top tier ascension teams, since there will likely be some ascension teams that are better than some franchised teams

that's why i'm considering it as a tier 1.5, i don't really think it's a full step down from tier 1 and it makes more sense to think of the VCLs as the tier 2 scene

posted about a year ago

this makes sense, i'd personally consider ascension teams more of like a tier 1.5 since a lot of those players would be at a similar or possibly even better level than some of the lower-end franchise teams, plus 1/10 of those teams will directly become franchised teams and likely several other players will end up getting signed to other franchised teams

and then i'd have tier 2 as all the VCL teams and tier 3 as any other formulated teams competing in open tournaments such as knights monthly for NA, etc

then tier 4 would probably be the in-game premier mode

posted about a year ago

and you represent the worst of both worlds

posted about a year ago

from being an academy team to competing in the VCT regular season

congratulations to The Silk Road, 2-1 vs OXG

posted about a year ago

investing in this comment for the last sentence

posted about a year ago

which franchise team does marved play for again?

posted about a year ago

logically it's probably because they contain 2 players from SEN and 2 players from V1 so that's the closest they can get to having a team that has an established core other than the 5 other invited teams that are maintaining a core from last year (M80 has the core from Ghost)

posted about a year ago

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If you have the budget and hardware to support it, and you're looking for the smoothest and most responsive gaming experience possible, a 165 Hz monitor may be the better choice. However, if you're on a tighter budget or don't notice a significant difference between higher refresh rates, a 144 Hz monitor may be a more practical choice. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your specific needs and preferences as a gamer.

posted about a year ago

11 on my LATAM alt to Miami servers

best on my NA main is like 22 to Georgia

a little bit annoying that my best connection is to a different region but whatever

posted about a year ago

u reread the article and still don't know what ur talking about


posted about a year ago

you probably feel more comfortable/confident when you take fights on her because you're used to her playstyle and you know what fights you're supposed to take and which ones you're supposed to avoid as an astra

you're also likely better at getting good timings and taking good fights since you can control the map with your utility which probably helps you have better map awareness

on other roles where someone else is on controller, the pace of the game can be a lot different since it's up to someone else, and additionally you're expected to have a different playstyle and perform another role for your team. if you're not as familiar on that role it's likely you won't be taking as many favorable fights and you'll likely perform worse as a result

tl;dr you're more confident/comfortable on astra so you take better fights and you take them more confidently so you win them more

posted about a year ago

there's no point in comparing either of them

obviously messi is the GOAT but it's not fair to cNed either to compare him to someone like messi and then for people to bash on cNed for being nowhere near as accomplished when they do two completely different things

why hate on cNed because some random person on vlr decided to make a comparison thread that doesn't even make sense? that's like trash talking a doctor or engineer or artist or author for the same reason, they're not any less of a person just bc they're not as accomplished as messi is

just be respectful

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

oh i've been here quite a long time i think i've just been ignorant of how incredibly stupid the valorant community can be

posted about a year ago

basically every time chamber gets nerfed the entire valorant community goes "OH MY GOD RIOT KILLED CHAMBER" only to realize they're just stupid and he's still broken

posted about a year ago

remember how a bunch of people thought chamber would be dead when they took away his second trip and increased the cost from 150 to 200, and he was still insanely good?

remember how everyone thought chamber was dead when they nerfed his slow duration from 9.5s to 6s, increased his bullet cost from 100 to 150, made his tp radius smaller, increased the cooldown on it, added a penalty if an anchor gets destroyed, nerfed the ult's legshot damage, and increased the ultimate cost? and then he was still the most picked agent by far in both ranked play and pro play (highest pick rate in champs, 14% higher than fade)

everyone thought chamber was dead after this nerf too and people are slowly realizing that he's still incredibly good

why does the valorant community overreact every time someone gets nerfed and instantly act like that agent is now suddenly worthless? especially with chamber?

also as a side note, how did people seriously think that chamber wasn't broken before he started getting nerfed? every single part of his kit used to be significantly better than it is now, and he's STILL good now, and people still thought he was balanced before?

chamber used to literally be able to hold the entirety of haven by himself (trips in both B and garage, a tp setup to go from A short to C) y'all thought that was okay??

posted about a year ago

make another account


posted about a year ago
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