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Registered: January 15, 2022
Last post: May 18, 2023 at 4:38 AM
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posted about a year ago

Their old lineup can't even get to be the first in PH let alone APAC. They even never qualified to APAC Playoffs, adding fl1p isn't gonna change much

posted about a year ago

rrq rated d for dogshit

posted about a year ago

They ain't even reaching playoff with that lineup

posted about a year ago

Yeah, she can't really do anything if its already being signed and can only hope for a big org to buyout the contract itself

posted about a year ago

To negotiate better contracts, but I think a talent agency would fit better in this situation

posted about a year ago

They have to save the kids

posted about a year ago

Dio W

posted about a year ago

The prophet of poland fps

posted about a year ago

If he indeed went to that scummy org, I'm still gonna support the indo players but the org can go fuck themselves. Fl1p signing was just a panic buying cause they got warned by Riot, they were forced to do that

posted about a year ago

lo siapanya ap sih? dapat info darimana? dari kemaren bela org udh kayak bela negara, dibayar berapa lu?

posted about a year ago

bro pullin the damwon lcq vod everytime someone slander ge

posted about a year ago

Tell your CEO to sign better player with good contract, till then take this L

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This guy sucks rrq cock on daily basis

posted about a year ago

bro thinks hes on the team ☠️

posted about a year ago

Imagine announcing "GLOW ESPORTS" 💀💀

posted about a year ago

Org lu noh kena tegur Riot, baru masuk scene valo udh malu-maluin

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

We do

posted about a year ago

Help me ratio this buzzer

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Aight, I didnt knew it was different. Still AP fucked up big time and deserve to be clowned at. Doing bare minimum research to the scene is in no way can be tolerated

posted about a year ago

So you were saying that the director are in no way knows about the move that AP took and shouldn't be held accountable as well?

posted about a year ago

bacot buzzer

posted about a year ago

Add Monyet and we gucci

posted about a year ago

Yaudah sih CEO nya tetep badut

posted about a year ago

They promised us minimum 3, then minimum 3 ID it is

posted about a year ago

seponk terus tu qontol qeon

posted about a year ago

Apaan rispek, orang ditegur jadinya panic buying

posted about a year ago

Didn't knew about this, I thought it was gameplay related stuff

posted about a year ago

Honest question to SA fans, why do top orgs from SA like to sign old player rather than a new one? Is there no young prodigy talent in the ecosystem or what? Kohli get hyped a lot but I never see him plays

posted about a year ago

mans signed another indonesian in shady contracts and called it a day

posted about a year ago

rrq clears pacific league any day everyweek

posted about a year ago

Predatory contracts is a big problem and its called partnership program so if Riot deems it not fit, logically they could just cut ties. However cutting ties now is very unlikely but it is still a possible option

posted about a year ago

Man's goated for this, straight up violation

posted about a year ago

Riot should check the contracts that RRQ gives to its current roster, there's so much controversies around it and if it were indeed that bad then they should revoke the org slot

posted about a year ago

Obviously its either Boom or Onic but I'm personally leaning towards Boom

posted about a year ago

Shii, they have fans?

posted about a year ago

Shii, thats me. Move so L, I rather support Global Esports than this clown mobile org

posted about a year ago

pessi is finished

posted about a year ago

Cause the rumored player (Fl1p) also posted a picture that has someone wearing unreleased RRQ jacket. Now who do you think can get that stuff if its not released yet?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I see then probably its about the latter possibilities, where they reconsider the approval or it may be just all talk by them

posted about a year ago

The roster probably has not been approved by Riot cause the roster lock is 15th October. When they announce tehbotol for example, the contract transfer from Boom to RRQ has not been signed by Boom CEO thus it could indicate that the move is still on going and not finalized to Riot. Also considering all the noise is after the roster has been announced, Riot probably reconsider its approval

posted about a year ago

They need to sign one more ID player or else I'm stil wishing for that 30th place finished in Rio

posted about a year ago

Because while they were pitching for Riot they were being asked wheter they want to represent PH with the old roster or Indo and the CEO choose Indo yet they sign only 1 Indo + all their old roster + 1 ex bren. This could lead to a problem because Riot expect them to sign a new roster with Indonesian core and obviously this affect the results of the franchise application.

posted about a year ago

Yup, probably, im hoping they also sign monyet too cause if they did then they have a solid core player (Fl1pz igl, Tehbotol controller, Monyet duelist). No offense to PH player tho but these core is way more solid than ejay/kelly as the duelist considering their coach work with monyet for a year

posted about a year ago

These clown ass mobile org slot need to be revoked entirely and change to either onic or boom where they handle pc esports in a more professional way

posted about a year ago

If you check the ig story of the ceo, yes they might add one more indonesian player

posted about a year ago
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