Country: United States
Registered: October 17, 2021
Last post: April 26, 2024 at 2:26 AM
Posts: 3387
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posted 9 months ago

i like pink

posted 9 months ago

he is surely surfing vlr rn

posted 9 months ago

literally ex c9

posted 9 months ago

Bet all your savings on fusion, trust me

posted 9 months ago

the best lil uzi song is

posted 9 months ago

u fell for the bait:pepepog;

posted 9 months ago

biggest W fr

posted 9 months ago

bro made a dedicated thread

posted 9 months ago

and they get a map off of drx in a bo5 fr

posted 9 months ago

he is not lil goat

posted 9 months ago

He good wdym

posted 9 months ago

ronaldo is not live

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

dplus :pepelaugh;:pepelaugh;:pepelaugh;:pepelaugh;:pepelaugh;:pepelaugh;:pepelaugh;:pepelaugh;

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Ssscary was never in talon bro๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ, he was in xerxia and x10

posted 9 months ago

Rvk whiffed

posted 9 months ago

they qualified when they had 200 itself, thats why it says "with just"

posted 9 months ago

Last and Final Update, Play In Updated :)

posted 9 months ago

bro said benjyfish over lan experienced players

posted 9 months ago

the new version for mobile vlr+ just dropped:

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Guys please drop some great fonts to use i will go first:

posted 9 months ago

where is deadlock agent sticker:huh;:huh;:huh;:huh;:huh;:huh;

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Pekka clears

posted 9 months ago

W moment for fnc fans

posted 9 months ago

they gamble fr

posted 9 months ago

so can edg

posted 9 months ago

saadhak from bind
smth from bind

posted 9 months ago

Bro now I realise this mewzera riding has been ironical lmfao, i actually thought you really liked him bro, turns out you were just baiting and being ironic.

posted 9 months ago

No one gets grouped bro, it's just for seeding๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

posted 9 months ago

Sen clears

posted 9 months ago

Everyone plays a bo1 on ascent? Then Navi wins๐Ÿ’€

posted 9 months ago

Team Heretics with Benjy
Koi have no chance

posted 9 months ago

Let's say fnatic wins masters.

Now since vitality is out of lcq, 6 teams remain, and the top 2 teams qualify for champs?

My prediction: NAVI, GIA

posted 9 months ago

trust me bro, yay wont kj fr, he got booted out of c9 cuz he isnt flexible

posted 10 months ago

give me my red tick

posted 10 months ago

yay cant kj

posted 10 months ago

navi got grouped, no?

posted 10 months ago

Thank you for your kind words and support. I believe it's important for us as a community to stand together during challenging times like this. The alleged actions by Riot admins, if proven true, not only undermine the integrity of the game but also impact the emotional well-being of players like Pujn and Ardiis. It's disheartening to hear about the potential tampering and subsequent data wiping, as it goes against the principles of fair competition and sportsmanship that we expect from professional gaming.

By spreading awareness on social media, we can reach a broader audience and highlight the need for a thorough investigation into these allegations. Social media platforms provide an effective means to share our concerns, gather support, and put pressure on Riot Games to take appropriate action. The more people we can engage in this conversation, the stronger our collective voice becomes.

Additionally, contacting Riot Games directly is a crucial step in holding them accountable. As players and fans, we have a responsibility to express our concerns and demand transparency and fairness within the gaming community. An investigation into these allegations is not only necessary to restore trust but also to ensure that such incidents do not happen again in the future. The process should be thorough, unbiased, and transparent, with the findings made public to maintain transparency and trust in the competitive gaming scene.

Moreover, we need to emphasize the importance of creating a safe and inclusive gaming environment for all players. It's not just about the integrity of the game itself but also about the mental and emotional well-being of the individuals involved. Professional players invest significant time and effort into honing their skills, and they deserve to compete on a level playing field. Instances like these can have long-lasting effects on their confidence, trust, and overall enjoyment of the game.

As we work towards justice and a safer gaming environment, it's crucial for the community to support Pujn, Ardiis, and any other players who may have experienced similar situations. Encouragement, empathy, and solidarity can make a significant difference in their healing process. Let's continue to offer our support, lend a listening ear, and amplify their voices so that their concerns are heard.

Together, we can make a positive impact, ensuring that the esports community remains fair, transparent, and supportive for all players. Thank you for joining in this important cause, and let's keep pushing for accountability, justice, and a brighter future for competitive gaming.


posted 10 months ago

Thank you for your support and suggestions. It's indeed a distressing situation for Pujn and Ardiis, and it's important for us to stand by them during this difficult time.

Reaching out to Pujn and Ardiis to offer my support is definitely something I'll do. It's crucial for them to know that they have friends who care about their well-being and believe in their integrity.

Sharing concerns about this incident on social media is a great idea as well. Spreading awareness and putting pressure on Riot Games to address these allegations can help bring attention to the issue and encourage a thorough investigation.

Contacting Riot Games directly to demand an investigation is something I'm willing to do. It's essential that they take these allegations seriously and take appropriate action if any wrongdoing is discovered. Ensuring the fairness and integrity of the game is paramount.

Once again, I appreciate your response and the advice you've provided. Together, we can work towards creating a safer and more transparent gaming environment for all players involved.

posted 10 months ago

bro he made that 1v1 what you on? by killing idk 3 ig?

posted 10 months ago

cgrs is igling

posted 10 months ago

Highest ACS CGRS lmfaooo

posted 10 months ago
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