Flag: Austria
Registered: March 21, 2023
Last post: April 29, 2024 at 5:19 PM
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DRX didn't lose because they weren't trying, it's because they got too lax and didn't prepare well enough. Part of their loss is due to the prep aspect, as they brought zest back in for the first time this split and it looks like they did not practice properly with him and integrate him into their new system with the minor role swaps. also buzz on jett, as ive said many times in the past, is no longer as good as foxy on jett

also don't underrate secret, they are good but inconsistent

posted about a year ago

i went to japan a few weeks ago to see a friend and it was boiling hot outside. ig the entirety of pacific is just melting rn

posted about a year ago

they can make it in, i think furia have to lose vs sen and they have to win one of their matches in order to move on by winning the head to head. i could see them beating c9 if they heavy prep

posted about a year ago

where are sen? im not even gonna talk about optic because ik you have a hate boner for them, but why exclude the most dominant lan performance by a team so far, even if it was basically a glorified farmer's league?

also, acend did not beat gambit in swift fashion. it took cned having a career map and a bunch of stupid heroics from starxo for them to get to map 5, which was the only map where they actually were substantially ahead. classic shownu braindead logic

posted about a year ago

you are racist, and are now banished to the racist realm. don't worry, gamr is also there, he desperately needs company

note: this is satire, for the sake of not getting jumped by TGRD fans

posted about a year ago

its aight, though honestly i have to say even apex might be better at this point, which is crazy but still

im biased because ive gotten way too many spinbotters and other weird hackers in my games

posted about a year ago

if you wanna watch a scrappy, action filled game, either watch the later msi games or just watch the clown fiesta matchups. this match was going to be a long haul because both are very slow and strategic teams

posted about a year ago

thank you for admitting that americas is just loud, seems you finally came to your senses

posted about a year ago

gen g are still insane, im not surprised they lost to t1, im surprised at how much they pushed t1 who after losing lck finals are back to their usual form

this t1 is way better than the lck t1, so it shows improvement for both sides

posted about a year ago

"Your aim is insane." Steel said, as he slipped his feminine hand into Hiko's pants and smirked. "Are you trying to spray me?" protests Hiko, as Steel blushes, the boyish figure undressed before Hiko. "Weak ass eco play, Steel." The two kissed, deeply and passionately, and afterwards Hiko dropped his Sova arrow into Steel's open bombsite.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

truly a bing chilling moment

posted about a year ago

where is under the bridge 🐔😠

posted about a year ago

環環,環環。你好德芙?是嗶哩嗶哩遊戲。我們希望你能領導我們的 Valorant Division。我們希望您學習中文的時間是富有成果的,因為我們相信您是領導我們名冊的正確選擇。因為你不能在大聯盟打球,我們認為你應該去北京的戰壕里打球。

posted about a year ago

bros about to write an essay about how mistic can play duelist

posted about a year ago

he's not even a bad igl per se, idk what is wrong with koi to the point where they are so bad

posted about a year ago

flair + user + ratio

posted about a year ago

ange1 overcooked. also, it says early guard thread. i didnt expect them to lose, i just jokingly said they were losing to mad lions

posted about a year ago

when it comes to lurking and creativity, it goes nAts less cender for me. Alfa is a good sentinel, but not a good lurker.

I should have clarified I think nAts is the second best cypher and viper itw

posted about a year ago

How is the supposed 2nd best team in t2 losing to Mid Lions. I guess Trick is the best FA igl in the world

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he's not. he's a top 3 cypher and viper, but one of the best lurkers and insanely creative

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hey! no friendly fire

posted about a year ago

its unironically accurate though

posted about a year ago

this is a EMEA franchise team tier list, not a fnatic rejects tier list

posted about a year ago

You're right. I can't and I won't. OpTic are long gone though, and NRG are nowhere near as good as OpTic were, specifically on Bind

posted about a year ago

I play Jett when I'm feeling warm, and I want to be flashy. Otherwise, I stick to what my team needs, which is playing smokes every game. I find that playing these two roles and alternating actually is a great way to become better at both. For reference, a lot of top controllers at the pro level started out as duelist players (Pancada, Mako, hell, even boaster as an igl started out as a jett player)

posted about a year ago

as a NAVI watcher, he's really not. Hell, his yoru might be better than his sage

posted about a year ago

FPX antistratted the shit out of them, so well that they made them look stupid. But that's just how they played. They trolled vs LEV, which isnt cope because they just played awful, and OpTic were the best Bind team itw last year. I think given the roster changes, the meta shift, and the apparent increase in discipline they could be really good still. Especially since OpTic are gone, FPX look slightly worse as NAVI, LEV bans Bind, and they have Forsaken Yoru in their pocket

posted about a year ago

The BBL fix is to focus less on Ascent and more on other maps. Their Split and Haven are decent, why not work from there and make those maps good as well? Three good maps, especially with how good their Ascent is, should make them a upper tier team in EMEA

posted about a year ago

Almost every Turkish duelist is insanely cracked. Qw1 and Quti have gotten the chance to show it in the spotlight, and I'm sure if t2 Turkish scene gets more exposure other names will pop up too

posted about a year ago

I respect the bit, but NRG are not the best team on Bind. FNS is still a mastermind though, and he shows it when they play

posted about a year ago

With BBL losing to TL, they just have to lose to FUT and VIT have to win. It's that simple. Whoever loses next week is out, and whoever wins secures playoffs

posted about a year ago

Aslan can't be the problem when the only map his team can play is Ascent

posted about a year ago

Who ever said NRG was the best on Bind? NA fans? People who aren't delusional know it's either FNATIC or PRX (yes, trust me. PRX bind is still goated, it will be shown soon)

posted about a year ago

it goes more like this:

You are playing against BBL.

You do not ban Ascent even though you will probably lose it.

BBL instantly picks Ascent.

You pick a strong map for yourself, and get two bans in that benefit you. You make sure the third map also favors you.

You win, because BBL can only play Ascent at the highest level, and they are nowhere near as prepped or proven on other maps as their Ascent, as it is their gimmick

posted about a year ago

the queen of england was real?!?!!

posted about a year ago

even if they don't win ascension, i guarantee you at least one of the players will make it to franchising next year. my guess is either sym or aproto, but tbf all of them could have a case to make a franchise team if they continue this form

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

its not too bad; they prob won't qualify for masters, but they have a chance. cryo was asleep for most of lock in and the start of the league but has woken up now. Asuna is on fire, bang has been super inconsistent. mikes hasn't been coaching well, but there is rumors that there will be management changes soon

tldr: 100t tried playing too loose instead of sticking to their set, protocol-heavy playstyle. (Most) of the roster is in good form; however they just have some key mistakes that they keep making.

Oh, and yeah, as was mentioned, they managed to beat out lev (bang had a crazy clutch to end the game)

posted about a year ago

they can't. its that simple.

except... if tenz enters iceland mode again (which is not happening, im sorry)

posted about a year ago

welp looks like we found another dephh alt acc

posted about a year ago

no, sen exists. hit site frantically with 15 sec left is not a strat

also dont forget prx who dont play with a designated igl

posted about a year ago

what happened to your stars trembo

posted about a year ago

zekken doesn't deserve this. sacy and pancada don't either. keep marved, let sacy and pancada return to a better system, keep zekken too. drop the obvious fraud, and pick up the actual talent rotting in tier 2. boom, sentinels no longer tier 10 org

posted about a year ago

U - Uwuusnorlax

posted about a year ago

this seems like copypasta material...

posted about a year ago

im just joking around, fyi. just gotta stop the navi slander, even though that game was actually super entertaining

posted about a year ago

did you shoot back?

posted about a year ago
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