Flag: Finland
Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: May 19, 2024 at 2:17 PM
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EMEA and its not even close. Valorant Simulator said 14-0

posted about a year ago

bump and best of luck!

posted about a year ago

It has, but not anymore. I think the results would have been very different if the events were played in Americas or Asia. EMEA just provides good scrimming enviorment with good tier 1 and tier 2 scenes. Like for example if you look at LoL teams always want to scrim in Korea and Korean teams always arrive just in time for events because they have no reason to leave Korea to practise in EU or NA for example.

ok this is just biased bait take, but its definitely going to be interesting factor to keep eyes on moving forward.

posted about a year ago

Hard to say, but I think its going to be EMEA team. Teams always come to EU and get good scrims and evolve their game while now there will be events outside of EU meaning that these teams won't get as good scrims anymore. Obviously Sao Paulo has 10 teams from each region, but I'm not sure how often participates scrim against each other. At least going to be a factor for Masters Tokyo.

posted about a year ago

Not your problem. It sucks, but that is just how it goes and she just have to get over it. Also its been only 2 days so its kind of understandable, but eventually let it be like week or two she will likely get back to more normal. Just tell her friend to make sure that everything is ok for time being. Some people will overreact over stuff like this and might not think clearly. Overall I would recommend just letting it be, but obviously you could also sent message or let the friend tell her that you don't want her to drink and everthing is going to be alright or something. I don't know

posted about a year ago

I watch Valorant esport for high level gameplay and competition not fake drama baiting for interactions

posted about a year ago

The Guard will win it easily edit nvm I forgot their lost Sayaplayer

posted about a year ago

Yeah Monsteerr is really good and even performed in VCT. I was really surprised that he didn't make it to franchising, but looking at starxo case it seems like Acend asked quite a lot for their players. It was also just before Chamber nerfs so sentinel stonks were even lower.

posted about a year ago

not old Acend but this new one is really good as well at least in tier 2

posted about a year ago

Giants #1 and RRQ #30

posted about a year ago

How is team with Prod, Dizzy and Sinatraa stacked? Zombs and Marved are the only pro level players and even then Zombs is like mid tier 2 nowadays likely. Sinatraa hasn't be pro for like 1.5 years.

posted about a year ago

And Fokus was missing their best player and played with stand-in instead

posted about a year ago

I agree with most, but would maybe put Case over Rebels for Spain. They have started slow, but their potential is pretty high IMO. Actually Spain is bit hard to predict atm.

posted about a year ago

Apeks looks good, but Fokus has a lot of firepower in purp0, Jugi, Lime and Lewis. Apeks definitely has the experience factor, but I think Fokus looks better unless Apeks' players are on crazy form.

posted about a year ago

Acend, Parla, Fokus, Apeks and not sure about 5th. I think bonk, Mouz and Case has potential but could also be some Turkish team because I'm not too up to date.

posted about a year ago

Hopefully Sao Paulo is better than Rio De Janeiro

posted about a year ago

Derke easy

posted about a year ago

Haven't played much yet, but for what I've figured this map is bad for lineups. Sova is like only character getting any value out of lineups. A works well, but B and C are bad for lineups. Fade and Killjoy especially from what I've tried. But tbf I don't know how this map will work like how active sand and A "mid" are going to be. Just sites.

posted about a year ago

G2 Gozen looked so dominant in Game Chancers so really possible. But its too early to tell anyway. G2 Gozen best until proven wrong.

posted about a year ago

Completely normal? All of those have played Valorant in the past and gaming content wise is dry at the moment.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That is not that true though. I don't think Fnatic has ever looked crazy good on paper. Even if you look at their last roster they had Boaster, Mistic and Enzo on there. Don't get me wrong Mistic has had some good showings, but they weren't stacked outside of having Derke and Alfajer obviously. But this new one is stacked and by far the best they've had on paper. Leo and Chronicle are massive individual upgrades over Enzo and Mistic.

And they have been good what you mean? They were always amazing in EMEA. They looked easily the 2nd best in Stage 1 EMEA and won Stage 2 while looking amazing and arguably better than any team in the world thats why they were the favorites. They always look worse in international tournaments, but even still they placed 4th in Copenhagen and 5th-6th in Champions. They had subs in Reykjavik, but with full roster would have easily placed top 5 at least if not higher.

so even though I get you its still pretty false narrative when they have always looked really good in EMEA and even placed high on LANs.

posted about a year ago

Facts. NA 1st spot is so free because OpTic always threw finals

posted about a year ago

Polaris. They have 3 Polaris (Ireland, Denmark, Sweden), 1 East (Estonia) and 1 Russian.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic vs Heretics Scrimbux like week ago: 5 - 5


posted about a year ago

No offense, but Heretics is full of inconsistent players who haven't played in their peak form for long time. While Fnatic has arguably the most stacked on paper roster in whole world and then you have teams like KOI, Giants and Vitality who all have stronger rosters and higher potential in my opinion at least. I predict Heretics to be like 7th or 8th in EMEA and that is far from 3rd. But its just prediction and they could do well. I just don't think their current roster has what it takes.

posted about a year ago

W, but how in the hell did Heretics make it to top 3 EMEA and how Fnatic didn't make it if its pound for pound? They have most stacked roster and in the past has almost always placed high.

posted about a year ago

yep, but I believe B1SK will do great things and has a lot of potential

posted about a year ago

Good luck you got this!

posted about a year ago

I don't know really. Its kind of cool, but at the same time feels bit lame. I think Riot is adding skins so often that they just have to recycle ideas and can't come up with anything amazing or too memorable. They are good looking skins don't get me wrong, but kind of forgettable like most recent skins IMO.

posted about a year ago

A lot of experience on this team. Really excited of seeing how Keiko can evolve in this team, he is cracked. Mistic back to smoke and Magnum likely back to sentinels in this new meta is going to be good. Enzo just sounds so smart always and I really hope he takes the IGL role and starts grinding that. I think guy like him could make a good IGL in the future. And I have never been high on Shadow, but I haven't watched his games in long time so he could be good. Also he always finds his place in decent tier 2 teams so he must bring something.

Overall exciting roster and good addition to Polaris.

posted about a year ago

KJ kit is easy af to play, but Chamber's kit was relatively easy and overpowered. His ultimate is arguably the easiest gun in the game to use with one shot kill and firerate. Also headhunter is buffed Sheriff with a sight aka not that hard to use unless you are really low rank. And when it comes to rest Chambers could just set up in angles and off angles with OP or rifle and just get a kill and tp away unless enemies used bunch of util or they decided to be cocky and whiffed. Risk free. So even though Killjoy's kit is easy she still plays like rifler/lurker/anchor instead of just holding angle with op.

posted about a year ago

Free out of jail card, trap and buffed Sheriff and OP skill based? Far from it.

posted about a year ago

I think C9 should have dropped Mitch and signed Wippie. I would say he looked like the best NA sentinel earlier this year.

posted about a year ago

I don't mind. I would rather see Cypher, but I don't think Killjoy is problematic outside of her ultimate. Chamber was fucking aids in so many levels that I don't think Killjoy meta will be even close as bad.

posted about a year ago

Good roster. I'm not sure about Shadow yet, but tbf I haven't watched him lately and at least his latest stats look good. A lot of experience on this roster and definitely good platform for Keiko to grow. Polaris is going to be exciting for next season.

posted about a year ago

Agent : Kay/O maybe, its simple, sounds cool while has that edgy robot feel to it. And sounds like K.O. oviously. Most Valorant agent names are kinda boring or lazy, but this name pops out for me the most.

Pro Player(out of Sao Paulo Lock/In): maybe soulcas, its just cool. His real surname is Sulcas and changing it to soulcas is really cool. Sounds like artist name. I like names that are based on real name. Koldamenta honorable mention as well. Just sounds and looks cool. username : maybe kristof, I don't know why but I just like how this name looks and sounds. Mortadelo and archetype are pretty cool as well, but maybe because I have seen them more often than some.

posted about a year ago

I really like collar jerseys. Really cool jersey just like 100T's. Old school, stylish and unique.

posted about a year ago


I have always just used Unibet. They don't usually have many tournaments there and may take quite long before they add the matches, but I just use it because I have account there.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Name: downgrade for sure
Jersey: looks nice and I'm pretty big fan, its really basic tho and wish they used the blue color more maybe
Logo: dogshit. I have never been huge fan of Damwon logo let it be Damwon Gaming or KIA, but this is easily the worst and not recognizable at all.

posted about a year ago




posted about a year ago

Makes sense, but for how long did he sign with Rebels for? Do you know.

posted about a year ago

Yeah remember someone mentioned that he had said something in ranked and I would imagine Rebels asking a lot for him, but damn I want to see him somewhere else. He has shown such good level for long time already.

posted about a year ago

How hasn't Vo0kashu made it past tier 2 spanish league so far? He is so good.

posted about a year ago

yes but that means that one of the teams must "waste" their ban or they leave it open and potentially suck on it because no one knows before the tournament.

posted about a year ago

I don't like fighting games and I played GoW 4 and it was good. I don't have PS5 for GoW5 and I watched it on stream anyway so not interested of playing.

posted about a year ago

Yeah I don't see Diamond 3(atm) as good and know that if I played more I could definitely get to Ascendant. I'm just bit inconsistent overall and especially during this time of year my hands freeze all the time so kinda hard to play consistently. Copium or not.

but overall I always knew that I have the potential to get to higher ranks in different FPS games, but at the same time I'm constantly thinking that other players are much better. I was thinking that I'm like gold level, but faced immortals and high asc in placements and tbf they weren't that great and I realized I had overrated the level of play in this ranks. I didn't have amazing stats this season, but at the same time I play so little that if I played more I would get better. I just don't want to dissapoint myself or my team, I'm scared of failing. In a way I'm like perfectionist in this sense. Valorant Community Cup gave me a lot of confidence because before that I rarely played and if I did it was always unrated.

posted about a year ago

I have never played much of Valorant ranked at all and this was the first season ever where I played all placements and got a rank(dia2). And when season changes soon I was thinking of playing more ranked, but we will see. I have always had anxiety of playing ranked and was pretty proud of myself when I managed to play the placements and realized that I'm not that bad.

Apex Legends season changes in week as well and I'm excited of playing different map because I don't like the current one rn.

and outside of gaming I'm continuing exercising and got extra motivation after new year because I was lacking a bit during Christmas. Started doing proper dumbbell exercise on top of cardio (not just doing bicep curls and hammer curls like before, but doing different moves and also targeting more specific areas). Overall really motivated right now.

yeah thats about it end of 2022 and early 2023

posted about a year ago
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