Flag: Finland
Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: May 19, 2024 at 2:17 PM
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Wireless ofc. Once you go wireless its hard to go back.

posted about a year ago

That is fucking cap. EMEA as a whole has always been stronger than NA. OpTic carried NA 2022 and outside of them only XSET did something and even that was only in Champions. Those 2 were clearly above rest in NA outside of The Guard during Stage 1 who flopped on LAN. EMEA was dominated by FPX and Fnatic this year, but outside of that you had Guild, Liquid, M3C even G2 who were all contending for 3rd spots, while NA was just shitshow of anyone outside of OpTic and XSET beating each other with week preparation time and showing how inconsistent and mid they are.

EMEA has always had clear tiers of teams in VCTs because these teams are actually competitive and actually good and while being so its messing up how you see the regions. EMEA has always been way more predictable, but that doesn't mean they are worse actually its the opposite. You could take any lower tier EMEA VCT team like NaVi, BIG, BBL etc and they would have competed among most of the NA teams.

NA 2022 in nutshell: "NRG won vs 100T omg! LG won over NRG omg! C9 won over LG omg! These teams are so competitive!!" while in reality it just shows how bad and not competitive these teams were and how most of them were just mid tier and couldn't keep winning like good teams actually do. While in EMEA you would never bet BIG over Guild or NaVi over M3C because teams like Guild and M3C were actually good on consistent level and were only competiting against best of EMEA. In NA these teams would have been strong contenders for 3rd if not even 2nd spot.

posted about a year ago

Some Asian language likely like Chinese, Korean or Japanese

posted about a year ago

Depends a lot on Wolfen I think. Rest of KOI is pretty close to NRG on individual level, but Wolfen is unknown factor considering that we don't even know for sure what role he will be playing(unless there's new info).

posted about a year ago

possible he is also so young wtf

posted about a year ago

He has been popping. Nice to see relatively unknown players like him with clear potential pop off in different leagues

posted about a year ago

Omen/Astra, Killjoy, Raze, Kay/O, Breach

posted about a year ago

true fluke tournament already

posted about a year ago

Omega. They have EMEA's 3 strongest on paper teams.

posted about a year ago

Giants and KOI. I would say the most underrated teams heading into Sao Paulo.

posted about a year ago

Yeah today they were on form. I was bit worried of guys like Magum and even Enzo, but they have performed well so far.

posted about a year ago

same hair, but yeah Keiko is definitely a promising prodigy

posted about a year ago

I actually think Fade is better on A and C. I tried to play Sova, but IMO Fade util gets so much more value on both attack and defend(especially).

posted about a year ago

Pretty nice lineup! But overall I prefer Fade on this map. Not many lineup possibilities, but you don't really need many because of fast fights in pretty close areas and prowlers are so nice on this map with the doors etc.

posted about a year ago

SMB maybe, but its too early to tell

posted about a year ago

Nice seeing ec1s and Polvi on this team. Makes Human Tripwires more interesting for sure.

posted about a year ago

Lotus - Fade
Ascent - Fade
Bind - Fade
Breeze - Neon
Fracture - Breach
Icebox - Sova
Split - Breach
Haven - Killjoy
Pearl - Killjoy

I pretty much like Killjoy and Fade most

posted about a year ago

DRX ofc. I don't have much fate in PRX, but single elim bracket might benefit them.

posted about a year ago

Clarifier and then something from that like Clarifierr. Or Clarifer. Sounds like mechanic part tbf but its not bad IMO.

posted about a year ago

What I saw on someone's steam today, not full results and unknown opponents(if I remember correctly around scores):
NAVI 13-1 vs [unknown team]
Giants 3-12 vs [unknown team]
Heretics 7-5 vs Apeks

posted about a year ago

Sentinel - nAts: pretty much perfect sentinel. Insane gamesense/decision making combined with really good mechanics. Can play any sentinel agent.
Controller - MaKo: has been consistent top 3 controller for long time already. Also plays every controller on top level.
Duelist - Derke: can play top level Jett, Chamber and Raze. Has insane rifling and his oping is good. Aspas good as well, but hasn't played much of Chamber.
Initiator: Leo: he isn't proven best initiator yet, but I do rate him as the best in my mind. Really good and really flexible. Used to be literal star of a team as initiator main.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Haven maybe. I kinda liked Bind as well.

posted about a year ago

Weird map tbf. Its like constant fighting and rounds feel really fast like if it was really small map. But maybe its just because people have no idea how to play it yet so a lot of times people just stack on attack etc.

posted about a year ago

Sliggy maybe? I mean he already had day in EMEA VCT and was there for RedBull Homeground so I think he could be potential option for Riot if he is open for it. Has bunch of knowledge and guys like him (ex-pro/coach) are perfect for desk talent. We haven't heard any news of him joining any team yet.

also its possible that they just want to have as small group as possible. Leagues next year mean that the talent will likely have more consistent contracts so they won't need as many people. Especially when they are likely focusing way more on NA Valorant.

posted about a year ago

One of the best during early days of OWL. Didn't watch much OWL pre season 3, but during the time I watched he was always decent at least, but heard that during final season he was pretty bad.

posted about a year ago

I saw NRG being up 3-0 in custom game on someones stream today

posted about a year ago

Pancada, Mako, Sugarz3ro(Marved if you still count him)

posted about a year ago

FeelsGoodMan Clap

posted about a year ago

Very possible. Good time for Fnatic fans with them having one of the best LEC roster and on paper one of the best Valorant rosters. And they can't really go wrong with either one. Both should I'm for top 3 finishes at all times really.

posted about a year ago

I see them beating NRG, but losing to Giants. They can go further though. But yes their roster can definitely go all the way and its not out of possibilities even though the chances are low. People just underrated the f out of hypothetical 4th-6th EMEA teams, because the trio of Fnatic, NaVi and Liquid is so strong on paper.

posted about a year ago

damn respect

posted about a year ago

The fact that he is a billionaire almost certainly means that he is at least somewhat evil and bad person.

posted about a year ago

True, but different teams and players react to it differently. C9 also has much more experience from CSGO.

posted about a year ago

Meh, but one of the best default re-skins, so if you are into those then this is pretty good IMO. And yeah gun buddy is 5/5

posted about a year ago

KOI beats NRG
Giants beats LOUD(or whoever they face)
PRX won't look good
top 4 will be 1 Asian team and 3 EMEA teams(DRX, Giants, Fnatic, Liquid)

posted about a year ago

3rd BO3 in a day and as I said worst Molsi performance I've ever seen.

posted about a year ago

Vitality. They already looked pretty good in G-Loot and RedBull(weakest tournament from Molsi I've seen) for pretty young team and I think they will benefit the most from spending more time together. They don't have the most stacked roster individually, but just like OGLU before them I think their team will be all about structure, setplays and chemistry. And even though they don't have the most stacked roster or most firepower they still have some good individuals. Molsi and Twisten duo is really good and will benefit from new meta(Jett, Raze and even Neon). ceNder isn't bad either and can play any sentinel. Bonecold's form has been good as well.

While GE is just big ? and I don't rate their roster highly and it will likely be filled with issues like language barrier etc.

posted about a year ago

Remember people saying that about Guild vs OpTic, but well what happened? NRG are the favorites, but KOI has legit chance at taking it. Their roster isn't much worse and is filled with proven players -Wolfen (s0m on NRG same).

Koldamenta might be the most underrated IGL in the world. He has led 3 rosters to greatness while also taking young players and making them really good Acend(cNed), G2(Keloqz fell off) and Guild(trexx). I think he is perfect IGL for Wolfen. And remember how well Guild player around Yay in Copenhagen? Maybe best I've seen.

Trexx has always been overshadowed by Leo and Sayf. He is really good and flexible player.

Sheydos was arguably M3C's best player this year or at least 2nd and again has always been overshadowed by nAts and Chronicle.

starxo struggled, but so did Acend. He was constantly switching roles and had to play hard entry for team that played like shit anyway. Can't success.

Like NRG's core is really proven +Ardiis, but I truly believe KOI will be able to challenge them. Also OpTic always used to start slow.

posted about a year ago

Derke, Cloud or nAts

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I don't exactly know how the bracket works but Giants, DRX, NAVI, 100T(?). 100T only faces mid teams.

posted about a year ago


but fucked brackets and top 3 EMEA has to eliminate each other if i'm not wrong

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they merged with LDN UTD and signed their roster so I think that was pretty W and also signed Salah

posted about a year ago
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