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Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: June 12, 2024 at 3:18 AM
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KC roster is just a worse version of old TL which is crazy considering how much TL were choking and if scream had an off day, FPX will actually sweep KC

posted about a year ago

ur fucked if DRX lose but thats like a 10% chance so yeah all g

posted about a year ago

where lil bro at?

posted about a year ago

if they need a fade and breach on the same map then tenz definitely could be playing breach instead of sacy

posted about a year ago

ajayy so dum cant spel brhajzil correktly

posted about a year ago

he plays kayo so it wont be that suprising to see him on skye or breach

posted about a year ago

ben tenzzzzz

posted about a year ago

an hour drive for me to get to uni lmfaooo

posted about a year ago

im not saying it ok, its just normal and not that harsh? this shit happens every other day and like its wippie bro you kinda expect him to say shit like this and calling him out will only inflate his ego

posted about a year ago

i mean yeah and? he was mad and shit talked its just normal esports toxicity nothing that bad, just too many soft people. I get the sentiment that wippie hasn't really done much to have this big of an ego but cant do much about it so yeah

posted about a year ago

its just shit talk, not that deep guys players say worse shit when they play on lan and fpx did the same thing and somehow xset got more hate but now u guys defending breakthru like ur life depends on it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Idt he lives in america

Lil bro originally said : shoot up the school

posted about a year ago

vlt sign untamable beasts but -prod +deathmaker or sum shit LMFAOOO

posted about a year ago

I doubt 1 import would make people go this crazy, even if its marved or whoever just 1 player wont be enough to make people in the scene unanimously say this is the best roster outside of GE but if marved is joining, sin joining alongside wouldnt be too crazy

posted about a year ago

run jett/raze and then put fisker on support instead of braindead w key, i just watched their games and their strat on attack is just walk up site, exec and if exec fails then wait for sometime and rehit and let something or vici kill everyone while the ohters use barely any utility or any part of their brain to come up with a proper plan and their spacing and util timing is absolutely horrible even for a tier 2 team

posted about a year ago

you need to be good at that agent to even be called a one trick but he's basically bad at jett too

posted about a year ago

Idek why they think letting him on the reyna is helping anyone, we surely put something on jett and let fisker play kayo or smthng no?

posted about a year ago

Japanese valorant is in shambles rn, just look at their comps

posted about a year ago

definitely gets dropped no? I understand he's like one of those aggro entry type players but Victor who did the same thing was never THIS bad

posted about a year ago

puts up the same stats on smokes and vici doesn't have someone like fisher running it down so that something can trade him basically assuring him a kill every round and also I don't understand what these comps are like holyy reyna on almost every map is crazy

posted about a year ago

not the point, I was talking about how everyone was talking about something but not vici

posted about a year ago

everyone talking about how something is the best but the same people don't see how vici does the same if not better while playing smokes

posted about a year ago

ajayyy are delusional and stupid :D

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you shouldve said prepare to get folded tbh

posted about a year ago

people tend to alsp forget that xset didnt just become the best team as soon as they added cryo, it took them a few months before champs to work a lot on their stuff to get that top 4 in champs, give sykko and dephh more time and they can cook smthng up especially since this roster is better than the xset roster from previous year

posted about a year ago

all the teams that were there had 4x sens prac and that matters because sen are literally a entirely brand new team

posted about a year ago

its andrew, just dont give him attention kid has the worst takes in this site especially about tenz

posted about a year ago

t1 have been together for almost 2 months now, sen have been together for a week now

posted about a year ago

your logic is flawed, its not their fault they only prac'd for one week pancada and sacy couldnt get their visas approved in time and thats the reason they only have one week of prac and also it isnt even an excuse, its just facts that they have only 1 week of practice when compared to that of tgrd who has more prac AND no mattwr how many world chamls you have on ur team, without prac nothing matters especially since sacy and pancada are coming from an entirely different ecosystem and infrastructure

posted about a year ago

and tsm still got run over.... aight -Gmd, -seven, -naturE, -hazed, -corey, +dark ratio

posted about a year ago

they havent prac'd on this map before???????

posted about a year ago

aproto would've been great but I still think subroza would be the best since he is an ex-IGL so he was very vocal and could've helped shahz a lot

posted about a year ago

OH YEAH, I forgot zander he would've been a solid controller

posted about a year ago

true but STILL who would they have had better results with

posted about a year ago

I'm not focused on the drama part, I just want to know underrated talents that could've been a smokes player for them

posted about a year ago

I just wanna know WHAT IF shahz and co "denied" getting shroud in the team and instead opted for someone else, who would've been the best choices? subroza and skuba comes to mind because their teams werent playing at LCQ. Anyone else who would've worked better?

posted about a year ago

isnt stewie Igling for The Nation or is it rossy?

posted about a year ago

he was shit talking xset without knowing the entire context on twitter and worst part was it wasnt banter, he was genuienly mad at the xset guys for smthng riot did

posted about a year ago

kat was the worst in c9w and meL is igling while also dropping good numbers atleast more than expected of an Igl

posted about a year ago

then I dont get why people are calling her mid because she is putting up massive numbers and rarely goes negative for an igl tbh and I saw people saying she wasnt the star player of c9w?? like there were so many games where she hard carried c9w while being an Igl which is unheard of

posted about a year ago

isnt meL the igl?

posted about a year ago

mc dying arc

posted about a year ago

no way they are gonna put zekken on jett when tenz is on the team right?

posted about a year ago

I understand that but isnt jett usually the one who dashes into site and gets one or none and then gets traded? so doesnt that mean tenz is playing primary entry?

posted about a year ago

I'm confused about the whole 2nd entry ordeal like isnt jett a primary entry which was tenz's main agent while sen were at their peak? or is jett supposed to be a second entry?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

everyones trolling, we all know yay's the goat

posted about a year ago

outfragged by vanity

posted about a year ago
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