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Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 1:13 AM
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dont get me wrong rawkus prolly helped but he is NOWHERE NEAR as good as some other coaches PLUS rawkus was more of a player who just filled in the shoes yk it didnt even feel like he was an actual coach, he was like "the team knows what they are doing i just have to put them in the right headspace" which clearly didnt work out, kaplan said in the interview that shahz originally tried to get him I wonder how things would've turned out if they had kaplan instead of rawkus

posted about a year ago

lets act like oxy has never dropped the ball against t3 opponents and also G2 literally have an actual coach tenz has never played with a team with structure until now so stop with ur tenz hate boner and get a life

posted about a year ago

mad coz G2 won is crazy

posted about a year ago

actual god tier flashes and impact fragging on his part, really hard to consistently do this on kayo but hes doing it

posted about a year ago

people aren't even watching the games bro, they literally see oxy gets kills and think hes better than tenz when im 2022 the only maps sen won were when tenz dropped 30 or 40 ALL THE WHILE being barely setup and in the midst of a team crisis AND even against international talent

posted about a year ago

ur delusional if you think sen ever set tenz up like how g2 is doing with oxy rn, sen never had such good site takes, it was usually just a dart and tenz dashes in and if he gets kill the team pushes off of him but rn they actually have someone who can follow up on oxy and not to mention the fact that dapr is finally on something hes comfortable with + penny is the unsung hero of g2

posted about a year ago

bros onto nothing

posted about a year ago

gambit had really good strats and mid rounding like it was so good at a point that even drx took a few pages off of their books, it definitely wasnt just individual skill. The game changed and redgar is currently unable to figure out whats wrong especially coz of the language change

posted about a year ago

jeromeasf is now faking 100 days content :D and got exposed recently

posted about a year ago

yup he used to be weird amd quirky and cool in a natural way but now he just tries to force it and it comes out as being omega cringe and his thumbnails and shit

posted about a year ago

surely its the most goated game of all time no?

Techno, Dan, stampy, ssundee(hes a sellout now but back in the day he was good), pewds and even more

posted about a year ago

wait huh koi looked way better than vitality did and that too against a sloppy TL while Navi looked pretty good (better than TL for sure)

posted about a year ago

not defending lothar here coz hes annoying but tbh for a pot of people trying to go pro, ranked is kinda their only way to get noticed by t2 or t3 teams so yeah

posted about a year ago

shownu and his dogshit takes continues

posted about a year ago

literally couldve reached GF by beating loud coz it went ot

posted about a year ago

nope, gen g looked super fucking good overall plus kingg literally performed better than meteor

posted about a year ago

they played exactly as bad as they played at lockin when u compare it with how bad they played yesterday but dfm just couldnt capitalize off of it and dfm also couldnt shoot gun properly

posted about a year ago

putting sym above tenz is criminal.

posted about a year ago

main takeaways

-DFM have improved by a large margin. Their trading, util, spacing and even mid rounds look wayyy better, Idr the round but on lotus they saw benkai had kj ult so they decided to push spawn together which is really good
-PRX are still the same team they were at lockin, jingg and forsaken are still taking 1v1 when they have man advantage and still make a lot of mistakes but DFM couldnt capitalize off of it
-PRX won ONLY because of 1v1s that literally decided the entire game (lotus mostly but even on pearl it couldve gone differently if DFM won some 1v1 clutches) DFM couldve most definitely pushed a map 3 if they didnt choke that hard on gunfights
-overall PRX definitely need more structure and that might mean they need new coaching staff and also forsaken needs to chill

posted about a year ago

nono I wasnt blaming u or complaining, Im saying its crazy that compared to other players with like god tier aim, skuba doesnt have that kinda aim but is still farming yk

posted about a year ago

they SHOULD add more stuff, what they have rn is just cs go but with mods basically

posted about a year ago

bro said update, they released an entire new game did you realize that?

posted about a year ago

he doesnt even have "god aim" just good util usage combined with his usage of smokes to get around sites is lending him kills, his aim isnt anything we havent seen before which is why I think skuba has the highest ceiling out of anybody in NA

posted about a year ago

Main takeaways from the game:

-penny and oxy are way too hit and miss and need to be more consistent and also oxy made so many shit decisions like that one round where he played on site during postplant while both his teammates werent in a position to trade him (haven)
-skuba is THE player to look out for because even when he isnt fragging he makes the best possible decisions
-shahz is still a great IGL but sometimes they dont seem sure of what they want to do and ofc shahz is pulling out some old strats which just dont work but he is still a really good player nonetheless
-Immi was rated very highly but I don't see a g2 that has structure, it just looks like old V1 but with slightly more firepower
-dapr making so many bad plays and mistakes plus he just doesnt seem like the old dapr

posted about a year ago

those people probably dont understand how different val and cs are, just because the core fundamentals are similar does not mean that they play similar or feel similar

posted about a year ago

the major problem with cs 2 is that well its still the same game at the core and that doesnt appeal to the casual viewers or players because unlike valorant where you can play different agents, learn different things without really having to put in much effort, in cs, inorder to learn new things you need to get good at the good which requires you to put in a lot of hours which so many people just dont want to do and cs is also limited interms of how much content it adds to the game, many people dont wanna do the same thing over and over again while in valorant there are soooo mamy abilities that you are learning new things every single day

posted about a year ago

nono I was talking about the fact that people were saying tenz could potentially step back coz of kyedae but this clearly confirms that isnt happening (people hating on dephh are actually braindead, he played 1 game with an international roster with 2 shy kids against the best team in the world and somehow dephh is bad and needs to be replaced)

posted about a year ago

no changes will be made and I'm judging this from the new interview of Kaplan by Tombizz, kaplan made it clear that marved is a substitute for the team as of rn so the pancada playing sentinel thing is most probably the coaching staff telling him to get good at roles other than that of smokes

posted about a year ago

you really think riot just planned this rn? this was most prolly already in works before LOCK//IN even started or even before

posted about a year ago

trolling isnt the right word, chet hates people who trolls scrims and thats the reason why NRG dont scrim with a lot of teams

posted about a year ago

zombs and sinatraa were just joking around, only yay has reached the peak that tenz reached back in the day. beating t2 teams in NA doesnt equal to oxy being better than prime tenz lmfaoo

posted about a year ago

oh thats fair

posted about a year ago

the top 5 apac aimers has a russian player in it, makes sense

posted about a year ago

hope they don't fail like literally 90% of the internatinal rosters

posted about a year ago

MxM winning against FaZe isnt an upset i think, faze have looked horrible in all their games

posted about a year ago

LOUD vs FNC or any LOUD ones, its interesting how they use their comp

posted about a year ago

just to pass time or for analysis or smthng like that?

posted about a year ago

atp its come to NA or NA comes to you

posted about a year ago

contract jail, unfortunate

posted about a year ago

getting someone like skuba or some zander wouldve been amazing but all we can do is move on now lmaoo

posted about a year ago

sen fell off even before zombs got replaced

posted about a year ago

didnt shahz want to get like a good coach and sen didnt have money and if thats true then there was no way they were getting a tier 1 controller if sen couldnt afford even a decent coach

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

having an insane jett seems to be the way to go and skye is super viable now so we are probably gonna see a lot of teams with good jett players like Cryo on 100T, TenZ on Sen, Ardiis on NRG and Jawgemo on EG (Clown9 kekw) are probably gonna make them play jett like 95% of the maps and build their comp around them instead of trying to cook up something new but some teams like NRG could definitely break that mould and try something new

double duelists also seem to be working on maps like split, fracture and even haven so there are going to be a lot of fun games to come, imagine tenz on jett and zekken on raze (he had a bad game guys relax), cryo jett and asuna raze (cryo could possibly be better at raze but asuna is too good) and we could even see goat mwzera on raze (trembo will start to drool on the agent select screen if that ever happens) and dgzin on jett. If these roles ever play out in actual games (unless gecko just takes over the meta) it would be super fun to watch

posted about a year ago

sen lost to fnatic so u cant measure them althought their mid rounding and strats didnt seem that great an also sacy was not a difference maker at all it was pancada and tenz who won them rounds with pure individual prowess so yeah

posted about a year ago

its still PRX d4v41 tho and he has the same bio

posted about a year ago

wait i thought it was obvious? hes coming in as the sixth man/sub (rumours reported by george and was in flynns latest spreadsheet) for the team the means he can still be free most of the time but also keep up with the meta if he ever wants to make a competitive return and if the brazilian duo isnt working out then they can swap pancada with marved and sacy could be replaced by someone else

posted about a year ago

yeah that would make sense, getting a young cracked initiator/flex and someone like enzo for IGL would be huge

posted about a year ago

bro KC looked horrible, they had really good mechanics but most of their strats were taken straight from CS GO lmfaoo, like nobody used any util at all and just relied on decent fundamentals to win rounds which wont work against the best teams and scream's IGLing is super questionable too. They either need to make roster changes orrr they need to change their mind about how the game needs to be played

posted about a year ago

oh fuck yeah true, they are probably going to be top 3 with the likes of nrg and loud

posted about a year ago
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