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Registered: September 30, 2022
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 1:59 PM
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is this mf on the starting roster or nah...

let anyone else take a break, we need him bruh

posted about a year ago

we need a jett knife off between leaf and demon1

posted about a year ago

i love my boy zekken but leaf looks so dangerous.

i’m scared too

posted about a year ago

knowing toast....

they might not even be trolling

posted about a year ago

knowing toast...

they might not even be trolling..

dsg shroud?

posted about a year ago

a peaceful and happy life is what these two deserve ngl :(

posted about a year ago

yes but sacy was not comfortable on controller.

you have pancada and marved for crying out loud.

dephh was the sole reason for the role issues bc he didn’t or couldn’t play senti like initially planned

posted about a year ago

it just sucks how SEN said the team was built around tenz and but role issues arose because of dephh and now he’s getting the short end of the stick.

but you’re right. it doesn’t matter who they choose.. gotta keep marved and an igl

posted about a year ago

no i’m a tenz fangirl and it’s quite understandable ...

it just sucks they decided to fix the roles after tenz takes a break.. when they should’ve put sacy on initiator in the first place...

he probably needs the break anyway so all good.
this current lineup with marved is great

posted about a year ago

me too .. me too

posted about a year ago

probably for the best if he takes a break.. he has a lot going on..

. i just want to hear “it’s tenz’s world and we’re just living in it !!!! AHHHHHHH” again...

this overall sucks man... it just sucks . i hope he takes care of himself

posted about a year ago

okay that makes me feel a little better ngl

the only bad game he had was against NRG than with the rest of the team .. and he was sick .. for week 3 ..

posted about a year ago

dude is going through it 🥲

i don’t think he realized how everything he has on his plate would affect him...

question is ... does HE himself want to take a break???

he didn’t play bad against 100t with second highest ACS(kyedae kept her diagnosis from him until after the game though )

after , SEN had the one bad game against NRG where everyone played like shit and had similar ACS.

i was advocating for tenz to come back but hearing this idk.. :(

posted about a year ago

idk man... i love all of them...

it’s just funny to me when franchise was announced, they said the team was built around tenz and then they messed up the roles. then they wanna bring back sacy on initiator when tenzs is on break..

all so hilarious to me

posted about a year ago

i swear he be catching strays

posted about a year ago

“haven’t been playing well for a while now”

he had second highest ACS week 1 of the season.

week 2, the WHOLE team was playing like shit.

week 3 he was sick.

so one bad game against NRG??? just one ..bad game

posted about a year ago

also i didn’t know dephhs grandfather died :(

posted about a year ago

this is pretty reasonable ! and also my predictions as well

SEN had a pretty good week 1 ( everyone was hitting their shots and ACS was even across the board) . week 2, every single sen player was getting farmed idk why.. week 3 tenz was sick and dephhs family member passed away and they almost 2-0d LEV so that’s a chalk up.

so i’m not sure if SEN with tenz would lose against c9 tbh.. we shall see

posted about a year ago

no i’m just stating the obvious

when they had a normal week 1 ... whole team played fine.

week 2 , it wasn’t just tenz playing bad.. everyone was

week 3, i don’t expect tenz to drop 50 or play like normal with covid and cellulitis so chalk that one out..

i’m just realizing now how little he actually played under normal circumstances when i went back to get stats on those games

posted about a year ago

WEEK 1 - everyone did relatively well against 100t. Tenz had the second highest ACS

WEEK 2 - EVERY single player got farmed by NRG .

WEEK 3 - they played with one sick player so chalk this one up to unlucky. and apparently dephhs grandfather passed away

I didn’t realize how little the sample size was ??? 2 normal games??

posted about a year ago

he’s just funny man. not even arrogant tbagging .. just plain funny.. i love it

posted about a year ago

see if pancada or tenz or sacy did it, i think it would be cringe cause they’re usually nice 😢

it’s only dapr i swear and not a sen thing. even shahz doing it would be cringe ..

dapr is just funny

posted about a year ago

why is it so funny to me when dapr does it

and super annoying when every other pro does it

posted about a year ago

yay is just an example...

who else are you thinking of?

posted about a year ago


brother... yay and cryo etc etc had a proven track record in 2022 as really good players...

if you were a franchised org in September 2022 making the team and I gave you yay,,

you would've taken demon1 over yay??

hindsight harry.

posted about a year ago


not even a series..

hold your horses

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


if you were an org in September of 2022...

and I gave you the option of yay or a rank demon on your team...

you would've picked demon1??

posted about a year ago

hindsight harry..

yall would be crying if yay or cryo didnt get into franchise months ago..

posted about a year ago

what ... are they cooking...

how... 8-3 against LOUD.

did NRG and EG players switch bodies or something???

posted about a year ago

blud forgot about LOUD...

theyre toe to toe

posted about a year ago

if they keep marved you mean... matched mvp 100% of his games so far.

hes the real difference maker imo

everyone else is expendable imo.. i don't even care who they bench..

just NOT marved..

posted about a year ago

have you seen those mfs against 100t, LEV and LOUD??

theyre dangerous right now. upwards protectory from here.

In Kaplan we trust.

posted about a year ago

was this for entry??

duelist are spacemakers.. dash, satchel whatever in and make distractions

good if you can get kills upon entry but most importantly create chaos for your team and hopefully they get the trade..

thats how the game works

posted about a year ago

lmaooooo 6-7 now

posted about a year ago

read #21

posted about a year ago

you GET it .

they did not play in the same system at all

posted about a year ago

this this this.

posted about a year ago

SEN beat 100t and almost 2-0d LEV before marved came in and before roles were fixed.

he pushed them over the edge to win and matched mvped both games he played.

you’re severely underestimating marveds contribution

posted about a year ago

you’re acting like zekken and tenz were dealt with the same cards..

tenz had a controller sacy who dropped 1 kill instead of world class initiator sacy.

tenz had an underperforming dephh who only stepped up last game

tenz didn’t have the equalizer named marved , zekken did.

i really don’t think it’s that clear cut like you say

posted about a year ago

hypothetically , if zekken was on break instead of tenz

and they won with tenz, marved , dephh, sacy, and pancada

would people be saying “ wow SEN looks so much better without zekken. ?”

“SEN should keep this roster . it’s finally working. ?”

posted about a year ago

this. FNC and LOUD have way more fans compared to LEV.

more fans=more haters unfortunately.

so kingg is kind of safe ngl

posted about a year ago

could’ve been would’ve been in 2022

but SEN trolled when shahz asked for him and they couldn’t make it happen 😎 love that

posted about a year ago

is it our fault he didn’t show up the first 3 games ... one good game and y’all acting like he redeemed himself..

he’s safe for now... he should thank marved and sacy showing up

posted about a year ago

wait, how are we 90% sure?

posted about a year ago

i wish they would . dephh was terrible on initiator .. his timings were atrocious .

but now you have people thinking zekken is better as duelist...

he literally had marved and sacy backing him up and supporting him

posted about a year ago

tenz catching strays ... imagine not being supported by a world class initiator on your team.. he’s playing viper and getting about 1 kill instead

posted about a year ago

people say zekken is the better entry duelist now after the two games with marved .

I don’t think it’s a simple as that but I do know that the team with Marved on it sets up Zekken better. Tenz was entrying naked without flashes or support most of the time.

In valorant 2023 almost all duelists need some help with entry. With Marved subbed in the roles fit better to support the duelist to entry

people are acting like if tenz had sacy entry with him he wouldn’t be dropping 30 bombs.

zekken is able to pop off because he has arguably the best initiator in the world on his team. when tenz was playing duelist, sacy was on smokes.

I guarantee you with these roles and tenz back in, tenz shits on the entire server. if this ends up happening, please remember this comment

also remember ... he did fine on split with sage and the map after.. WITH A BROKEN FINGER AND COVID

posted about a year ago
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