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Last post: June 10, 2024 at 1:59 PM
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i respect this

posted about a year ago

i know i know..

i shouldn’t expect decency from vlr users.

god i hate people sometimes

posted about a year ago

not defending him.

just advocating for not hating on the kid.

criticisms are great. with actual reasons.

just saying 2-9 is NOT constructive criticism

you feel me ?

posted about a year ago

it’s absolutely ridiculous lmao

posted about a year ago

brother is calling every player overrated all you do?

i’ve seen you in so many threads just shit talking players in general.

posted about a year ago

it’s every duelists job to be set up....

valorant is a team game.

just chill on the kid. not that hard

posted about a year ago

the most reactionary people i swear.

posted about a year ago

vlr users are so reactionary and have such recency bias..

ardiis, tenz, yay, cryo... oxy

just .. stfu and watch the game

posted about a year ago

average 0 iq tenz hater .

nrg dropped the ball without a proper 6h

posted about a year ago

you don’t see NRG dropping ardiis after one or 2 bad games ..

i’m not saying tenz HAS to stay on the team.

but he was on the starting roster and deserves more than 2 games .

just fix the roles and play with him one more time . if that still doesn’t work out, bench him. you get what i’m saying brother ?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that might work honestly and very reasonable

i just hate how everyone is so reactionary like ardiis said.

give it more than 2 matches before blowing everything up

posted about a year ago


u got beef with him or something

so reactionary . ardiis was right

posted about a year ago

jfc give the original lineup more than 2 matches

so reactionary

posted about a year ago

the one who wasn’t on the starting roster in the first place

give the original line up more than 2 matches lol sacy just HAS to go back on initiator and we need AN ACTUAL smokes player like pancada not on senti. if that doesn’t work, scrap it then

posted about a year ago


when did i want dephh or syyko to lose their jobs??

get a grip

posted about a year ago

i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about shahzam. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.

posted about a year ago

cause a man shouldn’t lose his job cause he took a sick day?? and only played 2 games? tf

not my decision, not my choice so they might keep zekken on duelist

posted about a year ago

tenz hates streaming. he says ranked is miserable.

if he does get benched , i would imagine he finds another team.

i say SEN should give him one more chance with fixed comfort roles before continuing with zekken as duelist

he played like 2 games lol

posted about a year ago

u get it.

the copy pasta lives

posted about a year ago

i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about shahzam. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.

posted about a year ago

we all thought it was impossible for toast to get yay..

but look what happened

i wouldn’t be surprised if dsg shroud is real 💀

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cry about it

posted about a year ago


do something better with your life than spread hate

posted about a year ago

speaking the truth..

people are so reactionary to one or two games

posted about a year ago

i don’t want to see sacy on smokes ever again...

such a difference for him from weeks 1-3 and this week

posted about a year ago

no i’m serious... 😭

i’m begging. no more ardiis on KJ

nrg fans back me up

posted about a year ago

players on their comfort roles wins you games

who would’ve thought. ???

stop cooking weird shit

posted about a year ago

if SEN realize players on their comfort roles will win them games... then it will be a banger

same with NRG

posted about a year ago

NRG and SEN both..

comfort roles are everything

hopefully they learned their lesson

posted about a year ago

it’s been only 4 weeks of teams actually playing matches

i wish people and orgs wouldn’t be so reactionary ...

there’s a learning curve for new teams for sure and for them to figure things out

posted about a year ago

ange1 already learned this lesson...

NRG is finally figuring it out lol not overcooking anymore hopefully.

posted about a year ago

give zekken KJ then..

i’m sure he’s more than capable of playing senti and holding down a site


dapr must be laughing that SEN doesn’t have a truly dedicated senti player that can hold a site down lmao

posted about a year ago

that or they practiced earlier in the day

marved got back to toronto yesterday

posted about a year ago

y’all love to blame tenz for everything huh 😭

now that the roles are fixed and hopefully stay fixed, the team will look as coordinated as they did this week..

give the man another chance with the fixed roles before you make him lose his job

posted about a year ago

it’s marved.. he’s a superstar

first faze, then optic now sen

he elevates any team he’s on

posted about a year ago

sacy is still live.

not practice then. maybe it was actually dinner lol

posted about a year ago

it’s not his place to do sen pr.

he would shirley get in trouble

posted about a year ago


at this doesn’t matter who plays..
they just gotta not do an NRG and let everyone play comfort roles

no trolling with sacy on controller

he has looked so much better on initiator

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this is exactly what they should do . dephh needs to suck it up and igl on senti. if he can’t, put zekken on sentinel like c9 did zellsis

posted about a year ago

oh my god

viper tenz... yes he was a viper main before jett..

let him cook

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bruh.. pancada... my brother ...

it’s either him or marved on controller...and if marved isn’t playing... pancada has to go smokes

everyone else sucks on smokes

posted about a year ago

sacy on initiator IS a must

tenz, zekken, or dephh on senti is a possibility and the wave tbh

look at zellsis on KJ

posted about a year ago

honestly 👀👀👀👀

zekken on KJ COULD work

look at zellsis on sentinel

posted about a year ago

yes. dephh needs to suck it up and give everyone else their comfort roles..

it’s what started the sacy smokes and pancada senti bullshit.

posted about a year ago

“ they look better without tenz”

no they look better with everyone on comfort roles

posted about a year ago

not necessarily .

if tenz comes back

they just really need sacy on initiator and pancada on smokes...
sacy finally found his groove . smokes really fucked him up ngl

no sacy on smokes shit and a world class controller pancada on senti

tenz has zekken, sacy and pancada to back him up on their comfort roles. all good.

posted about a year ago
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