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Last post: June 10, 2024 at 1:59 PM
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i mean i do love marved ! he’s my second fav pro after tenz

i was also a fan of the OG roster . they made me get into valorant .

posted about a year ago

dapr is handsome af

that devilish smile

posted about a year ago

a lot of us become fans of the OG roster during 2021 and 2022

and there’s none now :(

i’d like to say i support the players not the org ya know??

nothing lasts forever though. oh well

posted about a year ago

ain’t no way you believe the PR statement from SEN

posted about a year ago


this KJ meta is worse than chambers

but that’s just me

posted about a year ago

that would be so cool ngl.

would love to see it

posted about a year ago

as a girl, can confirm this

posted about a year ago

for real..

i’m sure he can learn KJ seriously with time but why brother ???

experimenting is what costed them 2 games

posted about a year ago

ohh 100% he leaves when his SEN contract expires then.

which is at the end of the year.. so not too too long

posted about a year ago

i really hope tenz joins g2 now.

revenge arc man.

i want the drama

posted about a year ago


the storyline, the drama,

what we deserve

posted about a year ago

every franchised team seems set with their roster.

which they should be. i hate it when orgs change things after two games. give them a season at least.

tenz doesn’t want content creation as he enjoys competing but who knows.

your guess is as good as mine tbh

posted about a year ago

actually you’re right. scratch that.

you guys shit on anyone having a bad game

super consistent . i respect that

posted about a year ago

he was literally top frag or second to top frag during lcq.
what are you talking about ?

go rewatch the games and stats again

posted about a year ago

like y’all weren’t shitting on zekken during LOCK IN

be consistent at least

posted about a year ago

he played well in lcq , super consistent.

he played fine against 100t.. NRG farmed sen with messed up roles and tenz was sick when they played LEV

but yea he got whooped badly. huh? fiancé got cancer, he gets cellulitis and covid and gets benched

lets shit on the guy while he’s down . shall we?

grow up

posted about a year ago

“talk to tyson”

you mean tell him he’s benched???

bffr, if the org wants you benched. you don’t get a say.

posted about a year ago


i’m a huge tenz fan but a huge marved fan too

i don’t know HOW to feel about this..

half happy half sad . so bittersweet lmao

posted about a year ago

ain’t no way he would want to remain a content creator .

he loves competing too much and hates streaming.

maybe temporarily but it’s so bad for his mental

posted about a year ago

do it.

see you when his contract expires and he’s gone from SEN

posted about a year ago

huge amounts of copium honestly from me

posted about a year ago

exactly.. it’s all PR from SEN

posted about a year ago

imagine if he pulls a c9 tenz and comes back to another org later and destroys everyone

posted about a year ago

“tenz ISNT going anywhere.”

words just to appease fans.

i’ll eat shorts live if tenz comes back on the starting roster later

bookmark this and come back.

posted about a year ago

he’s not coming back..

maybe on another org?? someday?

if the current roster with fixed roles somehow wins tokyo..

sen tenz .. ben tenz... ain’t no more 😭

posted about a year ago

dude his personal life is in shambles and he just lost his job

stop ragging on the guy

posted about a year ago

it’s been 2 games for tenz ..

he was so consistent in Lcq look at stats

what is this erasure and recency bias?

posted about a year ago

maybe I’m being cynical but I feel like they just said that to placate the fans who are mainly there due to being fans of tenz. if this current roster qualifies to tokyo I really don’t see why they wouldn’t just continue playing with the same 5

posted about a year ago

i highly doubt once his contract is up that he will stay if he’s not competing

i might be really wrong though.lets see

posted about a year ago

true trueeeee true

posted about a year ago

man i love the twitter guy

banger graphics and tweets

shout out to SEN tagni

posted about a year ago

i’ll miss SEN tenz... 🥲

has such a nice ring to it .

posted about a year ago

he doesn’t like streaming .. or playing rank AT ALL

but short term probably for him right now

posted about a year ago

yea... i’m side eyeing SEN.. like

bffr stop lying lol

posted about a year ago

let’s be real... he ain’t coming back on the starting roster

I’ve said this before. Can we all agree not to be a dick to tenz.?

Imagine your personal life going to shit and your career going to shit too being benched after 2 games.

He’s always loved competing but maybe a forced break is what he needs.

dude needs a lot of positivity right now with a lot on his plate

and if you’re a sen fan, cheer them on for tokyo baby

posted about a year ago

It depends on his teammates and their synergy

I think a lot of people underestimate how much effort a team puts in setting up their duelist. Aspas , Derke or Foxy are all great players but they wouldn’t be able to thrive in their roles without their teams support , sets up and plays around them.

There were many instances of people saying yay was carrying optic but they failed to see how much support optic gave him to play that well.

Dsg and Yay need to get in sync. Not to mention you can’t build chemistry so fast . What are people expecting overnight Dsg plays like optic because of Yay ???

posted about a year ago

it’s a glitch.

it’s sen tenz on shahz’s stream

posted about a year ago

zander would be cool.

i hope they do

posted about a year ago

one good map vs severely bad performances on 4 more..

i’m not reactionary like other vlr users. though. we definitely don’t drop him. he will probably improve .

posted about a year ago

i know i know..

but SEN 100% won’t drop him.

look at their recent social media post.

defending dephh bc he had ONE good map.

he’s extremely safe for now.. tenz will probably be benched unfortunately if i had to guess

posted about a year ago

dephh has had plenty of bad games the last few weeks(look at img above) even as igl

but i don’t like the idea of dropping anyone from the original lineup after 1 or 2 bad games

feels harsh since it’s only been a couple of weeks since the season started..

dephh had one good game on fracture .. let’s hope he continues ? igl is super important

posted about a year ago

i hope if tenz does get benched and they keep zekken on duelist, he doesn’t take it too badly..

he’s said before how much he loves competing so imagine your personal life AND your career going to shit

dude needs people to be nice to him

posted about a year ago

you’re so right lol

posted about a year ago

this.. is actually so sweet..

thank you for being a decent human.

posted about a year ago

praying for pancada or marved on smokes and sacy on initiator trust

posted about a year ago

fr i cannot believe SEN put pancada on senti duty and sacy on smokes...

so dumb .things are starting to look good for SEN bc they have a controller player on controller and an initiator player on initiator now..

posted about a year ago

for the betterment of the team ... that’s what caused issues in the first place

pancada was not on smokes and sacy was even though he’s not that good at it..

pancada or marved HAS to be on smokes no if and or buts

posted about a year ago

i mean zellsis is on could work

i wouldn’t be mad at it

posted about a year ago

i mean... i don’t like ragging on players

shroud did plant a lot and died to util..

but god i miss OG SEN

posted about a year ago

if sean gares and sliggy likes shahz,

then maybe .. just maybe ...

shahz isn’t that bad and is not the problem 🤨

posted about a year ago
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