Country: Palestine
Registered: October 28, 2021
Last post: April 2, 2024 at 5:14 PM
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you miss spelled "common L"

posted about a year ago

I'll believe when it's over

posted about a year ago

NA criticized so much BR crowd and now, with 2 of their fan favorites orgs playing, they sound quiet like a Christian mass

posted about a year ago

i bet he was calling strat for the round and forgot

posted about a year ago

he didn't want the sound cue to give his location away, i think

posted about a year ago

yet Asuna, who unlike you scrimmed in both regions; believes the union can win it all.

but at last someone from NA agrees that it is unfair that only NA challengers teams have access to scrim against franchise teams. when we pointed it out, everyone from NA in this forum diminished our argument

posted about a year ago

idk. keznit, that i always good, activates god mode against br

posted about a year ago

chill. he is not out of sentinels. saturday you'll find out what noyn is talking about

posted about a year ago

i am glad for him. he is too good to be FA

posted about a year ago

sinceramente, também não entendo. ela tem uma mirona forte, mas uma tomada de decisão muito questionável. ela carrega alguns mapas, mas entrega muitos

acho que se a loud gc conseguir uma duelista melhor/mais consistente, elas conseguem superar a team liquid

posted about a year ago

trent is very good, but cloud is insane

posted about a year ago

always has been

posted about a year ago

concordo 100% com a sua crítica. não sou proplayer, nunca serei e nem quero ser. sou torcedora. eu não preciso fazer melhor para identificar um erro que ela cometeu. e desculpa, mas ela entregou um round no OT, é claro que as pessoas vão falar. não tenho capacidade motora de fazer melhor, mas tenho plena capacidade analítica de ver isso pois assim, foi bem óbvio, nem exige ser um expert de valorant para notar.

é uma postura extremamente infantil.

o jogador joga, a torcida torce, critica, elogia e repercurte. se as pessoas pararem de tuitar sobre o GC (usando o exemplo da Let, mas poderia ser VCB, VCT, Master, Champions, o que for), o cenário perde a relevancia e desaparece. claro que deve ser chato ser proplayer e ficar lendo criticas, mas é algo que acontece com qualquer pessoa que compete profissionalmente, vai continuar acontecendo e os jogadores precisam ter maturidade para lidar com isso.

e aí falando especificamente da let, ela está na LOUD, que tem uma torcida gigante, barulhenta e muitas vezes chata, então ela precisa se acostumar ASAP a lidar com críticas da torcida.

lembrando que critica =/= hate

posted about a year ago

kind and smart. they assure LOUD will always scrim TGRD

posted about a year ago

i actually loved the long tech pause. it allowed me to watch, since i was asleep on the first map

posted about a year ago

no, they'll have better sense of the current meta

posted about a year ago

lucky you

posted about a year ago

I've heard the union won against a surprising amount of franchise teams in scrims during lock in. but idk which and if they won against good teams. besides, winning scrims mean nothing.

about the roster:
raafa used to play cs, idk how good he were but i heard he was a good IGL on cs
havoc is a teen straight out of ranked, i don't think he has been old enough to play official tournaments for long
guhrnv played on some tier 2 brazilian teams before and he was already good, but unknown for sure
NTK, as you mentioned, is a gf beater. he played for vivo keyd and even went to masters with them, before the whole polemic blow up
pancc also has a questionable past. he was accused and eventually admitted making sexual advances against minors. he used to play csgo but idk how good he were

i am worried. i really like guh, Rafa and havoc but i don't have stomach to support this team

posted about a year ago

honestly she must have had, it's the only logical explanation for her presence on LOUD. she has great aim, but she overheats all the time and throw away entire maps. i feel anger watching her play because she throws advantage like it's nothing. as I said, she is a good aimer and is ruthless, so sometimes she carries, but she usually throws and it's really easy for good teams to punish her for her excess of aggression.

only aim no brain

posted about a year ago

joguei #443 *5/6 🔥 37

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 #392 🔥 4


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⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 #392 🔥 4


posted about a year ago

8 teams again is so shitty

posted about a year ago

i really like raafa, guhrnv and havoc, but i can't support the union

posted about a year ago

NTK foi condenado na Maria da Penha

posted about a year ago

not "in trouble". NTK was convicted guilty and had to do community service after assaulting his ex

posted about a year ago

kiles was always good in fullfil his role, but his fragging performance improved a lot lately. i was watching him play the other day and he really surprised me

good luck for him! i love good sentinel players and I am happy to see him performing greatly again

posted about a year ago

drx, leviatan, fnatic

eta: nrg has my respect but to call it a favorite would be a stretch

posted about a year ago

saadhak has always been vocal about finding unethical to leak information from scrims.

ryotz were a guest of the Brazilian cast on the day of the match and, this part is an assumption, as tuyz's ex-team mate, i imagine he greeted tuyz and other loud's player before the game.

i find weird how fast ardiis jumped to conclusions

posted about a year ago

sore loser

posted about a year ago

zyppan.but how is cned's kay0?

posted about a year ago

saadhak = fns >>>> ange1

posted about a year ago

i know you are joking but he was main raze in his first team

posted about a year ago

Brazil wins in turkey and alfajer wins in brazil?

posted about a year ago


but you are expecting empathy from people who can't put themselves on another shoes. they are blind and uncapable (or unwilling) to see under a different point of view

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nt. i love drx, sad to see them gone, but happy for loud

posted about a year ago

less is the goat

posted about a year ago

calm down. it's a bo5. i am obviously rooting for loud, but DRX is a great team and they are capable of winning the whole championship

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

man, even FNS is claiming loud. be my guest claiming whoever you feel like.

i think it's natural for NA to root for loud to have one more spot on masters tokyo.

posted about a year ago

honestly, i am supporting loud, but i wont be sad if DRX wins. they are a great team and absolutely deserve to be in the finals. if they beat loud, i will be rooting for them in the finals no matter who wins between navi and fnatic. i hecking love DRX

posted about a year ago

isso é vdd. ela disse que vcs iam conversar e meteu o block

mas pelos seus outros comentários tem algum contexto prévio e vc sabia que ela meio que te odiava. acho que isso pode ter influenciado.

de qualquer forma, minha opinião/conselho: da próxima vez, chega direito no seu perfil e puxa papo/chama pra sair. esse negócio de fake pega meio mal. eu se fosse vc tentava fazer acontecer naturalmente. reage a stories, puxa papo baseado no que as minas postarem, tenta puxar assunto sobre interesses em comum e avalia a reação delas antes de tentar algo. se vc fizer isso e a pessoa não der continuidade ou abertura, já sabe que ela não tem intereste e gg go next. boa sorte, mano, uma hora você acha alguém massa. só não desperdice oportunidades quando achar essa pessoa abordando ela de um jeito meio red flag tipo isso do fake

posted about a year ago

it's funny how he has grown. last year he looked like a teen. this year he is looking like a man

still very young for me but definitely attractive

posted about a year ago

i forgot about him, but Russ 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

posted about a year ago


xand, nagZ, melser, Klaus 🥵🥵🥵

posted about a year ago

zombs and dapr are hot

posted about a year ago

mwzera (although 1- he is not an OPer 2- he is playing initiator)
ETA: keznit

posted about a year ago

pq iludir? ela nunca prometeu nada, especialmente considerando que ela nem sabia quem era

posted about a year ago

tá carente? o que isso tem a ver com valorant.

ela foi babaca, mas não dar ouvidos a mulher nenhuma por conta disso é uma opção sua

posted about a year ago

nãoo só, ele não traduz tudo. já vi ele deixar partes da pergunta ou resposta de fora, especialmente quando falam bastante. parece que ele esquece. parece amador fluente em inglês traduzindo, não um tradutor

posted about a year ago
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