Country: Brazil
Registered: August 10, 2021
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 7:54 PM
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Add jamppi in there, Liquid is literally milking that poor guy

posted about a year ago

Why does EMEA insist in this playoffs format when they have 3 slots. I mean look at guild, I’m not saying they don’t deserve the slot but they didn’t really get tested for it, beat shitty M3C who beat an inconsistent Acend. Honestly both liquid and FPX would give them much more of a test but it doesn’t matter cause these two will be killing themselves for the last spot

posted about a year ago

Yeah you’re right, maybe I should just post “ratio” under his every post and get some upfrags just so that I can feel better about my stupid life

Just like this dude ngis beneath me does!

posted about a year ago

You’re a fucking dumbass, trembo was putting his own words into sliggy’s mouth to see if you idiots agree with it just because it’s sliggy.

Trembolona said this about tenz and cned months ago and was right about it, but the hive mind that is vlr just keeps denying it because it was trembo who said it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Hm, I thought they needed to win against C9 for that to be so, but if you’re right they have good chances of making it then, that’ll be entertaining

posted about a year ago

Is it only ghost or ghost AND faze both need to lose?

posted about a year ago

Don’t care which way it goes just want it to be a 2-1 so that I can watch jawgemo vs Nismo on raze

posted about a year ago

You mean compared to CS? Hell yeah, the Turks can make a crowd 100x better than the Danes could ever, I fear it won’t be more impressive than the Rio LAN this year tho, Brazilians been starving for a CS major in here for far too long

posted about a year ago

EG achievements: beat the world champions

Ghost achievements: beat TSM

Idk what exactly told people ghost was the better team

posted about a year ago

Pior q Quem tá dando downfrag aqui é idiota mesmo, talento desse time da Fúria é absurdo, qck e Khalil tem a habilidade pra serem considerados alguns dos maiores prodígios mundialmente mas Lá fora não tem ngm nem ligado na existência deles. Além disso nao apresentaram evolução nenhuma nesses últimos meses sendo q os dois podiam tá no nível do Less agr, precisam de aprender a abaixar a cabeça e escutar mas mais importante ainda de algm q ensine e dê um exemplo de como é ser o melhor.

E foda pq a fúria tá prendendo esses cara mais do que condenado por homicídio é, o time não funciona junto! Se tivesse um reshuffle aí nessas org dava pra ter pelo menos uns 3 times no Br capazes de pelo menos competir na Loud, o foda é q não tem mta gnt no cenário com a mesma visão do Sacy e saadhak pra formar um time que funcione bem JUNTO.

posted about a year ago

Got almost as many kills as Tenz

posted about a year ago

Kkkkkkkkkk vai voltar pro Twitter tbm ou só passou aqui de rolê mesmo

posted about a year ago

Did the Br players let you out of their dungeon? Finally, I was beginning to miss ya

posted about a year ago

Lol even the casters are coping saying Fnatic aren’t trying, remember when sentinels gave the same excuse? Yeah you guys didn’t let that one go did ya

posted about a year ago

Who cars, imagine if haaland was born in Germany instead of Mickey Mouse Norway, imagine how cool it would’ve been to watch him playing for the German team

posted about a year ago

In Brazil it’s mainly Salvador that looks like that, but honestly, it looks a lot more like Porto than any other city

posted about a year ago


Yeah just that right there already shows how you know shit about football

posted about a year ago

Praying for it to never happen again

posted about a year ago

It’s between Nip/MIBR/Fúria and VK

Right now Nip are still looking like the best team but we’ll put that to the test this weekend since they’re facing MIBR

posted about a year ago


There should be regional qualifiers for each of the franchising spots, idc if that’s gonna make a busy year, it’s better than just killing most of the scene

posted about a year ago

EU frogs so down bad rn they’re agreeing with kristof

posted about a year ago

He called me my lorenzo 🥹

Also same on everything else (except I’m not doing dentistry but economics, dentists are my favorite type of doctors tho)
And don’t even hmp with that cause no one else is reading this shit, you constantly reply to my shit and I to your and the world keeps spinning

Also: who tf keeps upvoting me here I swear I don’t have an alt

posted about a year ago

Man’s that type of dude that thinks the internet is a modern agora, upvotes and downvotes don’t mean shit but you make it your reason for living dude c’mon

posted about a year ago

1: nobody cared about sentinels before Valorant as well and yet they got 100x the fans with half the achievements, Acend is a boring team accept it
2: the hell? What does that has to do with anything
3: dayum why you always salty like that bro

posted about a year ago

Ever thought about how weird it is that the first world champions have like, two fans?

posted about a year ago

KKKKKKKK rancor envenena a alma viu

E calma que temo mto pra mostrar esse ano ainda

posted about a year ago

I’ve said it already that Loud is the best m in the world potential wise, but I doubt they’ll be achieving it, the lack of competition in their region+Not having a coach like onur really impairs them (bzka is amazing but onur onur). I’m all in on the idea of having less on chamber tho, it gives them a massive firepower boost that I feel like they’re not exploring enough, also why is aspas not on neon as well, you see what I mean? Loud controls these kids too much which makes them way too inflexible, meanwhile Sacy and saadhak can just play any agents they want because they’re calling the shots

posted about a year ago

^^^ I agree, but honestly the way liquid played during playoffs was noticeably better than how they played this whole year

I’ll also agree that FPX and Fnatic are top contenders at the same level of the top 5 iceland teams (OPTC, Loud, PRX, DRX/ZETA), you could make an argument for why they’re just below these 5 just as well as they could be above them all, the truth is we have no idea so it’s just obnoxious to hear y’all keep riding them AFFIRMING they’re better, they’re not, they’re on the the same level, not above.

On the other hand, Guild and Acend are a LOT worse than Fnatic and FPX, like, just slightly better than G2 level, far from performing like the top teams, I mean, why are y’all dickriding Guild anyways? They won every single match in a shitty group and it wasn’t even in dominant fashion, oh and M3C sucks rn, sorry to tell you, they might just not make it out of groups as well

The truth is only Fnatic and FPX are world class in Europe right now, and that no show, it’s literally double the amount every other region has, but unfortunately this whole thing you guys keep telling yourselves that “oh, Europe has like 5-6 teams that can easily compete for the master title” is just far from the truth and purely hard copium inhaled in order to feed your superiority complex

posted about a year ago

I love how y’all just treat the fact that G2 was the second seed the same way the CIA treats the evidence of their assassinations

posted about a year ago

I gotta thank you for making me laugh

posted about a year ago

Man’s starting a greek drama now just cause he has to go to his grandma’s birthday party

posted about a year ago

Bro it can get annoying when NA starts hyping up their teams and all, but at least they don’t take themselves as serious as europeans do

posted about a year ago

Now that’s better, a Derke highlight compilation is always appreciated

P.S. that chamber TP right after the cypher out was 5head

posted about a year ago

Aspas Sacy?
Jingg forsaken?
Buzz Mako?

I’d even put hoody and Nukkye over some of the people in there

posted about a year ago


Yeah Marved fucking owned against DRX PRX and Loud, but look at mistic go against FUCKING FOKUS

posted about a year ago

First of all, deffo ain’t the issue

Second of all, gambit ain’t ever letting deffo, or any of their players go, that’s just not how that team works

Third of all, if they did, 7ssk7 would be a good option I guess, speaks Russian and can entry and frag at the same time pretty well

posted about a year ago

Hell yeah now they can finally achieve something by doing what they’re good at, losing

posted about a year ago

And yeah I had to write a fucking essay because everyone in here is so Goddamn sensitive they’ll literally put words in your mouth in order to get offended

posted about a year ago

I mean, yeah, derke’s been one of my favorite players since I first saw him vs TL during the Iceland qualifiers, the guy is insane and probable one of, if not the most dedicated player on the scene rn (just look at how his chamber wasn’t so hot during his first match with it, so the man just stopped everything he was doing and fully dedicated himself 24/7 into making it better, reaching a ludicrous level with it after just 1 week)

So mad respect for the guy, it’s very likely that he’ll eventually be considered the best player in the world, if not this year the next, but still, that wasn’t a crazy clip

posted about a year ago

So sentinels actually needs to lose to C9 if they want a chance at LCQ?

posted about a year ago

Meh with the build up you created I expected something more

posted about a year ago


Tem algo a dizer agr?

posted about a year ago

What’s happening with heat tho, been playing kinda weird recently

posted about a year ago

Hooooollyyyy crap that gave me a headache

posted about a year ago

Why did TSM just decided to start swapping all their roles at the most crucial point of groups stage

posted about a year ago

Fracture would’ve been simple tho, kanpeki on neon and Tenz on chamber, but instead they whip out a neon???

If you go back in most of SEN’s games they actually had a chance, but always lost because of a multitude of stupid little mistakes and odd choices

posted about a year ago

Bro’s deadass acting like he’s watching sentinels vs Faze for quality Valorant

posted about a year ago

Joined in and he was calling you stupid, good job

posted about a year ago
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