Country: Brazil
Registered: August 10, 2021
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 7:54 PM
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Trembolona doesn’t love VK he only roots for mwzera

posted about a year ago

There isn’t a big distinction between teams in Br as there is in EMEA, if a Brazilian team is playing against another region, all the br fans, no matter which team they actually root for, throw their full support for their region

posted about a year ago




Time estupido

posted about a year ago

Reluctant to say Brazil? Bitch we a whole fucking region + how is that what you consider before MENA and Latam North

posted about a year ago

Fnatic has never won a final

posted about a year ago

Kkkkkkk you always make my day friend!

posted about a year ago

Yes, that’s what I always hear Sacy talking about on podcasts, since these regions have much stronger competition with a lot of teams with teams coming up with a lot of different ideas and plays they also end up having to exercise their adaptability a lot more in order to win, meanwhile teams in Br always play in a similar style and never really push Loud to a point that they have to come up with something on the spot

posted about a year ago


Read my take and see if your underdeveloped encephalic mass can comprehend what I meant by that

posted about a year ago

Nah not really, Loud’s biggest weaknesses are their map pool and lack of adaptability, they talk about it constantly that the biggest advantage Na and EMEA have is their experience with having to adapt constantly to different plays, if Loud’s playbook gets read and they start losing they’ll just keep insisting on it with no significant changes

posted about a year ago

Only on ascent tho, and you can’t say they have better brain because they’re taking a playbook Loud created and just worked on top of it, creating this stuff from scratch is much harder

posted about a year ago

Yeah I guess but the defense is pretty damn similar

Omen playing A
Killjoy always on B
Kayo playing mainly on garden using his util to avoid the enemy controls it
Jett Op picking either cat or B main
Sova playing CT, constantly rotating between bombs

The preference for retake on A site with omen and KJ going door while the rest goes heaven

These are some of the most obvious resemblances but there’s a lot more, XSET is just making some minor adjustments but the base game is the same

posted about a year ago

Am I crazy or is XSET just playing a more refined version of Loud’s ascent? The resemblance is uncanny

posted about a year ago

Yay vs cryocells is a prime example of a ranked demon vs the greatest pro player itw

posted about a year ago

Imperial e fúria bons kkkkk

Imperial não tá conseguindo ganhar contra T3 e Fúria em todo torneio secundário fica no máximo em quarto, no major só desaparece mesmo

posted about a year ago

Lol tell me again how many matches has Fnatic lost?

posted about a year ago

It’s an exaggeration to act like Loud is so much better like the OP did, There is no way you can affirm loud is better than optic and Fnatic, especially optic since they’re the world champions

Buuuuuut, in the replies we see once again how hurt EMEA’s pride is, y’all are high on copium saying Fnatic is the best team in the world because by no metric you can affirm this, and it is actually obnoxious how they’re using the same arguments of last time “weak region, haven’t proved themselves internationally” when in reality loud has already proven itself internationally, more so than this current Fnatic roster btw

posted about a year ago

Koldamenta with G2 last year

posted about a year ago

M3C are all cleared

I don’t think Ange1 was able to get a visa tho

posted about a year ago

Shut up derke hard clears yay

posted about a year ago

Trembo rush Top 1 Radiant only chamber when?

posted about a year ago

I’d put saadhak on the kayo as well, he’s obviously not the biggest fragger but his util usage on the agent is one of the best I’ve ever seen

posted about a year ago

Sim como vemos pelas vitórias da VK suas análises são de uma precisão incrível mesmo

posted about a year ago

VK tomando a decisão mais sabia de sua vida, fdc o meta fdc qualquer estratégia, é só botar mwzera de raze que é vitória grátis

posted about a year ago

More like guess the elo

posted about a year ago

Se fosse isso tudo aí mesmo esse time taria não se classificando pro Masters por mto pouco, mas do jeito q tá não saem nem do estágio de grupos e não vai ser um coach q vai mudar isso

A maioria dos jogadores de nível alto tá disposto a jogar o personagem q o time requerir, o problema é q esse time da liberty não tem brio nem brilho, vc acha q eles jogam de tudo pq são bons mas é o contrário, ngm ali se destaca de verdade em nenhum boneco. E essa coisa de táticas revolucionárias uso de útil insano é tudo mentira, liberty só inventa umas porra aleatoria e surpreende os time br sem adaptabilidade alguma, tanto q la fora não conseguem fazer nada, os jogadores não tem uma visão de jogo diferenciada, um lado estratégico bom, e nem um individual insano.

Liberty é tipo aquele personagem secundário de qualquer história q os nerd q se acham diferentao gostam de endeusar e falar q é o personagem favorito deles só pra sair do padrão, mas na real o personagem é um bosta q não faz nada, estranho e sem nenhuma qualidade redentoria

posted about a year ago

What’s up with you and liberty, shitty team with absolutely no prospects especially after franchising

Get onur on VK, kick best buddies koy and rhz and get nzr after fúria disbands, ez super VK at last

posted about a year ago

Xand is a common nickname here in Br

posted about a year ago

Hard agree, three letter igns should be banned

posted about a year ago

Já tinham levado um pau contra a fúria, aí vieram pickar saporra contra a nip tbm, é intankavel as decisões estupidas q esse time toma o tempo todo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Wait so it was jhow who came up with it?

And yet it was fucking murizz that was igling for keyd the whole time, biggest 0head I’ve ever seen

posted about a year ago

Kkkkkkk anteontem o jonn tava falando pro aspas q pickou neon no icebox por engano, foi sim confia

Falando nisso, certeza q o aspas vai jogar de raze no Icebox, ouviram aqui primeiro

posted about a year ago

Eu diria q rgl e pancada são bem equiparados, mas em termos de mira pura o pancada ganha

Aspas tem mira parecida com o heat e BEM mais mira q mw, único quesito em q mw ganha é movimentação

Esses três eu concordo em termos de mira pura, mas quanto a senso de jogo uso de habilidade e até estilo de jogo sacy e saadhak ganham por muito

A mira do less é diferente dos outros melhores do cenário mesmo, ela da impressão de ser mto mais mole, só q estranhamente ele Tbm acerta e mata mto mais, principalmente agr de chamber, ent acho difícil essa comparação mas ainda preferiria mil vezes mais o less

posted about a year ago

This shit is just brutal to watch

posted about a year ago

Cansei desses VK vs Nip já, é sempre um puta jogão suado mas q no final a nip sai por cima por mto pouco 😢

posted about a year ago


É o segundo clip, logo dps da treta do heat e qck

posted about a year ago

Nyang foi demitido ao vivo

posted about a year ago

And so is Br and APAC, idk why people like acting like they’re better than NA when they’re no different.

But yeah I’ll agree that NA has a lot more loudmouthed nutcases than normal, it’s hilarious tho since it’s just people going on random ego trips, compare that to the DMs of that random EMEA player that got leaked

posted about a year ago

Bro says that while using Stewie2k and Wardell to complain about NA

posted about a year ago

Cold is a 2x major MVP and I’ll still call him washed anyday
But yeah I was thinking more of Wardell when I talked about failed careers, but you could argue that for Stewie as well, same with cold, the man still clearly wants more but can’t even qualify for majors, he’s fallen so hard that the Brazilian superstar is now a meme in here.

And that’s the thing, if a players sets himself some goals and fails to achieve them, especially when he still has the capacity to get what he wants, that’s a failure in his career, Stewie’s now more of a joke than anything else, meaning that despite the huge successes that he had, the man is going down in disgrace

posted about a year ago

Watching a clip of Sacy complaining about your asses rn

“A lot of T2 EMEA teams had a huge ego and would just troll in scrims against us”

He also commented about what tanizhq (don’t even know which team he’s coaching now) said about them on a podcast

“Ah I saw what that coach said, yeah he talked a bunch of shit and I hate people who just spur out so much stuff about scrims, if you want to be a professional player on the T1 scene you just don’t do that, it’s unethical, we’ll be refusing to play against teams with this sort of attitude from now on”

posted about a year ago

You mean at streaming? Then yeah of course, you can’t compare a streamer to pro players

posted about a year ago

Washed players jerking each other off in order to feel better about themselves and their failed careers

posted about a year ago

É acho que já tá na hora da gnt deixar esse hype do qck passar um pouco já, o cara teve uns dois jogos bons na fase de grupo do split passado e desde ent não fez mais nada, esse split especialmente ele tá bem medianozinho. Ainda acho q ele tem um potencial absurdo e sempre consegue meter umas duas play q mostra isso por jogo, o problema é q são apenas dois momentos em q ele aparece pra um jogo de sumiço

posted about a year ago

Chill VK likes to start strong and then to just throw out of nowhere

posted about a year ago

Essa taxa de FK do PxS é insana

posted about a year ago

I plead innocent of this stupid take

posted about a year ago

22-2 In 12 rounds against FPX, and people were calling him washed

posted about a year ago

Forgot to say that I agree with you

There was this discussion in the beginning of the year over which player was Loud’s flex. In the beginning they thought it was saadhak but in truth he was the initiator, Sacy was just the sova while saadhak played kayo and skye. Now saadhak is still is still on those two while Sacy also plays fade and breach so Loud pretty much ended with 2 initiators.

I think that with this chamber meta makes flex players are a lot less useful, since you can always run a chamber, a duelist, a smokes character, and two initiators which is what most teams are doing

posted about a year ago
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