Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 17, 2021
Last post: May 8, 2024 at 8:19 PM
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calma nao coringue

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I've never learnsd this song but I'm sure it's not that hard and it's fucking awesome so I think it's worth it
raupatu - alien weaponry

posted about a year ago

bro if you're gonna learn ratm learn killing in the name
most entertaining song to play with a band I'm telling you, whenever I gather some cool people and some instruments we blast this shit and it's great

posted about a year ago

she* for bob

posted about a year ago

kkkkkk call me in 8 years when you find out about funk rave

posted about a year ago

well for me it will be summer so it's great haha
but yeah those human rights accusations are terrible

posted about a year ago

trembo fiscal de namorada
achei q era so c o cenario br mas c fuça o historico de tweets de todo mundo em kk

posted about a year ago

vasco is a football team that recently advanced to tier 1
but there's a lot of /metairony in this joke because it's not actually considered "a giant" team

posted about a year ago

pancada owns in looks and drip

posted about a year ago

wdym world cup is unpopular? in the US for sure but it's very hype in a good portion of the world

posted about a year ago

they're on fanfest with gaules

posted about a year ago

I remember that bait in like champions 2021

posted about a year ago

aí ele é troll porra fisker

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkk no way bro

posted about a year ago

oh okay then

posted about a year ago

idk never seen that happen, but in his case it's just a suspicion right? I don't know details of the case though.
also this might be controversial but while adultery is immoral I don't think it's unethical

posted about a year ago

why would cheating on your wife be a valid reason to fire someone? that's a problem that concerns the couple, an esports org has nothing to do with this. especially cause it's just suspicion, it's not even confirmed he really cheated

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

how tf did you guys find this hidden thread

posted about a year ago

I also release cream

posted about a year ago

with Brazil being in America that's quite a likely outcome tbh

posted about a year ago

I believe that São Paulo wont be as insane because of Riot that likes to keep everything under control, plus the audience will definetly include much younger fans so they probably won't allow too much chaos
meanwhile the Rio Major has Gaules literally leading the stage, I can't imagine another tournament where a major streamer is in charge of the hype, and especially one with so much influence over the fanbase

posted about a year ago

tacaticatacaticata grrr >:(

posted about a year ago

I'll bring my tamborim to show how to properly play this shit

posted about a year ago


Favorite Sport : Chess
Favorite Music Genre : Symphonic Metal
Favorite Music Artist : Fairyland or if it counts, myself (Antonio Barolo)
Favorite Youtuber : Artifexian, or if it counts, myself (kzeriar, I used to make youtube poops)
Favorite School Subject : Geography and then Math
Favorite Valorant Team Currently : Loud
Favorite Valorant Team OF ALL TIME : jblancard, ciro, trembo
Favorite VLR User : gntgodyorukingdestruction

posted about a year ago

this is an old chant and it's obviously meant as a joke, nobody singing this is actually intending as a death threat

posted about a year ago

not actually, but yeah it was a "churrasco da apuração" kkkk

posted about a year ago

Brazil - Churrasco (basically brazilian bbq)
had lots of meat and beer today it was awesome btw

posted about a year ago

please come to Brazil, I'll give you hot dog with mashed potatos

posted about a year ago

I think Rodrigo Amarante's description is pretty accurate
and muharrik's summary is fine, I'd still say that Saudade is more a feeling than an object though, the thing is that it's a noun, in constrast to "missing" which is a verb

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

pq vc se importa tanto com isso? kk
lembrando que o sutecas tava no casamento do sacy
mas eu tb ja ouvi de um grande amigo do sutecas que conheci pessoalmente q ele tinha suas críticas à VKS, mas tb contou umas histórias engraçadas de eles fumando altos vapes com o scream kk

posted about a year ago

ooh ok, I don't know much about csgo

posted about a year ago

on the good side that makes us have even more teams to cheer for
from 3 teams we have 5 "brazilian" teams now
SEN, KRU (because of xand), MiBR, LOUD and FUR
and even LEV, kinda, because of nzr which is argentinian but we still consider him fondly as a brazilian because of his history in FUR

posted about a year ago

the crowd will be fucking nAts flushed

posted about a year ago

mamõpe ereîkó, abá gué?

posted about a year ago

if you can't beat them buy them

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

haven't seen it but just looks like kinky fanservice

posted about a year ago

hmm so you speak tupi

posted about a year ago

2 fluent - english and portuguese
2 intermediate - german and spanish
2 basic - japanese and old tupi
and also valendhírdven the language I invented

posted about a year ago
Construção - Chico Buarque
the translation don't capture the full depth of the lyrics, such as the play on words and double meaning, but I think you can still interpret the message and admire the arrangement

posted about a year ago

hit = pancada
agr td faz sentido

posted about a year ago

trembolonaRaiva, toque alguma grama.

posted about a year ago

it's the thinking man's valorant theory turning out to be true, they needed a controller with an initiator subclass, and harbor is this agent

posted about a year ago

no way, I can already think of so many uses for that

posted about a year ago

probably gonna be OP, but the skills looks cool, lots of potential for creative plays

posted about a year ago

the problem is that since the stocks of all Loud players are through the roof, it's very hard for the org to retain all of them
another org with the same budget can spend much more on a single Loud player and spare with the rest of the roster, so Loud can't compete with all these orgs bidding individually for each of their players
besides even with Riot's help, the Brazilian orgs have much less money than the NA orgs

posted about a year ago
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