Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 17, 2021
Last post: May 8, 2024 at 8:19 PM
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best time of the year

posted about a year ago

don't worry, if you lose LOCK/IN, you can still go to BLOCK/IN

posted about a year ago

saw some elders there but probably parents
but what did you expect? it's valorant not chess

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkkkk belo bait

posted about a year ago

do it in carnival is kinda cap, I don't wanna be torn between watching valorant and going to bloquinhos haha
but Sao Paulo is great for events

posted about a year ago

pancada, fnx of valorant

posted about a year ago

imo it's very ugly, but maybe that's because I hate pollos

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I wouldn't put sayf that high, tho he's very good

posted about a year ago

makes sense, he played kayo and let mazin on jett before

posted about a year ago

yup good in strats but overheats too much, not that good in midrounding

posted about a year ago

you mean dgzin? I think hes a tier 1 dueslist but yeah mw is still a better duelist than him
he should at least play raze in raze maps, but now without chamber idk what would be left for dgzin

posted about a year ago

sure, being trans is "out of the norm" in terms of being a minority, but why would must it be considered a disorder? You might suffer with body dysphoria but besides that you're a normal person, the fault is much more on the society for not accepting their way of being. imo, this sounds like prejudice of your part because a man looking like a woman or vice versa "is weird". And it is natural, as I proved by it being literally a biological phenomenom. Also because of that, it doesn't make sense to say it's being "encouraged", you can't convince someone to become trans, people are already born that way, society is just trying to make people more comfortable to be who they are.

About whether the words "woman" and "man" and refer to a person's gender or sex, it's up to us to decide. Language is a tool to communicate, so definitions should reflect our intentions, and not the other way around. And I think it's much more inclusive and kinder to use "man" and "woman" according to a person's gender, so we can treat trans people as how they feel, than arbitrarily excluding them from these terms.

posted about a year ago

if this is meant to be a prediction how are you putting both SEN and FNC players if they face each other in the first round? whoever loses that won't be remember as top 3 in any of the roles, unless they carry the rest of the team and still lose

posted about a year ago

the narrative is not that gender and sex have absolutely no correlation, most trans supporters agree that sex has a major influence in gender because of hormones and shit, but it's not a definitive correlation so they can in some cases be different. And that applies the other way around too, gender is greatly influenced by society because we have role models for men and women, but not entirely defined by society. I'm sure you've heard people say all different things I can't speak for everyone but at least the view I'm sharing is what I believed to be the general opinion. This disagreements are natural because gender is a very subjective word and there's no clear way to define it.

Because of this, I don't mind if you think some genders people use in the internet are bullshit. But one thing is for certain: transexuality is for real. Studies show that the transgender brain has structural differences to their cisgender counterparts of the same sex that are more similar to the brains of their gender. Also we've seen transexual behavior way before the modern days in different cultures across the whole world. Therefore, in light of the facts, denying the existence of transsexuals is aversion, at least imo.

sorry for the long post btw, this is a complicated topic with a lot of nuance and I just don't wanna be misunderstood, but I think you agree that debating this in here is pointless anyways

posted about a year ago

I see, you're taking things very literally, but I suppose you know that discussing terminology is just avoiding the discussion. If you wanna be strict about it, it depends on the reason you're denying a trans woman's identity. If it's for mere lack of understanding about transsexuality or gender, sure, you might only be uninformed, but if that denial comes from simply not wanting to allow them their own identity, then you're probably doing it because of aversion, and that would be transphobic. anyways, I shouldn't be having this discussion in vlr lmao

posted about a year ago

keloqz is so hyperactive lmao

posted about a year ago

fear, dislike or aversion

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkk falei nada e tu inferiu tudo

posted about a year ago

yeah I disagree with most of his opinions, but really I don't think people act like hes jesus of valorant (that's supernova lmao)
they just like him because he gives info and he's generally nice (which is ironic considering he might be teddy or at least a close friend)

posted about a year ago

you're still transphobic, because the suffix phobia in that context doesn't freaking mean literal fear.
also old joke

posted about a year ago

at least, from my interpretation, supernova is ironic, alitmanus isn't, which makes supernova's endorsement much funnier

posted about a year ago

tu ouve oq, incel?

posted about a year ago

I wouldn't say noyn's oppinion is particularly respected, on that sense he's just seen as another valorant enjoyer.
He's famous because of his roster leaks and gathering of info

posted about a year ago

you mean noyn or dgzin?
dgzin plays for furia

noyn is popular in the brazil community because of his popularity here in, I'm surprised you never heard of him if you're a user of this website tbh haha

posted about a year ago

monstro burritx q rank tu eh

posted about a year ago

ah I think people will still be there, that idea of empty crowds is just because in cs gaules hosted a different event outside the venue where all the crowd was

I'll be there in the crowd and excited to watch most of the matches, personally

posted about a year ago

Country: Brazil
Registered: February 5, 2023
Last post: February 6, 2023 at 5:34 PM
Posts: 14

posted about a year ago

ingenious predictions

posted about a year ago

guy doesn't know trembolona

posted about a year ago

fifa octopus clears

posted about a year ago

mario sounding ass

posted about a year ago

uncreative bait

posted about a year ago

Mca há um ano na tese do segundo superteam

cara a gnt ta nas franquias agr, a Loud n vai jogar só com BR não

posted about a year ago

8/8 tho Navi is awesome, I just don't like how her voiceline is overused in lofi songs

posted about a year ago

zirty_zoggy the attention whore

posted about a year ago

I'll think about it

posted about a year ago

only if you ask him nicely

posted about a year ago

me too, and also would like to meet you and other vrlers too burritx
which days are you going? I bought for 19th and 25th until now.

posted about a year ago

q isso trembo muito mais inteligente que o tck

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

we don't say "please come to brazil" for nothing

posted about a year ago

I don't see why there would be visa issues for indians

posted about a year ago

or any other form of celebration? :)

posted about a year ago

imo it's mkhedruli

posted about a year ago

agreed, but the biggest bias is against African cousine, there's almost no country in the least from Africa and most are from North Africa which much more tied to the middle east
who made the list probably didn't even eat jolof rice

posted about a year ago

all of that is pretty meh tbh, I've eaten most of them in the UK btw
usa also shouldn't be that high tho

posted about a year ago
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