Flag: Canada
Registered: April 9, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 3:45 PM
Posts: 1423
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not picking china to win a game is gonna bite u in the ass

posted 6 hours ago

nah babybay a goat and he knows what his strengths as a player are. plus u need a bit of a ego to be good.

posted 21 hours ago
  1. imo the only meaningful changes they have made from launch quality of life stuff but yes its good
  2. not super repetitive game is pretty short in general
  3. not really similar at all besides the fact the you can drive cars and its open world
  4. should be able to run the game pretty easily
posted 21 hours ago

lysoar is the best chinese player?

posted 22 hours ago

i fw that

posted 1 day ago

there is so much t2 talent yet bbl is still failing to make playoffs how tf is it possible

posted 1 day ago

i dont get why they wouldnt there are many t2 players who would offer better igling, better fragging, and more role flexibility and who are also korean. gotta be nepotism if they dont.

posted 1 day ago

as long as they keep izu and get rid of xccurate im happy

posted 1 day ago

LMAO yeah i bet they are. idk what happened to fire flux i didnt watch the games but ig the removal of qw1 killed the team

posted 1 day ago

all im saying is it should be a CRIME if china playoffs has better production than champs group stage and ill leave it at that.

posted 1 day ago

didnt fireflux just bomb out of playoffs? ik they have good players idk bout better than t1 teams tho

posted 1 day ago

was comparing it to stage 1 koi

posted 1 day ago

depends what league but yeah id agree they would probably make a deep run in ascension but realistically i dont think they have the talent to win like sheydos we know is good, and i think grubinho is good, and kamo is decent but the actual leadership on that team is very weak

posted 1 day ago

i got news for you about dz lol

posted 1 day ago

ok more so talking about split 1 koi but realistically have they done anything to deserve a spot in the league.... i meannnnn would they win tier 2??? im not conviced tbh.

posted 1 day ago

the org might have asked him about it like upper management if hes associated with this drama cuz im sure they are aware of it and who knows what he said but the org easily could have just asked him to handle it behind closed doors and not address it for their sake. not that i have experience behind closed doors of a team i just kinda think as an org owner you wouldnt want to associate your brand with that.

posted 1 day ago

kinda what im talking about foxy just has been in the scene longer has more relationships with people you can tell wouldnt associate with someone like that if they knew and seems unfazed. meanwhile yeah flashback is a rookie and hasnt said a thing for days not even like a tweet about champs or anything

posted 1 day ago

dach in general is pretty shit i watched the gf between CGN and mouz at it was like watching a koi game from both teams. which as we saw from gentle m8s can somehow win so maybe they stand a chance but i doubt it.

posted 1 day ago

i mean possibly like the only reasons i could think to not is either the org told him not to, hes holding out hope that people believe its foxy9 (which is the only other possibility if true even though its unlikely in my eyes), or hes not trying to give the situation attention and is just biding his time

posted 1 day ago

EMEA: Team Falcons
CHINA: who tf knows

posted 1 day ago

its the only player that makes sense

posted 1 day ago

if sen beat gen ill go bald AGAIN im already bald but fuck it ill shave again

posted 1 day ago

i remember i made a top 10 valorant teams of all time before shanghai and i put 2024 GenG above sentinels and i got hella hate for it on the thread. funny how thats aged and you could tell all the way back from madrid who the best team from this year was but people only seem to base their opinions around results. just found this funny and interesting thought id bring it up any thoughts on this?

posted 1 day ago

we know for a fact its not beyn, mako, or buzz. and i personally would be shocked if it was foxy9. and we also know it isnt a coach so there is really only 1 option

posted 2 days ago

surely we get something by tmrw

posted 2 days ago

go to cs you fraud

posted 2 days ago

wtf pissgamer30 is back

posted 2 days ago

yeah i mean i have the better end of the stick since im pst but its kinda fucked once it gets to the second game especially when both series go 3 maps. the thing i find more annoying then the times though is that they make the games late in the afternoon for pacific when it could easily be like 1pm and the time zone would be way better for everyone

posted 2 days ago

everyone complained last year about the region performance thing because fnatic was shitting on everyone and got emea 2 extra slots. plus it wouldnt be fair to just give a certain region less slots and it helps develop china as a region faster if more teams get to play the best teams.

posted 2 days ago



posted 3 days ago

navi is completely rebuilding every single player is inactive apparently according to ardiis

posted 3 days ago

back2back mvp as well

posted 3 days ago

we are winning champs everyone else is just playing for second

posted 3 days ago

why do u hate dz lol

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

is nrg good next year?

posted 3 days ago

rawkus will never touch GOAT2

posted 3 days ago

unlucky rawkus going 2 for 2 in ruining teams

posted 3 days ago

im lookin like an egg

posted 3 days ago

do you know when drx are gonna address the allegations?

posted 3 days ago

gotta be flashback then no? aint no way foxy9 doing that shit lmao

posted 3 days ago

realistically when we play our best we can beat anybody

posted 3 days ago

bros the biggest fraud fan i have ever seen

posted 3 days ago

talon is the biggest x factor im just tryna cover my ass if frost cooks a masterclass and gets out of groups and primmie diffs aspas.
we havent really even seen talon play we saw 1 game from them where frost admitted the team had only practiced for 5 days and prepped 3 maps for secret of which they only got 2 in the map veto they were not prepped for abyss. and then they admitted to giving up to get more prac time for champs so idk how to rank that. the roster before primmie was competitive with drx and easily could have 2-0d if they didnt get eco'd on haven i expect them to be better than that.

posted 3 days ago

it isnt lol

posted 3 days ago

ban is good tf u talkin about

posted 3 days ago

ok sure if kai diffs sayf ill go bald again

posted 3 days ago

cant wait for your team to get grouped :)

posted 3 days ago

idc ill take the heat from sen and apac fans

posted 3 days ago
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