Flag: Canada
Registered: April 9, 2022
Last post: June 15, 2024 at 11:36 PM
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100% but i have zero clue what beyns igling looks like kinda hard to predict

posted 1 week ago

hell naw

G2 ban sunset
GenG ban bind
G2 pick split
GenG pick icebox
g2 ban lotus
GenG ban ascent
Breeze remains

posted 1 week ago

is g2 rare?

posted 1 week ago

ill be very disappointed if they do this format again with the arenas for champs like everyone just plays in pacific studio until top 4. also have they ever done this where they switch arenas mid tourney before?

posted 1 week ago

results dont always tell the whole story also g2 are better then when they last played them

posted 1 week ago

not good?
chokers when? they got aspas'd out of shanghai he 1v4d which was the difference between them winning the map and in lcq they won 5 games straight. also if were talking about not that good sentinels lost to EG and disabled loud + they are losing split which they abused to get to madrid in the first place they seriously have to step it up or they are gonna get grouped again.

posted 1 week ago

spoiled milk incoming

posted 1 week ago

nrg and sen arent making champs.

posted 1 week ago
not far fetched to think kru could beat 100t and g2 are getting haven back they dominated on that map last year i also think everyone is going to look at 100t like sentinels as the team to beat in americas and they are gonna overlook g2 because everyone does. unless g2 win the event but even then i think g2 are hard to anti strat because they play to anti strat opponents.

posted 1 week ago

they improved a lot over split 1 which i think shows that the team is dedicated to getting better and not just there to collect a paycheck which gives me a lot of hope for them improving even more for split 2 which should be easier since so many other regions are there for shanghai

posted 1 week ago

this smells of spoiled milk...

posted 1 week ago

i see this take a lot and i understand where its coming from but i dont think its 100% true the overall quality of each league has increased thats a fact but the very top teams this year excluding GenG so like sentinels, 100t, paper rex, g2, heretics i think would all lose to champs EG and PRX but this depends on the question as a whole and if were taking into account the evolution of the game bc fnatic i actually think would lose because towards the end of the year it was pretty obvious that teams figured out fnatic and as most teams just stole what fnatic were doing take lotus for example and this year we saw what a slightly out of form fnatic with 0 innovation looks like in 2024 and its not great.

posted 1 week ago

tuyz is a good player + good stats on duelist + pancada + they made an event with qck

posted 1 week ago

yeah i dont think 100t come top 3

posted 1 week ago

less is humble like that

posted 1 week ago

he isnt benched is what im saying

posted 1 week ago

100t have to same amount of points as them you can see the standings on vlr

posted 1 week ago

less isnt leaving and pancada is replacing qck. tuyz will move to duelist

posted 1 week ago

that would be too funny

posted 1 week ago

what teams do you guys think will qualify for champs from each region? imo


  1. LOUD
  2. G2
  3. KRU
  4. 100T


  1. TH
  2. VIT
  3. GX
  4. KC


  1. GenG
  2. RRQ
  3. TLN
  4. PRX


  1. FPX
  2. EDG
  3. TYL
  4. DRG
posted 1 week ago

this smells of spoiled milk....

posted 1 week ago

yeah geng will win this event was obv from day 1 to anyone that wasnt a prx fan

posted 1 week ago

heretics weakest component is their map pool also g2 kinda clear ngl their mental is way better on top of being pretty even gameplay wise and no chance they beat geng in a bo5 they have never been there before geng have and heretics suck in bo5s we saw that against kc and fnatic.

posted 1 week ago

yeah nah but they could beat 100t that was a big choke from prx they are very beatable

posted 1 week ago

bro my team got relegated to tier 2 last year at least your team goes to every event

posted 1 week ago

bro i can deal with it im not complaining for myself im saying theres a reason viewership is down when the time zone alienates the region with the most interest in the game. even if the games started a couple hours earlier i think it would be a lot better

posted 1 week ago

brotha it aint that deep im just saying theres a reason viewership is down for this event

posted 1 week ago

yeah edg looks rough but we know blg can be competitive, drg now have more experience they should get better, and tyloo improved a lot over the split in china they beat drg towards the end im sure other teams have probably gotten better.

posted 1 week ago

i dont want another event in china for at least a couple years the shitty time zone which alienates the region with the most interest in the game + dead crowds makes it harder to watch. i hope merc benz arena is a lot better.

posted 1 week ago

cn will be competitive in champs i think by all these teams being in china the quality of the league will improve.

posted 1 week ago

boohoo 5 sentences too much to handle

posted 1 week ago

seriously some next level hating all their criticism comes down to is the fact that they aren't the most mechanically gifted team and they play slow. idk how these people cant identify what makes g2 better then a team like prx so ill spell it out for you. g2 are a macro heavily anti strat focused team they have consistently cooked up great gameplans to beat teams who are perceived to be better then them. they simply out gameplan every team they have faced so far they also have a very solid map pool everyone gushes about 100ts bind the real best bind team is g2. they deserve to be here whether you like it or not just because they dont have a demon1 or tenz on their team doesnt make them bad.

posted 1 week ago

yeah the production so far has been pretty much just china regular season i think merc benz arena is gonna go insane tho

posted 1 week ago

it wont happen g2 is locked for a perminent spot even tho they have a 2 year contract no chance they get relegated before mibr or eg

posted 1 week ago

tiktok ahh attention span

posted 1 week ago

not looking that way huh

posted 1 week ago

they have a chance if they ban bind

posted 1 week ago

champs is the one for u guys

posted 2 weeks ago

gg -3000 just gimme my money

posted 2 weeks ago

they were very burnt out not playing like themselves but even so drx couldnt beat that version of geng when it mattered the one week break from drx game to lower final made a big difference for them.

posted 2 weeks ago

no they crumble map 5 second half they just gotta close out by map 4 or their fucked

posted 2 weeks ago

fnatic did not play well in that game against geng that was gengs worst game so far. fnatic looked lost on bind which is one of gengs worst maps the only thing that made that map close was heroics on swing rounds if not for alfa it would have been a stomp. they looked good on the other maps tho but failed to close out the game if they had won the series i would have put gen g lower but they didnt. heretics on the other hand are playing with a sub and yes they have had weaker opponents besides g2 they have looked good in all their machups besides split against g2. i also really like the way heretics play sunset i think its probably the closest to a super map in this tourney. we have also seen that heretics can beat fnatic in the past so overall im more impressed by heretics that could change but atp i think heretics are better.

posted 2 weeks ago

are we fucked in the head? im not ranking them based on how they placed. im ranking them by the skill level they have shown at the event so far. which is what the title says. this guy was asking for an example of what else i could rank them by.

posted 2 weeks ago

i could rank them based on where they placed and where i think the remaining teams will place???? how is that hard to understand

posted 2 weeks ago

they only use their powers when they have to. humble kings

posted 2 weeks ago

where they placed

posted 2 weeks ago

G2 = 100T

G2 will beat 100t if they meet at the tourney mark my words

posted 2 weeks ago
  1. GenG
  2. G2
  3. 100T
  4. TH
  5. FNC
    Tier Gap
  6. PRX
    Tier Gap
  7. FPX
  8. FUT
  9. LEV
  10. T1
    Tier Gap
  11. EDG
  12. DRG
posted 2 weeks ago

i agree just want to see what the general opinion is

posted 2 weeks ago

fnatic, geng and g2 can all win against 100t they are good but im worried when the pressure is on any of the teams i listed will be able to take advantage

posted 2 weeks ago
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