Flag: Portugal
Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: August 23, 2023 at 3:27 AM
Posts: 752
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this is a 50 50 for me.

posted 10 months ago

it was one of my favourite maps

posted 10 months ago

bro living int the dreamland

posted 10 months ago

de que zona de portugal és?

posted 10 months ago

no way thats gonna happen.
even more so now that we know pearl is gone from the map pool after this event

posted 10 months ago

i think individual form took a hit imo.
hope they recover that flow in time for loud

posted 10 months ago

Ascent was very close....
fnc lost both pistols and one bonus and it was still 13-11

posted 10 months ago

Who's gonna win and why?

posted 10 months ago

doesn't loud have the ban advantage in the next match?

posted 10 months ago

nobody on the team likes the map it sems

posted 10 months ago

go take your meds.

posted 11 months ago

bro why bring this when we talking about EG?

U must be sick in the head to be saving ppl's messages lol
anyway. did not said any lies and that is not my opinion. its data.

posted 11 months ago

Bro forgot the meds

posted 11 months ago

was checking that yesterday, almost 500k viewers .
not bad imo.
specially cause these are the first matches of the tourney

posted 11 months ago

that guy is horrible.

posted 11 months ago

good luck with your life

posted 11 months ago

fut seems to be preferred in here....
The last games i've seem from them didn't convince me enough,
but on the other hand, they were really good at lock in and solid at the emea league.

don't know jack shit about t1 tho....

posted 11 months ago

FUT vs T1

Who you got and why?
wanna bet my farm lol

posted 11 months ago

fnatic vs furia on haven was nuts.

posted 11 months ago

Ask her out and kiss her.
be a man.

posted 11 months ago

I find that ppl don't talk about this enough.
Player's attitude influences a lot the outcome of a team.
That's one of the big reasons fnatic are so dominant.
Besides having 4 top 10 players in the world in terms of game mechanics and game sense, they all have great attitudes on the team.
They are humble, they always feel like they could improve, they work through their differences and they all grind the game like maniacs.

there's a saying " its hard to reach the top, but even harder to say there" .
I think players attitude here is fundamental to reach this level of success and maintain it.

posted 11 months ago

this is good content.

posted 11 months ago

any link to the post?

posted 11 months ago

i like breze more

posted about a year ago

Bruh what?
nitro is a snake.
completely destroyed that legendary 100t team after a good performance at masters,
Even switched games after that such was the low performance of the team.
it was cause of him that steel leaved and brought his friend "boi" who was honestly mediocre.

team went downhill cause of him.
i hope he stays in cs

posted about a year ago

champ's gonna be EU only if this continues lol

posted about a year ago

Envious bitch

posted about a year ago

with a sub....

this is deserved

posted about a year ago

oh next time just say it xD

posted about a year ago

keep dreaming bro. its free

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it feels kinda bad. It's like I am supposed to like pansy and hypoc casting. But I just don't.
They almost allways make biased takes on what's happening to feed supposed narratives.

Bren and sideshow are way better.
Even doug and balla. they make the game much more interesting.

pls. give us one of those to finals.

posted about a year ago

stop posting on it then

posted about a year ago

how many ninja difuses had EG?
How many difuses they had with less than a sec to spike detonation?

you're crazy.

EG was the lucky team today

posted about a year ago

haters are gonna hate.

posted about a year ago

chronicle sick.
alsom trying not to show strats and plays they were preparing

posted about a year ago

I don't EG banning haven. they are good at it.
But fnc is also very good on haven.

posted about a year ago

sun's hitting really hard in france

posted about a year ago

good point

posted about a year ago

yeah. she sounds like she's asking to be humbled.
ans she probably will

posted about a year ago

bit off an ego no?

posted about a year ago

yeah. its allways soon.
next week we'll having.
next month well have him for sure.
of maybe next year.

posted about a year ago

this the stupidest shit i've read in while.

just close your hears and pretend u don't understand what you'r hearing right?

let me tell you dude , that shit you said???? Its tipical zombie behaviour.

posted about a year ago

the word racist is actually racist

posted about a year ago

I'll be the first one to acuse him, if someone actually show us proof.

Not even the police can after he was in prision for 2 months or whatever.

but yeah we believe in you babysasuke. the great savior of mankind

posted about a year ago

show us evidence you enlightened sage

posted about a year ago

did not read it all. maybe u right

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

fuck off dude. i say what I want.

posted about a year ago

everything seems to be political.
the problem is not to talk about certain subjects.
the problem is that some people cannot deal with it.

anyway. fnatic owning nrg in some ours

posted about a year ago
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