Country: Portugal
Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: August 23, 2023 at 3:27 AM
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and why it is fnatic

posted 9 months ago

mental games of the chart in here.
its an inverse coping mechanism

posted 9 months ago

"like he allways does" Lol

posted 9 months ago

jesus... look at all the NA fans trying to cope

posted 9 months ago

then you wake up

posted 9 months ago

kinda based

posted 9 months ago

We had enough teams for NOT having same reagion teams playing agains each other in the first mathces.

Loud - EG we've seen twice.
PRX - DRX we've also seen 2 or 3 times this year.

why make it like this?
It's a bit stupid imo.

If they are really randomizing these matches i can respect the integrity. but if not, i call this stupid,

posted 9 months ago


And how will they sort them???

posted 9 months ago

looking back in to it..... you kinda right.

BBL and LOUD both on 10.

posted 9 months ago

thank you bro. put alot of thought into it

posted 9 months ago

no shot dude.

posted 10 months ago

He used to be a monster back in the day.
Maybe the best valo Oper ever.

what a hell happened to him?
Not that he is playing horrible or anything, but he used to have so much more impact.

maybe not a good fit for NAVI play-style?

posted 10 months ago

the time to watch some of these matches are atrocious tho.
some matchest start a 4 Am where i live

posted 10 months ago

contenders for 4-6 place imo.
could go higher tho.
EG v TL would actually be a very cool match to witness

posted 10 months ago

"dsg yay lover" I mean..... somebody feed some oxygen to that brain please.

posted 10 months ago

i try to be as fair as i can possibly can leaving al my emea bias aside and spitting only facts

posted 10 months ago

mission acomplished lol

posted 10 months ago

hahaha yeah

posted 10 months ago

u guys got baited easier than a 1sec memory fish in the sea

posted 10 months ago

1 - Fnatic
2 - Team Liquid
3 - Futbolist
4 - EDG
5 - Navi
6 - PPR
7 - DRX
8 - Apeks
9 - T1
10 - BBL
11 - Loud

posted 10 months ago

I would argue initiators have the highest skill ceiling.
but thats my opinion.

posted 10 months ago

EMEA still has 4 vct Tournament wins, while Americas have 3. Emea still on top.
And STILL with a good chance of winning this tournament also. But will see

posted 10 months ago

what? u need to seek a mental institute asap dude.
too much tik tok too much porn hub too much bronze valo gameplay.

seek help.

posted 10 months ago

navi saving strats for LCQ bro. 300IQ

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Navi was actually saving strats for LCQ. Read it on reddit the other day.
Fut can win agains DRX for sure! they just lost to EG cuz qwi personaly atracted to demon1
TL are actually a top contender. Loseres will say Fnatic was saving strats on EMEA finals.
Fnatic are still the best team in the world, the loss at the final doesn't prove they are human at all boys.

EMEA lezzzzzzzzzzzzzz goooooooooooooo

posted 10 months ago

never had it lil bro

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

i agree the were holding back on emea finals.
they weren't playing their game 100%.

posted 10 months ago

so all other teams have less than 20% of winning the whole thing in your opinion?

posted 10 months ago

So, we all know fnatic are good. But how good?

From what we've seen so far (EG incredible two games, NRG owning NAVI, etc),
What are Fnatic chances of winning the event?

posted 10 months ago

all of the above and possibly.... (and I know this is going to piss some NA bots),
EG seems to be having one of those honey moon periods with deamon1.

posted 10 months ago

well they just beated a top contender so we will see.
anyway, I like EG! cool team with cool players but still have to see how they fair agains the giants fnc loud etc

posted 10 months ago

i would say the level of toxicity between NA and EMEA fans is pretty even.
might even be worst on the NA side tbh

posted 10 months ago

for fun cause u guys did not win.

posted 10 months ago

what? you smoking that na pack pretty bad bro.

posted 10 months ago

oh yeah they absolutely can.
surprised me quite a bit already winning against DRX but will see.

Fnc and Loud are still better imo. will they prove me wrong?

posted 10 months ago

Lock IN?

posted 10 months ago

seems pretty bias to say their only competition are teams from america lol.
don´'t tell me fnatic and/or PPR woudln't make it competitive or even win against EG.

posted 10 months ago

After beating DRX wich like it or not, are allways a top 4 - 6 team in the world events,
what are in your opinion EG's chances to win the tournament?

Even knowing the got owned pretty bad by LOUD in Americas....

What gonna happen when they play against Loud? Fnatic? PPR?

posted 10 months ago

Exalt arrogant litle boy. thinks hes better than he is imo.

bring back steel.

posted 10 months ago

only troll answers.
what was i expectin from vlr?

posted 11 months ago

Why doesnt steel play for dsg?
anyone actually knows?

posted 11 months ago

really? where diod u read that?

posted 11 months ago

Does anybody knows why steel is not playing this week for DSG??

posted 11 months ago


posted about a year ago

why not today?

posted about a year ago

perhaps he can do it but has a very low hp.
making it usefull only for clutch situations and can be also used as information gatherer

posted about a year ago

Wich team had the easier road to get to the playoffs in your opinion? Fnatic or Navi?

Navi - KRU; Team Secret; Leviatan
Fnatic - Sentinels; Furia; 100T

posted about a year ago

easy bro. Just sying it in terms of hype and anticipation.

They are also the teams with the best performant players of the tournament.

The EMEA giants clash

posted about a year ago
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