Flag: United States
Registered: September 1, 2021
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 11:49 AM
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true, i just mean his tweet activity isn't too different from before already...

posted about a year ago

he already retweeted a girl

posted about a year ago

The team that starts with Gala will win

posted about a year ago

id say the vast majority is 8th to 10th grade level with some 11th grade problems

posted about a year ago

1200 isnt good so yeah...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

save shao suygetsu and zyppan for real

posted about a year ago

fuck me mocking

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

keloqz had like a .02 or .03 rating vs navi on ascent recently

posted about a year ago

lakers in 8

posted about a year ago

bro u do not realize they did not even play the same agents lmao

posted about a year ago

NA reading comprehension

posted about a year ago

10 NA teams ?

posted about a year ago

Moist flairs

posted about a year ago

blud is making things up

posted about a year ago

I didn’t understand this, but agreed

posted about a year ago

the ranking page is inaccurate

posted about a year ago

i guess making an international event warrants a bagre dor now

posted about a year ago

Bigetron to Ascension

posted about a year ago

hes "more normal" on stream than twitter somehow but yeah

posted about a year ago

damn bro leaked his phone number on stream

posted about a year ago

W Post

posted about a year ago

its really good and healthy food but it seems like a decent amount of calories still, but maybe that is counteracted with other meals idk

posted about a year ago

its bait lol

posted about a year ago

still one more win than guard

posted about a year ago

Mistic and kryptix would solo these squads right?

posted about a year ago

and your team has 0 international wins

posted about a year ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/a6765aa7 the winner was the only important one anyways right?

posted about a year ago

DK UWU and ZLBM clears

posted about a year ago

We do not care

posted about a year ago

welcome 100T dephh, 100T ayrin, 100T bcj

posted about a year ago

not a coach

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

With a 100 Thieves victory over MIBR:
NRG (3) vs FURIA (6) and 100T (4) vs LEV (5)

With a MIBR victory over 100 Thieves
NRG (3) vs EG (6) and LEV (4) vs FURIA (5)

posted about a year ago

yeah honestly besides week 1 and 6 they haven't played bad

posted about a year ago

unlucky, they are really good for having no arms tho

posted about a year ago

Ok but how could we believe a lamb

posted about a year ago

bro is like 8 months late

posted about a year ago

oh ok, i thought u meant he came from heroes directly before

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Paladins is an FPS I think

posted about a year ago

2-way tie
Head-to-head Match Score
3-way tie
Head-to-head Match Series
Teams with two matchup head-to-head advantage automatically receives first of the group. Tie-breakers for the remaining two teams are determined using the above head-to-head tiebreaker process.
If no team has a two matchup head-to-head advantage (all Teams are 1-1 head-to-head), then proceed to next step of the 3-way tie-breaker process.
Map differential
Round differential
Tiebreaker Bo1 match
4+-way tie
Map differential
Round differential
Map differential among the tied teams
Round differential among the tied teams
If ties reduced to less than 3 teams after this process, tiebreakers for respective number of teams must be used to break ties among them.

posted about a year ago

what lmao, EG is really good in set plays, but lacks in mid-rounding

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

VIT 6-0

posted about a year ago

well a lot of the valorant content is cringe, but I think the talent of content creators is generally greater in valorant. Its also cool to see analyst/esports content (not from the organizations or tournament organizers) which although present in CS, isn't as popular.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Idk if the content is better in cs but everything else is true

posted about a year ago
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