Flag: Vatican City State
Registered: May 13, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 4:32 AM
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Thats good Im glad you dont care about what other thinks of you either online or not, not much people get that it isnt that serious

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Thats what a good bait is dog
  2. Thats not wek mentality, being offended by something online is on another level of low mentality
  3. Not really, I feel the same way when acting online and forums but only an idiot would say what he really thinks and act how he would want to act, there are consequences so as long as there is no consequences on the internet if you are smart enough to control your emotions and behaviour you can act differently online and irl
posted about 2 years ago

that was an honest opinion tho, both na and eu talent suck but eu is a little less shitty

posted about 2 years ago

american not going broke if you get sick (impossible)

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Insulting is part of trolling and baiting imo, you cant just be a gentle troll
  2. If some1 mentality gets hurt by this, 100% deserved their mentality is laughable
  3. If you cant differentiate between online and IRL, you are either retarded or 10 years old
posted about 2 years ago

you became boring I guess

posted about 2 years ago

you are right but doesnt change the fact that americans just simp everytime they see a woman online

posted about 2 years ago

The fact of the matter is I dont care about how people online feel or how they will interpretate my comments, dont really care if I harm them and if I do they deserve it for taking an online troll seriously and maybe also if they get offended its because they know what I say could be true and truth might hurt sometimes and ofc shitting on everyone is fun af, best thing about the internet

posted about 2 years ago

im waiting for my food need to waste some time and these retards replies are making me laugh

posted about 2 years ago

genetics diff

posted about 2 years ago

how so? internet forums are just useful to troll, bait and insult others

posted about 2 years ago

not that deep m8, literally online forum full of idiots, not as fun as hltv, there is people like you who actually take the forum seriously and dont try to have fun also these guys are the ones who need to check their mental health if they actually believe what they say

posted about 2 years ago

damaged by how stupid this sentence was, expected from you tho

posted about 2 years ago

if you actually had a life you would find it fun, btw indian supporting australia team? got tired of indian teams? understandable tbf

posted about 2 years ago

You say it as if being nice in a stupid forum will get me somewhere

posted about 2 years ago

It does, talking shit is the only good thing about esports forums, go on best forum so fun, pussies cry about it being toxic but toxic is good

posted about 2 years ago

you probably thought this was smart or something but got brain damage reading this

posted about 2 years ago

they will improve for sure, from last to losing in second round maybe

posted about 2 years ago

there is a ceiling, you can improve but you hit a ceiling, improvement is not always linear, the quality of players from indian scene atm is dogshit

posted about 2 years ago

btw those teams you talk about are famous because they are good, so makes sense you want good players to win but my god indian teams are awful you need to be a nolifer to watch them go out last every non indian tournament

posted about 2 years ago

cuz dogshit analyst, the fact that he is famous doesnt make him a good analyst

posted about 2 years ago

I just support my regions teams, not a fan of any team in particular but all I know about Indian teams is that they are dogshit, dogs always go last in tournaments against SEA teams

posted about 2 years ago

not true! prove it

posted about 2 years ago

thank god he isnt there

posted about 2 years ago

Enigma Gaming supporter, you should get a life if you actually support that team

posted about 2 years ago

btw I only talk about cs when some1 makes a thread about it mostly talk about valorant/insult americans

posted about 2 years ago

I like both games wdym but you cant deny the fact that csgo casters are on another level compared to valorant and other esports aswell, not being biased since I love both games and watch both games but its like comparing Premier League and romanian league, even if you love both leagues there is levels to it

posted about 2 years ago

now you know, np thank me later

posted about 2 years ago

that fat dog ulises is the one that screams for no reason, but the english casters are just dogshit, I still remember kaspe 500IQ wire in B site and they didnt even talk about it or how in champs they didnt care about sick plays they were just vibing like it was just a normal thing

posted about 2 years ago

thats why I said that even if you dont understand they are not dead at least, ye pansy was good in her days in csgo but between the elite casters she was one of the worst imo, but obviously still really good since the standard for talent in csgo is the higher there is in esports by far, wdym go watch csgo, I every t1 csgo tournament since 4+ years ago maybe you should watch some csgo

posted about 2 years ago

wasnt talking about pansy but rather quite literally all the other casters

posted about 2 years ago

both are really bad but probably emea talent a bit better

posted about 2 years ago

not really, if you understand spanish you can actually tell he is just a fat dude who shouts nothing else 0 skill, I prefer Sergio Ferra-kam1 duo, sergio ferra is god tier probably one of the most skilfull casters I have seen in esports

posted about 2 years ago

cuz NA needs a saviour, TSM sign sinatraa and PROD best duo, and 100T sign turok easy major

posted about 2 years ago

who cares??? If you know ball you watch spanish casters, even if you dont understand shit, english casters are not only dead and 0 hype they are also just mediocre tbh, most of them casted csgo tier 23 ESL UK tournaments as for a reason

posted about 2 years ago

He is right tho, did any1 actually expect this dogshit lineup to qualify? Maybe if they pracced for months nostop and grinded tournaments like some of these upcoming teams they could but you cant expect a team with 2 unproven t2 upcoming players, 2 washed players who are just way behind top t1 players and seem like they cant play any agent to a t1 level and just keep doing bot mistakes and a mediocre t1.5 player who is lurking and baiting as duelist (corey) to qualify, althought I agree that NA mentality is terrible and the fact that these sentinels dogs barely pracced before a world championship after getting bashed at masters 3 is a S H A M E but even if TSM is popular doesnt mean they will be good, it literally depends on the players not on the org and there is barely any players looking for a team who are t1 material and would secure you a spot in challengers groups, NA just doesnt have that much depth in players imo so its hard to form a roster than can compete in t1 atm

posted about 2 years ago

hunterxhunter best anime

posted about 2 years ago

where u from? just support your own region

posted about 2 years ago

it will never be seen as unacceptable imo and hope it wont, cuz ngl I would get permabanned

posted about 2 years ago

no, I barely play csgo anymore but when I play MM you can say whatever you want you wont get punished, every1 is being racist, checking others profiles to make fun of their country or anything they can find and obviously constantly telling others to kill themselves, I guess they gave up just let people say what they want and if you mad just mute, if you play faceit you can get punished more easily but its really hard to get banned/tempbanned you would have to be toxic every single game but if you are toxic 1 out of 4 games or something like that you just get warning

posted about 2 years ago

cuz they a bunch of woke simps

posted about 2 years ago

And it shoudnt be fixed, thats how you forge character and train your mental so you get stone cold players that dont give a shit

posted about 2 years ago

We are the most toxic and proud

posted about 2 years ago

but you need points for lcq and to get those you need to play challengers I guess

posted about 2 years ago

I dont think VS will play chamber, doesnt fit their playstyle and it probably isnt as good as an agent as it looks rn cuz of NA matches where they run it all the time cuz their whole scene is jett wannabes, kj way better than chamber and cypher probably better too but not too much better

posted about 2 years ago

I swear to god top NA teams coaching staff and scouting is awful and if they do proper scouting for once and get a really promising player they always make the guy play offrole so old dogs can keep paycheck stealing

posted about 2 years ago
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