Flag: International
Registered: February 4, 2023
Last post: August 3, 2023 at 3:37 PM
Posts: 5993
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I just downfragged your post.

What does this mean?
The amount of time for you to reach 4 stars has increased.

Why did you do this?
There are several reasons I may deem a post to be unworthy of my upfrags. These include, but are not limited to:

Rudeness towards other VLR users,

Spreading incorrect scrimbux,

Low quality bait

Am I banned from the VLR?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making posts like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downfrag, which may put your posting and replying privileges in jeopardy.

I don't believe my post deserved a downfrag. Can you un-downfrag it?
Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downfrag. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to VLR PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downfrag appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the downfragand move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on VLR.gg. I will continue to issue downfrag until you improve your conduct. Remember: VLR.gg is privilege, not a right.

posted 11 months ago

Women of reddit, what is the sexiest sexy sex sexual sexy sex thing you have done?

posted 11 months ago

it's actually characters limit β˜πŸ€“

posted 11 months ago

blud this is VLR aintnoway u just use hte word "utmost" :AINTNOWAY:

posted 11 months ago

sorry I left my schizo meds at home

posted 11 months ago

I just realize that valorant viewership have been on a stale this year
the most viewed event was champs 2022, this year we still haven't beat their viewership record
hope the upcoming champions beat that or else we'll be on the decline

posted 11 months ago

even the most delusional fans know that yay is not the goat, cmon now

posted 11 months ago

yay is not michael jordan, he's more like curry abusing the 3pt line

posted 11 months ago

lil bro ain't no one gives a shit about T2, who tf cares about some "oh wow a cinderella story" when I didn't even fking knew who tf is teh players on the team?
"b-but open circuit opens opportunities for anyone!!!"
guess what, not anyone deserve opportunities, why tf should I car about some random L dude playin the match when I can watch my favorite streamurr who is alwyas a W?

franchising clears πŸ€£πŸ€‘πŸ‘ΊπŸ₯ΆπŸ˜±

posted 11 months ago

even a 9 year old would bait better than this

u fell off hard ngl

posted 11 months ago

the character limit is 8000 characters btw

posted 11 months ago

the only thing it clears was shinji clearing his cum off of asuka nt

posted 11 months ago

gojo is the one who make me gay πŸ—Ώ

posted 11 months ago

sucks that I have to wait a whole ass month for the JJK shibuya arc, but fuck man I can't wait
my expectations were high for this arc, hope the anime delivers, it's been a long time since I'm hyped up for a seasonal anime damn

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

I got banned for "spam" smh

posted 11 months ago

yea good luck kek, with tencent at the helm there's nothing that they can do

posted 11 months ago

3 months should be enough, I remember the transition between 2021 to 2022 was like only a month and half lel, but that's mostly due to the 2021 season being longer, having 3 stages and all

posted 11 months ago

as an NA fan I'm sorry on behalf of all NA fans,I don't get why we are being so cocky against EMEA πŸ˜”
the last time we won an event was ages ago, and the best team from the best region (EMEA) couldn't even attend due to visa issuesπŸ˜”
we won it by luck tbh, if FPX was in reykjavik we stand no chance against them πŸ˜”
even Pacific is better than us, our region got swept by a literal content creator πŸ˜”

posted 11 months ago

Born to win (their ticket back home) fr

posted 11 months ago

bro is soo butthurt from this thread
he made two threads whining about it πŸ’€

posted 11 months ago

it's on the south asia's valorant official channel, this is probably just for advertising stuff to other regions

posted 11 months ago

if there's no mistake then why tf r u mad? they made the schedule for this year, they've admitted that it was wrong and changes are coming

posted 11 months ago

no one is supporting shit, they've admitted their mistakes and they already promised to change stuff next year, and there's gonna be an announcement regarding tier 2 later this month

posted 11 months ago

"surely this one would get the EDG/Kang Kang fans riled up 😈" -you probably

posted 11 months ago


not as cringe as I thought it would be, bbno$ can decently act fr

posted 11 months ago

domestic na kanojo clears the big 3 and it's not even close

posted 11 months ago


bro I got fucking GIANTS making it to the lower finals πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted 11 months ago

but they won three trophies just like treble no?
if we count the regional tournaments, next year a team needs to win 5 (2 split + 2 masters + 1 champions) entire event to win all of the international events, that's looking pretty unlikely tbh

posted 11 months ago

what should we call the achievement of winning every single international event in the entire year? because FNATIC looks destined to do it
FNATIC winning the treble? or grand slam?

posted 11 months ago

bro just put a twitter link as the title of the thread :AINTNOWAY:

posted 11 months ago

work harder or I won't be releasing your family anytime soon 😈

posted 11 months ago

I thought upvotes matters when it comes to gaining stars? I swear I've seen some users lose their stars because they have been downfragged a lot

posted 11 months ago

it was a 1v1 and the spike has been planted on the C site of Haven, I'm the attacker playing postplant on C long and the defender is in the site try to defuse the bomb, I'm playing omen and the enemy is playing sova, I have the omen ult and I used it to try to make it seems like I TP to garage or CT, while in reality I TP to the same place of where I was before, and when the defender try to hold the angle for garage/CT I shoot him in the head and therefore win the round

posted 11 months ago

I try to reverse psychology ppl with begging for upvotes so that ppl would find it annoying and won't bump the stupid thread anymore

posted 11 months ago

recommend me some good BL manhwa/manga/kdrama/anime plz

posted 11 months ago

-4cm to the inside ^_^

posted 11 months ago

enerii clears nt

posted 11 months ago

but hiroshima is not even close to tokyo though? is this a "hehe ww2" joke or a "NA geography" joke or a "ignorant/racist" joke?

posted 11 months ago

real scrim frogs follow every single pro player's twitch and analyze every single second of their vod to check the scrim results when they open the friend list

posted 11 months ago

they do have prep advantage though, literally all of the teams in their group went to last chance qualifier, there's plenty of vods for PRX to study on

posted 11 months ago

he said good rosters does not equal to good engagement/viewership, and he likes them brazillian/tenz fans money so there won't be any changes next year

posted 11 months ago

lemme hit up my boy rob and i'll get back to u

posted 11 months ago

just go to the japan vcl stats page and sort by rating/acs, ppl are gonna put their names here anyway

posted 11 months ago

nothing is more fraudulent than to lose against a literal content creator sub imo

posted 11 months ago

damn idk that ardiis is in this site

posted 11 months ago

bro ur literally indian πŸ—Ώ

posted 11 months ago
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