Country: Scotland
Registered: March 14, 2021
Last post: April 17, 2024 at 8:23 PM
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posted 8 months ago

Agree, they should admit that and respond!

ESPECIALLY, the one who said, "nah this has to be the most braindead take of the year"

posted 8 months ago

The evidence you have presented doesn't fully demonstrate that Chinese region can be seen as the BEST, but it does point to its rather equal competitiveness with the others <--- ONLY SO FAR (and not quite fully yet.)

To draw a final conclusion on Chinese region's equal competitiveness to the rest, however, it would be necessary to wait until the tournament concludes!!! In case, that one of the Chinese teams will manage to win the tournament, you could then claim that Chinese region has exceeded all of the expectations, however, it will still be insufficient to conclude on its BEST status across the world --> but strictly on preparedness and strength of that particular winning team, and even then, as a temporary status ONLY - until next time.

Your BIAS, on the other hand, shows that you are not entirely prepared for the presentation you are conducting. And that is very obvious from what you have presented.

Grade: BIASED asF, kid!

Seriously, jokes aside, just f-ing wait till champs is over, at least... HolyyyF

posted 8 months ago

If anything, and with all due respect to all of the teams, this Champions has proven that quite a few teams have gotten WAY TOO COMFORTABLE with themselves ... yet, have MASSIVE issues with IN GAME MORAL - W mentality. <--- non existent.
Additionaly, those teams also lack in proper plan Bs --> shamelessly NOT BEING PREPARED while neglecting on their TRUE fans ... who actually watched all of that live.

Though, good performances from Chinese teams - you simply can't take that from them as they are the ones who did their homework, and did it very very well --> W

Shit like this happens not for the first time, unfortunately.. and is viewed as a WAKE UP CALL. I personally did not expect that this will be the case again.

posted 8 months ago

Man, that guy is plain rude, neglectful, and hating for no reason - started beefing like there was no tomorrow - Holyyy cringe!
He even dared to claim that he watches Fnatic games. Like, seriously? I hope he was simply trolling cause if not, Ijust can't LMAO.

posted 8 months ago

Oh, certainly? Then my call would fall on Shahzam but I. And I'm actually not trolling here ... It's just a coincidence that you appeared in the right time for this, and also used a word "certainly," while at the same time, displaying"Shahzam's" name in your nick name. It does go deeper than that - you should already know that ;-)

posted 8 months ago

No worries - all good 🍻 ... if you're wondering about bold or CAPS in the text, etc., it merely acts as accents or pivots to the reader... and while I tend to overdo it, in moderation it does help fast readers navigate through the large pieces of text, in general. Why specifically for fast readers? Because there are a few methods of fast reading-navigating that rely on something to catch eyes attention, and that is if available ofc... and often I appear to write in wall format, so I just include those as regular accents to the important points of topic in question, and to those who would find it useful. So, no connection to any mental disorder in my approach to writing, at least I gave some reasoning to doubt that.

As for my writings in general --> nine years of academia - which F-ed me up a little, and that is why, when an attempt is made to CANCEL some genuine person who makes a living from playing games, or some pro org, I tend to ask for sources, proofs, or anything rational etc - even if those seemingly harmless bants , at first, do not appear to them to be anything serious. In some instance even harmless bants or hate attempts masked as bants etc etc or similar has this strange tendency to snowball into something else eventually (strictly IMHO here) - makes some sense, I think, at least judging from the past.

One more thing, in my military profile - health is stated 97%, as -3% goes to one specific and very common thing, but surely not for disabilities of any kind as they would have deducted a good 20 or more percent - so it seems that there should not be any to retardation - my cringe excuse anyway but f-it.

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Oh, almost missed the opportunity to tell how FAT I am...

6'1" - 186cm,
220lbs - 97kg(+/-2kg), 13%

posted 8 months ago

Hey, it's merely a TEASING effort from me... and despite some sarcasm, I still tried to bring up some important issues by diverting your question into clearer waters. There's really nothing personal about it.
Terms such as CAPCITY and so forth are simply treated as some ugly ass wrapping paper, and are only there to get your bullshit meter/filters begin working again.

posted 8 months ago

Nae bother <3

posted 8 months ago

TL - unforeseen circumstances do occur... and for whatever reason TL has failed to impress, it has nothing to do with being fraud or labelled as fraudulent organisation. Those who have stated otherwise are either FULL of SHIT, or simply have not presented enough evidence to support their claims, let alone any rational explanation. And I totally feel the frustrations of TL's fans, in genera.

KRU - has never been a fraud (please define fraud, BTW) in the first place, to the NORMAL and UNBIASED users on here. Claims of KRU being a fraud are nothing more than a measure of mental capacity, which is also known as IQ, in those claim so. And as you already suspect... the CAPACITY of those individuals is always extremely LOW - hence, their invalid arguments are seen quite often.

ZETA - has some to do with their CONSERVATIVE approach to their decision making process - nothing is seen unlucky here but voluntary.

FPX - don't get me started on this, if you fail to understand the fundamentals of market extension, then it's hard to make any sense - RIOT has its ambitions too, at the end of the day ;-)
Having said that, this region's teams arrived late to the party, so to speak... that is, right as others had already achieved significant points in a pro play. However, we have already seen some incredible level of play from FPX's region, so we will undoubtedly see more, adjusted/balanced, and competitively played out games from them in the future.

Now, you ask, which teams will be eliminated next? Seriously, I couldn't care less about that at the moment... Just casually having a good time while watching the event itself. But Gday!

posted 8 months ago

Disagree, with your statement. Options have always been available for those two ... yet, I very much feel for their fans.

A classic example of Unluckiest VAL Team would be GAMBIT.

posted 8 months ago

Aye, a little harsh

posted 8 months ago

I see what you mean....πŸ˜‰

posted 8 months ago

Please, that is a really big statement and generalisation!

Hate is not attributed to genetics, neither attributed to any specific nation.

posted 8 months ago

Well, you figured it all out on your own... Gee, finally... and keep reading "a whole lotta nothing" - you never know when it'll hit you. But... keep trying, and get rid of those UNEDUCATED guesses of yours - don't lead anywhere πŸ˜˜πŸ¦„

posted 8 months ago

You: "Lev beat nrg, nrg out placed navi and liquid at the last masters." - IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT! The only question was about your Leviatan's claim, and it is presented above including southern part of Americas as extension only... to show your contradiction in regards to NAVI (old FPX). If one of the teams - C9/LEV does not fit your criteria, it simply = EQUALS = NOT AN EASY or EQUAL COMPETITION with EMEA in particular - NAVI... you still don't get, do you? πŸ¦„

And, once again, you demonstrate a lack of comprehension, since in "I'm not even trying" --> as to find mistakes in your assertions, not that I didn't consider what you had to say about the teams etc.... I actually did try to think about your main statement, and establish somewhat valid discussion, however you expressed your claim very poorly with more than enough faults and complete lack of any evidence, that you left me with no choice but to consider your whole take is a total bullshit.

That's it, Fluffy... you see - sun is bright and grass is green

posted 8 months ago

Kid, that's is exactly WHY I QUESTIONED YOU as your -->

GUESS is more uneducated than educated, as you've provided no evidence to back it up, not even any partially accessible data.... LMAO, I would listen to you and zip it up, but I didn't see anything EDUCATED from you. LMAO are you ok?

All you did is just talked and talked NONSENSE - you're not the first here, btw!

Yeah, luck of the brain, he said... DO YOU SEE HOW EASY YOU ARE AS YOU THROW MORE OF YOUR FINEST of UNEDUCATED GUESSES AT ME - nothing educated here, kiddo? I'm not even trying 😘

posted 8 months ago

Whatever you want, sweetheart... It's fine if you don't like Navi; there's no problem here.

If you're comparing, you simply need to show your workings... you're hitting somewhere, but for condition with NAVI, you can't add LEV (oh, I apologise to LEV fans for bringing up LEV all this time)... by including LEV, you make your argument OBSOLETE as stated above. Initially you didn't claim C9 and 100T, did you? AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M TRYING TO HINT YOU!

Also, keep in mind that we do not yet have data for all top 5 EMEA teams against Americas, so how can you know that?... and what are the top five EMEA and top five Americas? What methods and system do you use to determine the CORRECT rating for all of those teams? There's just too much to DIG!

Consider reading KanyeAsada's post #3 above, and stop being bitter - no one is attacking you... just curious whether you allow me to criticise your way of thought. Holyyy....

posted 8 months ago

Do you even understand what you said in your thread post above?

  • No, top 5 EMEA vs. top 5 Americas would never be a completely even outcome!

  • No, Levitan and c9 would not easily compete with any EMEA team. We need to consider all time up to today... Levitan has not shown such competitive advantage as, with all due respect, THEY HAVE LOST to Navi (old FPX) on all previous occasions, as well as part of Americas-LATAM has never won a map from that Navi (old FPX) which...

= Not an easy competition vs. any EMEA team. Navi - EMEA is also in your "ANY" group.... Like HOLY F**K, You're hardly the brightest of the bunch, are you?

posted 8 months ago

Why are you rushing with conclusions?

Also, given that LATAM has never before defeated Navi (old FPX), how can you claim that Levitan can compete with any EMEA team other than Fnatic?

Bro, gaps in your take... it takes a couple of minutes to check. Seriously why rushing... let it play out as KanyeAsada suggested in post #3.

posted 8 months ago

Agree, in terms of STREAMING : PRAC hours per day... Fnatic would have been no match for SEN!!

posted 8 months ago

Ranking is irrelevant atm.

Outstanding payer!

posted 8 months ago

In losing duels, Ange1 has never reached 95%... In his most recent game, he won around 40% of his duels while losing the other 60%.

Where do you get those numbers?

I'd say he's frequently out call himself as in overcomplicating things rather than being plainly out called by someone.

posted 8 months ago

Below is a very limited, by its nature, table... Because we have yet to reach a significant number of rounds played throughout the event, none of their data can be deemed DESCRIPTIVE at this time - I believe it's self explanatory. We can only refer to it as a quick glance. - and a pretty naive one.

Name          R     ACS  ADR  K:D  KAST KPR   APR   FKPR  FDPR  HS%
Aspas         1.19  257  174  1.2  76%  0.9   0.31  0.21  0.12  24%
Derke         1.11  229  154  1.27 65%  0.89  0.08  0.19  0.24  27%
Event's AVG   1     200  130  1    70%  0.69  0.29  0.01  0.1   26%

So, despite the fact that Aspas has played twice as many rounds as Derke, both are outperforming the event's average (also quite unreliable stats atm, but...) Aspas has been performing marginally better than Derke - not considered a conclusive observation ofc... simply a brief assessment within the quick glance.

What else can we attempt at this point? We may monitor a couple of things, including their FKPR to see how it compares to their overall averages, per each event, or both - be it stacked with other ratios or not. FKPR is always worth looking at as both players in question are playing duellist agents as their mains. In the very least, for example, we might compare how they started the event on average to their past events stats and try to establish their +/- (which would also require assessing the strength of their past and current opponents first).

Quite a lot and a lot of work, I'd say... which would also require a good familiarity with their style of play, including watching their VODS ofc etc <-- this could be skipped as we all watch live casts ... cough ... cough... aren't we?

We could more or less say: if one wants to determine who is a better player, from where both stand today, given their previous data, the TROPHY will be a fair deciding factor (at least to me), as without wasting our time on counting hair, it's unreasonable to tell them MUCH apart - IMHO. And then even a winning trophy would not put them much apart IMHO... Both are great players!

P.S. ALSO, things can be viewed differently depending on our point of view (methods)

posted 8 months ago

Aye, good examples... pretty much being creative > brain dead in TRASH talk is always amusing - not vice versa.

posted 8 months ago

Nah, it's all good... I too like to see some teasing in-game similar to what Rokun said in #6 - and with some end to it... but, I'm seeing more of an EGO drag, than some real trash talk, as if folks can't control their trash talk game and seem fairly desperate to pop out or something.

posted 8 months ago



posted 8 months ago

Spot on about attention deprivation, insecurities, and weird entertainment preferences of viewers... These are most likely the main causes of such urges - to be seen as a "rebel" or something when, in reality, are nothing more than laughable and pathetic behaviour, though problematic in the long run.

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

You massively undervalue the concept - RIVALRY. TRASH TALK, if not managed or prevented at the right time, can develop into brutal violence in the blink of an eye --- not that we've seen any yet in or outside the game... and the effect would typically snowball over a time... but, someone/somewhere could be seriously injured one day.
That's why there's sportsmanship-like behaviour in place, as game creators-league organisers, teams carry some responsibility of their fans (in a way), as they too must to comply with certain regulations - they strive to avoid any unnecessary confrontations (in preventive measures way), since such escalations might lead rather far, I'd say.

posted 8 months ago

QUIT IT --> you're not fun πŸ¦„

posted 8 months ago

"you doesn't have to brain to dead kid" - that your best come back ... why you even trying, at this point?

posted 8 months ago

YOU F-UP, kid even without realising it... no bueno, cabrΓ³n <-- Please pardon me for my terrible language, as it appears you still don't get it ... ffs, kiddo.

You have a lot to learn!!! and I mean --> A LOT, my poor child πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted 8 months ago

GOT YOU!!! πŸ˜‚

What is the matter --> already experience shaking hands syndrome or brain short circuit?

ADMIT or zip it up!

posted 8 months ago

hahahaha... my poor child, you have a lot to learn!!!

I mean --> A LOT, my poor child πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

P.S. At least edit the message as you contradict yourself --> YOU REPLIED TO OP here!

posted 8 months ago

fanboi of your MUM πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‚

posted 8 months ago

OR rather he's clapping you 😘 ... tell me them feels later, piho

posted 8 months ago

Already touched your dead brain --- enough for the day

Back to my pocket, kid - don't be shy πŸ¦„

posted 8 months ago

Ohh, forgot to ANOUNCE you that your DAD is applauding me ;-) Keep sucking, kid

posted 8 months ago

And what is your point? Is that an official FNC statement or your malnourished brain's fantasy?

YOUR malnourished brain's fantasy <--- more like it!

posted 8 months ago

No you didn't BISHHHH

And by the way, YOUR mom over my meds any day... any day, kiddo 😘

posted 8 months ago

No, you haven't, if you're willing to comment low on one of Valorant's best players EVER and influence to other pro players! What, you don't agree? Then go ask any pro in the game... Please save me some laughter, kid. -------> You must give DERKE CREDIT for what he deserves and for his hard work. PERIOD!

Besides, it's not cool to dismiss any player without supporting evidence! I believe you've seen FNC games, but I don't see it in your words --> brain dead takes, and with all due respect... I haven't seen you around since FNC acquired SUMN FC. I have doubts!

posted 8 months ago

If only your poor brain could keep up with your mouth sprinting all over the place... How long have you been watching DERKE play, and where were you during FNATIC acquired him? Have you watched CrowCrowd vs. Forze final, or for that matter any of his pre-Fnatic games? LMAO

KID, GTFO ... seriously, even if bait --> not good enough for 0/8

posted 8 months ago

Come on, you've been here for a while.

posted 8 months ago

That "whzy: You're goddamn right" response reminded me of the closure line of Limp Bizkit's "Love The Hate."

posted 8 months ago

ME: Mom, they claim FNS is the best IGL in the game history, and CHET is the greatest coach in the game history...

They were meant to, at least, counter the JUDGE, but they were nowhere to be found with their so "brilliant" mid-game-round calls, like OMG!

MOM: Son, don't listen to everything they have to say as they are *BIASED as FCK**!

ME: But I trusted them, and thought everyone knew what they were talking about 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

MOM: Son, welcome to VLR! πŸ¦„

posted 8 months ago

Can't see that far, but I'm still waiting for those FNS's MID-game and MID-round calls that everyone have SO talked about ... they're not getting through for some reason. I wonder....

posted 8 months ago

Aye, exactly as one of those r/SoyOnlyWay evangelists who'd typically jump out of the nowhere in front of those filthy soy sceptics and nicotine addicts. Soy is too damn STRONG in their veins... toooo holyyy strong, I mean.

posted 8 months ago
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