Country: Brazil
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: May 10, 2024 at 6:48 PM
Posts: 3260
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Old G2 or new G2?

posted about a year ago

Drx? I got it wrong then, will fix. Still a APAC/South America Win

posted about a year ago

Ur so lucky man

posted about a year ago

Haven is Leviathan
Ascent is Loud
Split has no defined meta
Fracture was Optic (chamber meta)
Pearl has no defined meta

That leaves Icebox and Lotus, Which one of these is Emea meta?

posted about a year ago

OW2 atleast had new agents and singleplayer, CSGO only has shaders and the viper Ult system but for regular smokes. The high tickrate becomes irrelevant if your PC isn’t high-mid to high-high end

posted about a year ago

Great Teams always create Metas, I’m incredibly happy Loud can be considered Great

posted about a year ago

why are CSGO simps so obsessed with valorant, literally every piece of media I have seen in social media (TikTok,Twitter,Instagram) about CSGO 2 is just these lunatics saying valorant will die and shit. Its so weird that OW2 players had a more sane reaction to their Cashgrab Sequel then CSGO fans

posted about a year ago

He learn with pancada, they friends after Lock-in

posted about a year ago

Who is doublelift?

posted about a year ago

Shouldn’t India and China dominate Valorant then? As far as I remember they have a fuck ton of people

posted about a year ago

Less has amazing ability usage and Topfrags. Zombs is forever trash

posted about a year ago

Ofc, then they have the balls to go “don’t push us away, We ArE a ReGiOn”

posted about a year ago

Leblon James is a daiki fan? Massive W

posted about a year ago

Unironically a good pick

posted about a year ago

At this point Trembo MUST be a mentally I’ll dude or mwzera’s girlfriend cuz wtf

posted about a year ago

Mibr - jzz, Frz, murizz, RGL, heat

posted about a year ago

Its an ex pro player that said that “the nobodies from CS who didn’t win anything went to Valorant, that’s why it’s an easy game” those csgo simps that need to mention valorant at every moment

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah but franchising also has masters in the middle even though the big objective is Champions, it would be nice to have a Ascensions Masters or give the Ascensions teams a shot at some sort of international event

posted about a year ago

He got into a fight with his at the time GF and punched her, got convicted with more than enough evidence.

Yeah we from BR are just as confused and worried about what to do in this situation (The whole thing happened in 2019 or 2016 if I remember correctly )

posted about a year ago

So why should we watch Split 1? If there is gonna be 3 before ascension even starts why care right now? Atleast the splits before franchising gave spots to masters which is “kind of global” . Anyone know? Am I misinterpreting the VAT (Valorant Ascension Tour)

posted about a year ago

Sentinels had some love
100t got some love (from me too)
And EG had a few fans IN THE STADIUM crying cuz EG won

posted about a year ago

The only valid thing he said was that the format was bad. BR has always been welcoming, most of the foreigners that visit end up moving here due to hospitality.
Most of his criticism weren’t valid because they were the fault of Riot Global, The hot arena with no ventilation, overly strict security which meant everyone had to pay for inside food (which is an illegal practice in Brazil), There were also no Locker Rentals which meant people had to leave backpack at home or at the stadiums entrance, at a lot of the matches end, riot simply kicked out the crowd before the interviews and press.

Take into account how uncomfortable the environment was, how expensive it was, how there were people who traveled by bus from other cities just to see the game, How riot global limited the ticket sales in the first days.
Take all that into account
And leaving the event before the crowning becomes reasonable, not going until the team your most enthusiastic about is playing becomes reasonable.

If you check the Twitch logs you will see several Brazilians rooting for different teams from home, because we don’t have the cash to pay for such expensive events. Hell I know a guy that went a whole month selling homemade chocolate in the street just to see Finals

posted about a year ago

Fuck Ardiis
Fuck Fns
Fuck Zombs
Fuck KRU
Fuck Fer
Fuck NA

APAC you’re cool
LATAM you’re on thin ice

Pray to Aspas
Worship Saadhak
Commemorate Less
Bless Cauanzin & Tuyz
Miss Pancada
Cry for Sacy

posted about a year ago

This guy is a fake flagger. But the “riot speech” Tarik did at the end of lock-in shaming BR fans for leaving a melting arena after spending 8 hours inside (and having to pay to drink water) was cringy as fuck

posted about a year ago

Na bias is one thing, but that “moral ambassador” speech was the cringiest thing I have ever heard in valorant

posted about a year ago

Fake flag

posted about a year ago

I know its annoying to see those threads about The Union and the NRG scrims, but i have a genuine question of M80 who? DSG Who? i understand why you guys dont know the Br scene but why would you expect us to know about yours? and if the answer is "know about the pro scene" then do you know who GMT is? 9Z?

it feels elitist

posted about a year ago

I think he means it as “if this B-team won against a top team as a scrim, then they have the capability of winning Ascension”

posted about a year ago

No you wouldn’t you northerners always shitalk us then when we show strength you nitpick things to “dislike” it’s the same thing on other sports

posted about a year ago

Cry is Free

posted about a year ago

como assim multa? do que você ta falando?

posted about a year ago

Eu to falando disso, pq eu sei que não existe incentivo para a Riot aceitar esses players na franquia, o que cria uma ótima oportunidade para players bons terem uma chance de ir pra franquia. Provavel que a administração da TheUnion olhe esses forums de vez em quando, o que significa que existe a possibilidade da comunidade levemente guiar a próxima contratação.

O NTK já ta convicto pela lei maria da penha

posted about a year ago

No função eu quis dizer mais no sentido de "Sentinela". o Cortezia eu pus por como ele já ser familiarizado com controlador e ser bom com ele, eu assumo que ele já tenha um gamesense mais desenvolvido do que um duelista por exemplo.

Eu sou fã do CTC então sempre enfio ele nessas listas

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

from what i know every Br Fan ik always rooted for apac when it wasnt a BR team playing, shame riot likes to put us against each other so much

posted about a year ago

the only season americans know is hunting season

posted about a year ago

mano se acha q a riot vai por a mão no fogo por 2 jogadores da serie B, da america do sul, com historico de má conduta sexual nos dias DE HOJE? broder, uma acusação é suficiente pra destruir a carreira de alguém, seria um pesadelo de Relações Públicas pra Riot franquiar esses caras.

Se fosse racismo a Riot podia dar uma de "Ardiis" mas foi pedofilia e abuso domestico, isso ai n tem como acobertar

posted about a year ago

take off that PRX badge, you dont deserve to be associated with them

posted about a year ago

but the thing is they cant franchise properly with these two, they need replacements

posted about a year ago

i think they need to add Pleets as assistant coach and go to a more wealth available org, so they can bootcamp and spend most of the day trainning

posted about a year ago

De acordo com o visa dos EUA e Japão, quem já foi condenado por má conduta sexual não pode aplicar pra visa. O Ntk ja n pode ir, o Pancc admitiu que fez merda então se alguma guria quiser fechar a porta levando ele pra justiça ele ta bloqueado tbm

posted about a year ago

De acordo com o visa dos EUA e Japão, quem já foi condenado por má conduta sexual não pode aplicar pra visa. O Ntk ja n pode ir, o Pancc admitiu que fez merda então se alguma guria quiser fechar a porta levando ele pra justiça ele ta bloqueado tbm

posted about a year ago

Ok galera, já que o Pancc e o Ntk não podem ir pra franquia nem se quisessem por lei.
quem do cenario B tu acha que pode preencher o buraco ou ate elevar o time?
Ok Guys, since Pancc and Ntk can't go to franchising even if they tried due to law.
Who from the B series do you guys think can fill the hole or even better the team?


  • PanCc

  • NTK

  • Change Role but Potential

[De acordo com o visa dos EUA[Franquia] e Japão[Masters], quem já foi condenado por má conduta sexual não pode aplicar pra visa. O Ntk ja n pode ir, o Pancc admitiu que fez merda então se alguma guria quiser fechar a porta levando ele pra justiça ele ta bloqueado tbm]

posted about a year ago

Mano o pleets seria mil vezes mais util como analista ou coach mano, a mira dle parou de encaixar faz tempo

posted about a year ago

Japanese fans like DRX and Talon too, so they have incentive to see, also Tokyo is a tourist city so alot of foreigners also have incentive to go

posted about a year ago

DAMN, someone get Havoc out of there

posted about a year ago

but was any of it proven/ had any evidence? cuz discord people are evil schemers so it could be false. Kwite and Pyro showed us dicord users are evil mfs

posted about a year ago

shut up dumbass (to inlucid)

posted about a year ago
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