Country: United States
Registered: March 15, 2023
Last post: August 10, 2023 at 1:58 PM
Posts: 347
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yes. be true to yourself.

posted about a year ago

why did you change your reply? do you feel like you need to look cool in front of all the other vlr users? why did you change OK to two emojis? is that more flippant than just saying Ok?

posted about a year ago

give me downfrags for speaking the truth. If you are an NPC on here, I can't imagine what you guys are like in real life. Aint reading allat. Do you think you're original? Do you think you're funny? do you think you matter? Don't you want to say something meaningful that speaks to people or are you satisfied with this?

at the very least, admit that you actually care. You wouldn't have a vlr account if you didn't

posted about a year ago

I can already predict the comments. "Aint reading allat". Can we stop the pretending? We are all fucking losers browsing this valorant competitive forum. This is one tier deeper that r/valorantcompetitive. You are not cool in real life, you are even less cool commenting on this shit. Stop pretending that you are above all the other losers on this website, and admit that you actually do in fact read allat. Let's be honest with ourselves. For some reason, we've been forsaken by God and we actually care about Valorant and its competitive scene. I care. I care about the players. So do you. Loser. Don't you wish the discussions were better? When you pose an actual question, don't you wish it weren't filled by NPC's with some thoughtful comments spattered throughout?

You are a loser. You care about your rank, you care about your mechanics and you care about certain players. I am a loser. We care about this. We actually do. I wish I had some other hobby, but something draws me to this. Anyway here are some of my thoughts. Care to respond or hit me with that AI generated aint reading allat. Pussy

  1. Yay is somehow underrated
  2. Jingg is the best Raze and the best mechanical player in VCT
  3. NA sucks and it will to continue to suck until all its best players condense into one team like Fnatic did. Until that happens, they're not gonna win a major.

Go on and give me a sarcastic comment or actually respond to this post. Actually try. Because deep in your basement, this is all you have. Are you going to half ass a comment like you always do or for once, are you going to put yourself forward and say something brave?

posted about a year ago

I'm happy you losers seem to finally realize that yay was special and was the greatest for a time. When he got kicked, the consensus was he was a one trick and got carried by Chamber. Now you hive mind fuckers like him and acknowledge that hes the fucking truth. Yay will come back. Just watching him and his crosshair placement, you can tell he's a different beast. NO ONE else was that consistently top fragging for that amount of time. To go what a year or more? Never having a negative KDA? Bro no one else has done that. I can't believe some of you were so low on Yay. That guy is the fucking GOAT. Yeah Chamber suited him and Optic, but he was a fucking beast on Jett. And honestly, given his mechanics and he's not dumb like Tenz, I really think he can be the perfect flex agent. You guys are gonna clown me, but I swear to god you'll look back at this post in a year or 2 or 3, and I will be right. Yay is a goddamn demon and he will prove all of you wrong. He's got that dawg in him. Watch him, watch his VODS for 5 mins and tell me his aim and crosshair placement is anything like other pros. It's not. He's a fucking robot. This guy will dominate.

posted about a year ago

they're all best in their role itw pretty much, the only upgrade I can think of is Nats/Suygetsu over Alfajer, and FNS over Boaster but thats like a 3% improvement.
in terms of roster, only Navi, Loud, DRX and old Optic come close but head to head Fnatic diffs them

posted about a year ago


  1. Yay
  2. Cryo
  3. Tenz


  1. Zekken
  2. Victor
  3. Xeppa

Flex (can play anything)

  1. Zekken
  2. Trent
  3. Victor
  4. Leaf
  5. Xeppa


  1. Crashies
  2. Zekken
  3. Trent
  4. Sacy
  5. BCJ


  1. Marved
  2. Pancada
  3. Bang
  4. s0m
  5. Sacy


  1. Leaf
  2. FNS
  3. Pancada
  4. damn NA's sentinels suck
posted about a year ago

i think chamber will get buffed within a year, and he'll be back by then but yeah this guy should practice other agents

posted about a year ago

does yays low sens and careful crosshair placement make him not suitable as an entry? compared to other top tier jetts like derke and aspas, he just doesn't seem idk as frenetic and confident as they are dashing in and taking first duels? what do you think is yays best role post chamber nerf cuz chamber was really perfect for him as an angle holder and oper

i think this guy is mechanically still top 3 NA at least and its such a shame he's not in franchishing, but aside from jett, what other agents can he excel on?

posted about a year ago

EG has 200 subscribers on youtube lmao

posted about a year ago

NRG is by necessity yeah but they aren't cracked on their alt agents yet, maybe they'll get better w time. 100t on paper is S tier, but they were so mid in Lockin, i hope asuna on raze fixes all their problems.

posted about a year ago

The 2 best players, Yay and Marved aren't on teams. The only good IGL is FNS and he's perma botfrag (although he's been improving aim wise props to him). The other "proven" IGL options are Vanity (teamless and doesn't have that dawg in him), Dephh (actual paycheck stealer), Stellar (B+ only I think). So your only hope is NRG, but Victor is also super inconsistent, and S0M is still really unproven. Crashies, while being super reliable and S tier overall, isn't that dude that can hard carry usually. 2 out of 5 NA teams are just hopeless, C9 bc they're broke and EG bc they're stupid as fuck and have 10 mid players.

I feel like NA also lacks these hyperflexible players that Fnatic and Navi have that make their team comps super tight knit and redundant in a good way. Navi can make any comp work cuz everyone on that team is super flexible and a beast, same with Fnatic, especially Chronicle and Leo. Teams like that are really resilient to meta changes, unlike all the teams that are in shambles after the Chamber nerf. The only NA players with that flexibility are Ardiis, Trent (actually god tier but choked on LAN, hope he gets past that), Xeppa and Leaf (super wasted talent) and Zekken (doesn't have dawg in him, choked on LAN). But unlike Fnatic and Navi, these guys aren't consolidated on one team.

100T: Put cryo on perma jett on most maps, make him learn a new agent so Asuna can be on Raze, Get back Sgares or someone similar because Stellar needs help; still will only be A tier team, not S though
C9: no money, plz trade Xeppa and Leaf to good teams
EG: another wasted spot team
Sentinels: actually have hope if they drop Dephh, let Sacy IGL, move Pancada to sentinels like he wants to anyway, Marved on smokes. That team has the highest ceiling with the most firepower.
NRG: this team is the best constructed, but lacks firepower. You gotta replace Victor with Trent
Ascension winner: M80 or the Guard, these teams are so well constructed role wise especially M80, I think they can be better than 100T with time

posted about a year ago

Optic already had best in each role except for Victor

Yay - Jett/Awp, if Aspas can Jett 1 trick so can this dude, put him on Sage or Chamber if you need a raze
Sinatraa/Trent/Zekken - Raze, flex initiator
FNS - its sad how little depth NA IGLs have lmao
Crashies - Sova, flex initiator, most reliable NA initiator
Marved - smokes

This is the best possible NA team and still pales in terms of firepower and flexibility to Fnatic and Navi lmao. Could prob beat them like 3/10 times though. If u want more firepower, put Sinatraa and Trent and minus crashies, but i think that dudes the most reliable on Optic. Zekken and Trent to me have not yet proven to have that dawg in them.

posted about a year ago

is he just a meme or is he actually a goat candidate
what about him is so good?
i have trouble separating memes from reality, so please give a real explanation

posted about a year ago

why is everyone nitpicking s0m that mf is handsome

posted about a year ago

This is semi ranked but not really, I may have forgotten a few people

Tier 1 - legit handsome

  1. Zander - looks like tattooless vinnie hacker
  2. Laz
  3. Pancada
  4. Bazzi
  5. Zeek
  6. Nats
  7. Koalanoob - blue eye buff
  8. Jcstani
  9. Mixwell
  10. Scream
  11. s0m
  12. Stellar - this isn't ranked anymore, I'm just adding as I go along
  13. Klaus

Tier 2 - handsome but not acknowledged on a daily basis

  1. Marved
  2. Tenz
  3. Dapr
  4. Tarik
  5. Twisten
  6. Dep
posted about a year ago
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