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Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 3:08 AM
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the second place law dictates they will win this event.
optic second place masters 3, grouped champs, win Reykjavik. Loud second place Reykjavik, grouped copenhagen, win champs. PRX 2nd place Copenhagen, grouped champs, and will win lockin. its in the stars

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

riding = in control = coaching sliggy return to coaching??!!!!?!??
horse = liquid logo sliggy back to TL!?!???!!!!

posted about a year ago

weird, almost like it's a joke or something. who knows though.

posted about a year ago

The GE copium is crazy they ain't winning a round 🤣🤣

posted about a year ago

nutab1e W

posted about a year ago

i hope babysasuke breaks up with you

posted about a year ago

did you change your flair just for this comment

posted about a year ago

Don't worry guys you can stop crafting the perfectly shittest pickem, Doug has done it himself

posted about a year ago

not enough deranged Fnatic threads rn do something 🥺

posted about a year ago

After that showing at LudwigxTarik, FNC 2-0

posted about a year ago

so hyped for this. I'm saying Fokus 2-1, but Apeks are still improving so who knows what'll happen.

posted about a year ago

did they just not bother trying to to seeding or anything of the sort? of course there's no results to go off yet, but the 3 undisputed best teams in EMEA in one side, PRX and DRX (best pacific teams) competing in round 2, seems like they're genuinely trying to remove hype and keep the best teams out of the top 8

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

like i said, for his setups and how he plays around his utility. he doesn't have the best aim and isn't high ranked, but it's still beneficial for that alone

posted about a year ago

would recommend Peak for Cypher, has very solid setups and thinks about the game well.

posted about a year ago

does anyone know why this league in particular gets so much less attention? one of the most competitive, but the majority of teams aren't signed, and viewership is terrible.

posted about a year ago

idk but he got pissed at me on stream when i said valorant's map design is bad in chat when fracture came out

posted about a year ago

Apparently it was an account he owned, but somebody else was using it and they cheated on the account

posted about a year ago

other teams maybe. but not g2

posted about a year ago

A: Haven, Pearl
B: Ascent, Fracture
C: Bind, Lotus
F: Icebox, Breeze

icebox and breeze are horrifically designed and balanced maps
there are no S tier maps bc in general Val map design is shit

posted about a year ago

however much i hate shahzam the villain arc is gonna be hype

posted about a year ago

they'll get some wins, but have nothing on M80, Faze, Guard etc

posted about a year ago

surely this is a bait nobody copes this hard

posted about a year ago

the brainwashing is crazy man

posted about a year ago

me 13-6 in the first ranked game I've played in 2 months

posted about a year ago

DRX 2-0 26-0

posted about a year ago

wardell is still sleeping he don't deserve nothing 💀

posted about a year ago

I didn't say that, you said that. don't pretend you're agreeing with me to make your own bs point seem more believable

posted about a year ago

certified malder, but he's a great analyst and does really good educational content. hope he's on the desk for EMEA league

posted about a year ago

they're from the announcement graphic DisguisedToast made with MS Paint

posted about a year ago

they were invited to the main league

posted about a year ago

daddyg and friends winning ascension calling it here

posted about a year ago

i won't deny it made bangers, but it only does so because it was so unbelievably defender sided. idk if the changes will be enough to prevent that.

posted about a year ago

honestly gonna be a banger no matter what
rooting for TGRD

posted about a year ago

gang beasts is a really fun casual game, and can have a lot of skill to it given the time
or just play Minecraft probably the best option

posted about a year ago

Thanks for formatting this reply in a way that was easy to read and follow

posted about a year ago

the simulator is so weird sometimes. jamppi 18-31? chronicle worse kd than boaster in a 38 round game?

posted about a year ago

i think the esports world would do well to forget about carlos

posted about a year ago

I don't think i've ever had a better videogame experience than the first Minecraft server i played with friends

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this is a very silly list

posted about a year ago

I'm saying it any knife skin with those animations is hot garbage, oni claw, ion knife, origin all suck ass worst melee animations

posted about a year ago

bro literally nobody hyped up curry everyone said it was a bad move and it was

posted about a year ago

befrend it :)

posted about a year ago

the trailer is out it's literally in india

posted about a year ago

tf do you mean copied my guy i just sent his very agreeable, and accurate list. never passed it off as my own it's literally a link to his tweet 😭

posted about a year ago

Got 2-0ed by mocking then quit the game 💀

posted about a year ago
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