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Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 3:08 AM
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posted about a year ago

why completely switch roles on last map?
keep deryeon on kj, jayh on breach and juicy on jett
no reason to swap 3 players onto different roles when they could've all been on the same ones from the map they just played

posted about a year ago

wrong way round
Giants barely beats NRG
Loud stomps KC

posted about a year ago

DTN looked completely lost and did at Riot One aswell
Geng clearly had a plan and put up a fight. If they closed out that overtime it could've gone the other way

posted about a year ago

he's getting a flight out in the next couple days according to soulcas

posted about a year ago

bro had dtn over giants???

posted about a year ago

soulcas just said he's getting a flight out soon

posted about a year ago

"erm, do you know" ๐Ÿค“

posted about a year ago

need something and vici on EMEA teams those guys are going crazy in Japan

posted about a year ago

going back through my pickem is crazy i put FPX beating KC then Loud what was i on

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

was hoping on chinese insanity valorant, mixwell not dissapointing as always, and w gaming

posted about a year ago

could honestly be better than the bottom 5 of APAC

posted about a year ago

it is random. cba to fine source but fairly sure i read it on the bracket announcement from riot. there's no way they chose it like this, with 3 clearly favoured EMEA teams on one side, PRX and DRX could've met round two, etc etc. even if there is no real results to to on for a lot of teams, accurate assumptions could've been made to make everything more fair.

posted about a year ago

there just isn't enough top level talent. NA has essentially made 5 superteams, while EMEA is stuck with the best players all mixed in with shitters because there's 25 more player slots.

posted about a year ago

He's ripping them to shreds

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

don't check vlr or socials, watch vod asap after class. i missed Copenhagen grand finals, but i still managed to watch it with just as much hype.

posted about a year ago

there are 100% places they can hire to do scrims from. some of the best teams from all over the world are coming to Brazil, and you think they're gonna go home and practice against T2? I'd be so suprised if every knocked out team didn't stick around a bit to get some practice in

posted about a year ago

agreed. the amount of times they simply didn't follow him in at all and put their entire attack plan on him getting a kill on site was crazy. giants also did great at splitting them up

posted about a year ago

seoldam genuinely looked like he hadn't played valorant since the beta

posted about a year ago

he's been so much better since he got back to EU

posted about a year ago

he's so lost rn

posted about a year ago

good meme

posted about a year ago

EMEA IGL deficit
plenty of talent, and like 4 good IGLs between them

posted about a year ago

that wasn't worth my time reading i couldn't care less

posted about a year ago

it only works if you get grouped/ go out early immediately after your second place. if you don't fufill that, you aren't guaranteed the win.

posted about a year ago

just a little more thinking you'll get it soon dw

posted about a year ago

hope ur alright๐Ÿ™

posted about a year ago

bro was playing when everyone was shit, doing slightly above average
please provide where you get whatever you're smoking i want some

posted about a year ago

i expect them to get eliminated first round. honestly looked awful at their most recent showing, i don't have much hope. maybe they'll have clean some stuff up, but not enough to do well this tourney.

posted about a year ago

he's joining as a cc he'll be doing watchparties

posted about a year ago

he wasn't allowed to play music so actually it's riots fault guys believe us ๐Ÿค 

posted about a year ago

if comparing players was bad why would teams ever change rosters. some players are better than others, that's how it is.

posted about a year ago

yeah saya only playing jett and switching to chamber really late last season gigafucked them over

posted about a year ago

he says
"Por favor deja de enviarme mensajes no somos amigos"
i can't speak Spanish but i think its means hello

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

pretty sure they're talking about russ
putting up worse numbers than the IGL while contributing nothing more than sage walls

posted about a year ago

mb, idk how i never saw the flag on his vlr page, just heard him speak once and assumed

posted about a year ago

you ever heard the man speak?

posted about a year ago

ardiis is our best, soulcas up there tho

posted about a year ago

Lev, have arguably the most potential and i know the most players

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you are the worst user on this site ๐Ÿค—

posted about a year ago

i would feel bad about C9 going home instantly but now i dislike them as an extension of disliking you

posted about a year ago

makes me so uncomfortable
literally the words "sneer", "snot" and "rot" all in one it's so disgusting

posted about a year ago

SA doesn't need to be mentioned bc the chance of them winning is 0 ๐Ÿคท

posted about a year ago

90% - Sen knocked out first round
50% - Breaks all time VCT viewership record
10% - South America team in top 4

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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