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Registered: March 3, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 3:44 PM
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babysasuke and nutab1e clear ( no bias )

posted 6 hours ago

What the hell????? You should find a content creator that glazes sayf at any opportunity!

posted 7 hours ago

not baiting, just braindead

posted 13 hours ago

I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't understand what they're talking about on even the simplest level

don't do it then, what you do has no bearing on me whatsoever

keep living in a world where drinking 2 beers makes you "give up your mind just to wake up the next morning with a headache"

posted 13 hours ago

aight fam 😭

posted 13 hours ago

This is the post in question:

"Quite the commotion" because it was obviously written by a 12 year old

posted 13 hours ago

already recorded, getting chopped up as we speak

posted 1 day ago

yes it does

posted 1 day ago

I'm glad someone finally addressed the elephant in the room

posted 1 day ago

If God is good, he will keep tactical bum from ever posting clickbait no-research videos again

posted 3 days ago

It's one week fam

and NA playoffs start today

posted 4 days ago

and EMEA will still find a way to get 0 teams out of groups

posted 5 days ago

If SEN can beat FPX, TH should be no problem

posted 5 days ago

that you had for FNS when he got bilibillied

posted 5 days ago

he's not American

posted 5 days ago

today he looks like top 1

posted 5 days ago

twerking and tonguing mannequins is not aura, educate yourself

nor is crying on stage or literally sobbing with your head in your hands during press conferences

posted 5 days ago

fuck leo doing here? All he does is bait, thats why he got dropped for hiro

posted 5 days ago


he had 35

posted 5 days ago

lowk good list except Chronicle (too fidgity) and Leo (zero personality)

posted 5 days ago

I have my sources

posted 5 days ago

That last one is not a topic that we are allowed to discuss here.

posted 5 days ago

c0m, sacy, trent

posted 5 days ago

sen won the 1st ever lan? cool. what did they do after?

Win Masters Madrid

What did Gambit do? Disband kkkkkkkkkkkkk shit org with a shit team leaves Valorant

I still take GMB over ACE even if they got 2v5'd

They literally lost, you can check the VOD, I promise I'm not making it up

posted 5 days ago

JonahP probably has the least aura of any person I've ever seen

It's a shame because he's actually so cringe that I want to hate him, but he's actually good

posted 5 days ago

too bad!

posted 5 days ago

Acend did win champs but we're invisible throughout the rest of 2021

wtf are you talking about, Champions was the end of 2021 (edit, ok I see what you mean. nah I still don't care, you're braindamaged if you think gamb0t was the most relevant team of that year)

Also, gambum and aCned both didnt make iceland at all so cry
1 Masters for gamb0t, 1 Champs for acend, cNed and zeek 2v5'd that shit team

SEN qualified for every event and won the first LAN ever

posted 5 days ago

Optic/LOUD Iceland finals

posted 5 days ago

different people, but definitely 2 handsome men

posted 5 days ago

I went to take a shower when it was like 8-2 and I come back and see LEV choked it

LFG more maps

posted 5 days ago

I swear you make something like this every other day and its always heavily EMEA biased.

Best team of 2021 was Acend or SEN
Best team of 2022 was LOUD or Optic, probably LOUD
Best team of 2023 was EG without question (EG places 2nd at master and wins Champs, Flukenatic wins masters and doesnt make a podium finish at Champs)
2024 so far is Gen.G but their (and others') results at Champs have a lot of weight so its subject to change

posted 5 days ago

For this year, probably

It's already confirmed that Keznit wins Champs

posted 5 days ago

I assumed that both teams would want first seed for Champs, but Im seeing some people say LEV is sweating and G2 is saving strats.


posted 5 days ago

I think babybay would be a better fit for G2

posted 5 days ago

have you heard EMEA crowds LMFAO

always some obese fucker with a British accent screaming for the whole match

posted 5 days ago

flair + b0tster holds that title

posted 5 days ago

that wasn't a very nice thing to say!

posted 5 days ago

where is this guy, Id like to give him a piece of my mind 😠

posted 5 days ago

you think they did because they went back to playing in BUMEA, but they actually look worse

they won't be able to get away with scared sit in corner util dump gameplay against real teams

posted 5 days ago

he said its all good but dont let it happen again

posted 5 days ago

nah I know Andrew, he fw babybay

posted 5 days ago

c0m is the most slandered, underrated player in Valorant history

posted 5 days ago

he doesn't fw you, he told me

posted 5 days ago

aspas duelist, demon1 smokes, yay sentinel

ez Champs

posted 5 days ago

Duelists in Valorant are sometimes underrated because their high-risk, high-reward playstyle can be overlooked if they don’t consistently perform or if their contributions are not fully aligned with team strategy. Since duelists are expected to secure high kill counts and create space, their impact might seem less significant if they’re having an off game or if their team composition doesn’t play to their strengths. Additionally, their value can be diminished if the game’s flow doesn’t allow their aggressive plays to shine or if their efforts to create opportunities aren’t immediately visible in the scoreboard. Despite these challenges, duelists are crucial for leading engagements and forcing opponents into unfavorable situations, and their true impact is often felt when their role is executed well within a supportive team environment.

posted 5 days ago

yay never had a bad split in Americas

demon1 was trolled by Chet

posted 5 days ago

History doesn't remember losers

posted 5 days ago

demon1 and yay

posted 5 days ago
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