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Registered: December 29, 2021
Last post: June 7, 2023 at 8:56 AM
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weren't they like the youngest overall team at one of the international events?

posted about a year ago

are u immortal sir

posted about a year ago

not a bandwagoner if im literally korean bruh

posted about a year ago

true. but mechanics can't really be taught imo. IGLing as well but if one has the aim one can be taught the brain.

posted about a year ago

Actually I think that's just DRX's problem. Nuturn didn't really seem to have this midround call issue iirc.

And back when Glow was on VS they had this very nice midround adjustment vs Nuturn where they clutched a 2-1 win on Ascent iirc.

posted about a year ago

my vandal doesnt do that shit bruh :sadge:

posted about a year ago

cautiously optimistic, maybe franchising teams will pick them up? hopefully their form gets even better because to play like this at 15~18 is insane

posted about a year ago

yea lmao all the people in the clip are also saying "this guy is the king of flashy plays lol"

posted about a year ago

follow up to my previous thread

here are insane clips from some OGS clan members, afaik they want to go pro but they're almost all minors and/or can't travel to the LAN stage for VCT challengers (all players in VCT Challengers must be able to travel to Seoul for the LAN stage)

SG Something/smthlikeyou11 and OGS Dipa

OGS Dipa

OGS Ivy (usually regarded as the best player in OGS)
(for KoreanOverlord - F4Q Bunny calling hacks lul)


OGS Hanabi

OGS Leviathan

OGS Merry

all clips with blood in them are 100% APAC server gameplay as KR server disables blood and there's no way to change it.

also these guys aren't all the members in OGS, there are more.

posted about a year ago

smth hella sus, Dipa is a minor :eyes:


posted about a year ago

same guy playing with
SG Something

posted about a year ago

is prod still not radiant? bruh

posted about a year ago

dude lmao i knew the OGS kids were insane but holy fk, this boy is different. and he's only 17

posted about a year ago
wait this guy is even more cracked than i thought wtf?

posted about a year ago

yeah it is DM, but actually tho this is a custom DM all with OGS players, who are p much all Radiant

posted about a year ago

they're too young, almost all the OGS kids are minors.

posted about a year ago

ranked demon

posted about a year ago

17 yrs old btw

posted about a year ago

Team SMG and Todak.

posted about a year ago

bc, mc=benchod, motherchod?

posted about a year ago

nahh trust

posted about a year ago

idk, DRX scrim more than any team - they might not have a large ranked experience.

posted about a year ago

Nah, I actually disagree. I know SEA likes to meme about how they use "whatever works" and it's just chaos, but Asian players (APAC, KR, JP) have some very good util knowledge and discipline. It's not brainless. They also have a better understanding of the gun meta too.

posted about a year ago

I've queued with KR imm/Rad players who have also achieved high elo in Asia and they've never once told me they queue SG/HK because of a better experience.

Afaik they do it for fun, just like me. Or even because they think it's easier.

posted about a year ago

I've met a few Russians ingame on JP servers, they've mostly told me that Asian aim is insane compared to EU and that they have better understanding of Valorant-specific game mechanics than EU. I suspect it's because of how deeply EU's roots are in CS.

posted about a year ago

I would say that from my experience it's more difficult to rank up in KR vs APAC, simply because I meet more boosted people/bought accounts in SG/MY servers, more dumb people in HK, and because JP was kind of free.

Whereas KR has a lower playerbase and if you're unlucky you can get matched up against Radiants as a D1/D2 player.

Util wise I think KR is also pretty good too, but I actually haven't played KR recently so I'm not sure how they stand up against each other right now.

posted about a year ago

I get like 80-ish on SG. And I've played up to Imm3 on SG servers with Radiant players through scrims AND Ranked. I still stand by my position, but maybe it's subject to change if I feel like queueing SG again.

posted about a year ago

KR Imm3s routinely get Radiant on APAC servers - there's like 0 difference lol

I have also routinely heard from Russian pros (the only ones capable of experiencing Asian AND EU servers) say EU ranked is quite bad.

posted about a year ago

Yeah HK used to have some terrible packet loss last year. This time around I don't think I've gotten it.

I've not really experienced any griefers in HK, but once again I don't grind the game.
There were some really, really dumb players though - hence the comment about dry swinging smokes. The mechanics are cracked but the brain isn't there. This lowkey applies to SG as well.

SG just had some terrible players in general. Idk how some of these kids got immortal sometimes, but the comms are good for sure. There're a lot of bought accounts though and tbh I don't like playing on that server. I'mma be real, JP went from worst server to best server this year. But yeah, it may not be up-to-date information.

posted about a year ago

was he in your game? should be easy then. post match screen u hover over his name and click report.

edit: ah, dunno - havent had that kind of cheater experience yet

posted about a year ago

interesting. I've not really had your experience on HK, perhaps we get matched on different subservers.

Last time I played SG it was a shitfest. Comms were there but the quality of gameplay was so low even my SG duo agreed to switch servers to HK. Perhaps things have changed.

I will say though that I don't grind the game so it could just be that I'm not playing often enough to be matched with 0 comm players.

posted about a year ago

What rank are you? I'm playing in Imm+

posted about a year ago

p sure he is confirmed imm2 at least

posted about a year ago

That's ex-F4Q Bunny's youtube channel lol

posted about a year ago

Zmjjkk beast as always.

HK servers have some crazy players. Mfs will dry swing out of smokes and shit.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you're such a SLUT! you been sleeping around with babysasuke (wonder where he went), dexter, Kiles fan, Foechi, and now Ryuji!

posted about a year ago

they could've signed TNL bruh

posted about a year ago

talon fumbled the bag so hard

posted about a year ago

come to brasil 🔪

posted about a year ago

tbh i support Korea more than EU in eSports (like League i support G2/FNC/RGE after the LCK teams) but it's usually KR-Asia-EU in valorant as I think Asia gets looked down on due to CS.

I also attend a US university :P

posted about a year ago

You only qualify for the SIG category bro

posted about a year ago

I got dual citizenship sir. but yes ethnically korean and i live in korea and have done korean national service and shit

posted about a year ago

Mf could send drugs overseas but not his own team to Masters Berlin

posted about a year ago

it's him!

posted about a year ago

came back and saw this LMAO i will miss u

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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