Flag: Canada
Registered: April 2, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 6:24 PM
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What about Old Trafford since they only got history and old memoirs left there now

posted 4 hours ago

I say we run one in Etihad Stadium, wont have to worry about space issues since its never full anyways

posted 5 hours ago

These people are miserable, thats all lmao

posted 5 hours ago

Copenhagen PRX days

posted 5 hours ago

Leaf needs to be here if we are being honest

posted 7 hours ago

2023 asuna is the goat bro

posted 19 hours ago

cahya is the goat tho tbf

posted 19 hours ago

Bleed beat a team, and he even aced twice this year I think. I dont know but I liked what Bleed were upto early kickoff, but I think they bought into the fans and decided to change the stuff. Yay looked decent on neon, and his skye or viper just needed time, because deryeon duelist was clearly the better move. Unlucky tho, NRG Yay, FNS, S0M, Ethan and Crashies incoming

posted 19 hours ago

jinggg is packing an 18 incher bro I saw it when we hung out with Drake

posted 19 hours ago

Idk maybe because NRG, EDG and BLG all werent that good? In Madrid, you could make an argument for any team winning, including FPX. In Champs, NRG, BLG, TL, Zeta, FPX, T1 and Kru were legit all fodders. NRGs decline internally was already visible from champs, they were not that good of a team during that specific period of time.

posted 23 hours ago

Nah not always, like last year champs where the main competition were just some teams, and the rest were fodder. Ya all complain about China having 3 or 4 slots because theyre ass, yet also look down on tournaments that only have the best of the best by limiting the amount of teams.

posted 1 day ago

top 10 myths of all time

posted 1 day ago

Person 1 is a PRX - NRG and FNC fan
Person 2 is a PRX fan
Person 3 is a PRX, T1 and GenG Fan
Person 4 is a PRX fan

posted 1 day ago

it 100% leans towards him, but he may not comment on it for many reasons. DRX could be stopping him, legal advisors could be stopping him, him knowing he is guilty could be stopping him. Hard to pin one down, and if a response ever comes, it will most likely come through DRX and not him, as in a statement written by "him" posted through the official DRX Val account I think.

posted 1 day ago

Yea I agree, I just think its something worth considering especially in this case, not as much in general, more so in this case.

posted 1 day ago

Yea but yk its like I mentioned in a different thread, often too many times in the past have multiple victims been denied of their justice because of many different reasons, and so many choose to counter that now by agreeing quicker. Its a double edged sword, I would much rather everyone stay neutral but I get their point. Plus, I am a man, there are some issues then I wont be able to grasp as heavily as women will be able to.

posted 1 day ago

300vp is crazy, youre gonna have to do some devious stuff to the riot employees to get that

posted 1 day ago

Lol they are comparing of whether to believe a potential liar or a potential rapist when they should just be believing in nothing as there is no concrete evidence yet. Though I do understand why they lean towards the potential liar side.

posted 1 day ago

Brother in arms that was such a good deal......I respect the commitment to no skins though

posted 1 day ago

Yea I think she dropped some hints, but never disclosed the name because of some legal issues (?) that I dont know. This is pretty bad for their mental so I hope some thing comes out soon.

posted 1 day ago

Yea, I only buy on blackmarket or when I have leftovers, so I dont have any gold vandal skins, but Id like kuronami, direct upgrade to my reaver

posted 1 day ago

I agree with this, but I dont like downplaying false allegations, as they are somewhat not uncommon with celebrities or pro. Like the Neymar case.

posted 1 day ago

Just not how it works. If you are in the clear, you can come out and say it because the backlash will always be there. When people like EDP can initially deny it while being convicted, then I dont see why he cant.

If legal action is being taken, then he will be advised not to say anything though, which could be why he is silent.

posted 1 day ago

nah buddies are ugly imo, I did buy skins but I still use some base skins, like sandswept purple sheriff, fade shorty, viper frenzy, battlepass blue and white classic, and I use the reaver ghost now, but I did use the reyna ghost, super clean. Cypher ghost is nice too.

posted 1 day ago

you right, just never buy a single skin and youll be good

posted 1 day ago

I guess we will come back to this in 24ish hours, hope its just a false alarm, the guys 18 year olds, I wouldnt want him sabotaging his career, but if he really did it, then I hope he gets a fair punishment.

posted 1 day ago

Hmm then this could genuinely take time and DRX might actually need a substitution

posted 1 day ago

If I am not mistaken, there was something about this player taking a break during split 1, which can only be Flashback, but I am not sure.

posted 1 day ago

Yea, the system cannot remove the social stigma. Honestly, it should not take DRX this long to find ways to not prove his innocence so I dont understand why nothing has been said.

posted 1 day ago

Oh sorry, I didnt mean you exactly, I just mean anyone who is going to theorize and blow it out of proportions, my bad.

posted 1 day ago

Its supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but unfortunately too many times they have not been innocent, which leads to many just jumping the gun and calling it pattern recognition, when the only pattern they have to go off is gender, sex, color, and not things that actually matter like upbringing, social circle, and so on.

posted 1 day ago

The timing could be intentional, and even then it wouldnt undermine the possibility of SA. Just because it all sounds too convenient doesnt mean you can rule it all out. People are vindicitive after all.

Nothing clear has been shown yet, from either sides, so better to just sit still and wait instead of theory crafting on the absolute bare minimum chunks of information you have.

Also, if the victim simply does not have enough proof, or any proof, by accusing them at such a pivotal time, they can force DRX to make a big move, like kicking them off the roster IF there is no equivalent way to prove innocence (which shouldnt be the case if he is innocent).

I just hope this doesnt affect Foxy9, Buzz and Mako.

posted 1 day ago

better watch out theyre coming kkkk

posted 3 days ago

Yes he does now. D1 is in sitting in the lava, and right after you also see a clip of his ace on fracture.

posted 3 days ago

Banging song, I like it more as a general song than any of Grabbitz since I feel like theyre only really talked for their chorus. Ticking away had really nice vocals though.

posted 3 days ago

theyre not in the same group so probably yes

posted 4 days ago

I love RB but foxy9 originally was a duelist/initiator, he has been flexing a lot

posted 4 days ago

Something 320 ACS dw

posted 4 days ago

pretty sure the fans want to retain the underdog mentality lol

posted 4 days ago


posted 5 days ago

Rule is to go before, not ahead of the current group

posted 5 days ago

If you want sen to do well then keep them as the underdogs. Underdog mentality always works lol

posted 5 days ago

When boostio speaks, zellsis speaks, demon1 speaks, FNS speaks, everyone immediately starts getting mad at them even though these guys for the most part only shit talk people theyre cool with

posted 5 days ago

? Their ascent comp with gekko is different, lotus is neon and jett, abyss has a phoenix??? Bind also has a gekko instead of a breach?

posted 5 days ago

Did you guys start supporting PRX like just last year? PRX has always been about innovating, trying new things and most importantly breaking the mold. Removing the essence of the team so they start playing like FNC and G2 completely goes against what their ideology as a team is. You cannot seriously have this shallow of an understanding of the team if you are a fan of them? Even guys that genuinely hate PRX understand that, they might troll, they might throw, but they will also do wonders, but regardless of it all, you will never know exactly what they will do, which is what makes them fun to watch.

Reducing PRX to another meta wannabe team carbon copy is stupid. Im not a counselor of PRX fans or anything like that, but seriously if you dont want to watch what PRX does in their games, then just follow a different team.

Pacific has always been fun because its so different, same with China. But what is to say that an unorthodox comp or style will "never" win? You place those restrictions, no one else does. Yea sure PRX has never won an international trophy, but they also at one point never reached the international stage, and they also at one point never beat DRX.

Plus PRX is already trying to evolve and adapt to limit the throwing.

posted 5 days ago

RB>>>>all these frauds

posted 6 days ago

Even if G2 had demon1 or a star player, they would still be more on the boring spectrum simply because Valyns igling is not the most engaging. But if you care about the macros and stuff then he is really cool to watch

posted 6 days ago

smokes mid while he's holding mid......

posted 6 days ago

Ya all sleeping on Scream Kayo, make sure to rewatch KC vs TL Ascent 2023 for proof

posted 6 days ago
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